< Sabuurradii 107 >

1 Rabbiga ku mahadnaqa, waayo, isagu waa wanaagsan yahay, Oo naxariistiisuna weligeedba way sii waartaa.
Give thanks to the Lord for his goodness for his kindness endures forever.
2 Kuwa Rabbigu soo furtay sidaas ha yidhaahdeen, Waana kuwa uu isagu ka soo furtay gacantii cadowga,
Let this be the song of the ransomed, whom the Lord has redeemed from distress,
3 Oo uu ka soo ururiyey dalalka, Xagga bari, iyo xagga galbeed, Xagga woqooyi, iyo xagga koonfureedba.
gathering them from all lands, east, west, north, and south.
4 Waxay dhex wareegi jireen cidlada iyo jid lamadegaan ah, Mana ay helin magaalo ay degaan.
In the wastes of the desert some wandered, finding no way to a city inhabited.
5 Way gaajoodeen, wayna harraadeen, Oo naftoodiina way ku dhex taag darnaatay.
Full of hunger and thirst, their spirit failed.
6 Markaasay Rabbiga u qayshadeen iyagoo dhibban, Oo isna wuu ka samatabbixiyey dhibaatooyinkoodii.
Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and he saved them from their distresses,
7 Oo weliba wuxuu iyagii ku hoggaamiyey jid toosan, Si ay u tagaan magaalo ay degaan.
guiding them straight on the way, till they reached an inhabited city.
8 Dadku muu Rabbiga ku ammaano wanaaggiisa, Iyo shuqulladiisa yaabka badan oo uu binu-aadmiga u sameeyo!
Let them thank the Lord for his kindness, for his wonderful deeds for people;
9 Waayo, isagu wuxuu dhergiyaa nafta aad wax u doonaysa, Oo nafta gaajaysanna wuxuu ka dhergiyaa wanaagga.
for the thirsty he satisfies, and the hungry he fills with good things.
10 Kuwii dhex fadhiyey gudcurkii iyo hooskii dhimashada, Oo ku xidhnaa dhibaatada iyo birta,
Some sat in darkness and gloom prisoners in irons and misery,
11 Waxay ku caasiyoobeen erayadii Ilaah, Oo waxay fududaysteen taladii Ilaaha ugu sarreeya,
for rebelling against God’s word, and spurning the Most High’s counsel.
12 Sidaas daraaddeed ayuu qalbigoodii daal ku soo dejiyey, Wayna dheceen, mid iyaga caawiyaana ma jirin.
Their heart was bowed with toil; there was no one to help when they stumbled.
13 Markaasay Rabbiga u qayshadeen iyagoo dhibban, Oo isna wuu ka badbaadiyey dhibaatooyinkoodii.
Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and he saved them from their distresses.
14 Wuxuu ka soo dhex bixiyey gudcurkii iyo hooskii dhimashada, Silsiladihii ku xidhnaana wuu kala jejebiyey.
Out of darkness and gloom he brought them, and burst their chains.
15 Dadku muu Rabbiga ku ammaano wanaaggiisa, Iyo shuqulladiisa yaabka badan oo uu binu-aadmiga u sameeyo!
Let them praise the Lord for his kindness, for his wonderful deeds for people.
16 Waayo, irdihii naxaasta ahaa wuu kala jejebiyey, Qataarradii birta ahaana wuu burburiyey.
For he shattered the gates of bronze, and broke bars of iron.
17 Nacasyadu waxay u dhibban yihiin xadgudubkooda aawadiis, Iyo xumaatooyinkooda aawadood.
Some were sick from their wicked ways, and suffering because of their sins.
18 Naftoodu waxay nacdaa cunto kasta, Oo waxay ku soo dhowaadaan irdaha dhimashada.
All manner of food they hated; they had come to the gates of death.
19 Markaasay Rabbiga u qayshadaan iyagoo dhibban, Oo isna wuxuu ka soo badbaadiyaa dhibaatooyinkooda.
Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and he saved them from their distresses.
20 Wuxuu soo diraa eraygiisa, wuuna bogsiiyaa iyaga, Oo wuxuu ka samatabbixiyaa halligaaddooda.
He sent his word and healed them, and delivered their life from the pit.
21 Dadku muu Rabbiga ku ammaano wanaaggiisa, Iyo shuqulladiisa yaabka badan oo uu binu-aadmiga u sameeyo!
Let them praise the Lord for his kindness, for his wonderful deeds for people.
22 Iyagu allabariga mahadnaqidda ha bixiyeen, Oo shuqulladiisa gabay ha ku sheegeen.
Let them offer to him thankofferings, and with joy tell what things he has done.
23 Kuwa badda doonniyaha ku mara, Oo shuqulkooda ku sameeya biyaha badan,
Some crossed the sea in ships, doing business in great waters.
24 Kuwaasu waxay arkaan Rabbiga shuqulladiisa, Iyo yaababkiisa moolka ku jira.
They have seen what the Lord can do, and his wonderful deeds on the deep.
25 Waayo, wuxuu amraa oo kiciyaa dabaysha duufaanka, Taas oo kor u qaadda hirarka badda.
At his command rose a tempest, which lifted the waves on high.
26 Waxay u kacaan xagga samada, oo haddana waxay hoos ugu soo dhacaan moolalka, Naftoodiina waxay ku dhalaashay dhibaato daraaddeed.
Up to heaven they went, down to the depths; their courage failed them.
27 Hore iyo dib bay isaga daba noqdaan, oo sida nin sakhraan ah bay dhacdhacaan, Oo waxay sameeyaan ayay garan waayaan.
They staggered and reeled like drunkards; all their skills useless.
28 Markaasay Rabbiga u qayshadaan iyagoo dhibban, Oo isna wuxuu ka soo bixiyaa dhibaatooyinkooda.
Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and he saved them from their distresses.
29 Wuxuu dejiyaa duufaanka, Si ay hirarkiisu u xasillaan.
He stilled the storm to a whisper, and the waves of the sea were hushed.
30 Way farxaan, maxaa yeelay, way xasilloon yihiin, Oo sidaasuu iyaga ku keenaa marsada ay doonayaan.
They were glad, because it was quiet; they were led to the haven they longed for.
31 Dadku muu Rabbiga ku ammaano wanaaggiisa, Iyo shuqulladiisa yaabka badan oo uu binu-aadmiga u sameeyo!
Let them praise the Lord, for his kindness, for his wonderful deeds for people.
32 Iyagu ha ku sarraysiiyeen shirka dadka dhexdiisa, Oo ha ku ammaaneen fadhiga odayaasha.
Where the people assemble, extol him, and praise him in council of elders.
33 Isagu webiyo wuxuu u beddelaa cidlo, Oo ilo biyo ahna wuxuu u beddelaa dhul oommane ah,
He turns streams into a wilderness, springs of water into thirsty land,
34 Oo dhul barwaaqaysanna wuxuu u beddelaa lamadegaan cusbo leh, Oo waana kuwa halkaas deggan xumaantooda aawadeed.
fruitful land into a salt waste, because of the sin of the people.
35 Cidlada wuxuu u beddelaa balli biyo ah, Oo dhul engeganna wuxuu u beddelaa ilo biyo ah.
A desert he makes pools of water, a land of drought into springs of water.
36 Oo halkaasuu kuwa gaajaysan dejiyaa, Si ay u samaystaan magaalo ay degaan,
He settles the hungry therein, they establish a city to live in.
37 Oo ay beeraha u abuurtaan, oo ay beero canab ah u beertaan, Oo ay u helaan midho tiro badan.
They sow fields and plant vineyards, which furnish a fruitful yield.
38 Oo weliba iyaga wuu barakeeyaa, sidaas daraaddeed aad bay u tarmaan, Oo weliba uma uu oggolaado in xoolahoodu yaraadaan.
By his blessing they multiply greatly, and he lets not their cattle decrease.
39 Oo haddana way sii dhinmaan, oo waxay la foororsadaan Dulmi iyo dhib iyo murug.
Yet when they are bowed and diminished by oppression, misfortune, or sorrow,
40 Amiirro wuxuu ku soo daayaa quudhsasho, Oo wuxuu ka dhigaa inay ku wareegaan cidlada aan jid lahayn.
he pours contempt upon princes, and on trackless wastes leads them astray
41 Oo weliba kan baahanna dhibaatada ayuu ka sara mariyaa, Oo wuxuu u yeelaa qolooyin ah sidii adhi oo kale.
He lifts the poor out of misery, and makes families fruitful as flocks.
42 Kuwa qummanuna way arki doonaan, wayna ku farxi doonaan, Oo kolkaas xumaanta oo dhammu afkeeday xidhi doontaa.
At this sight shall the upright be glad, and all wicked mouths shall be stopped.
43 Ku alla kii caqli lahu wuu dhawri doonaa waxyaalahan, Oo iyana way ka fiirsan doonaan Rabbiga naxariistiisa.
Let those who are wise observe this, and consider the love of the Lord

< Sabuurradii 107 >