< Markos 15 >

1 Aroortii kolkiiba wadaaddadii sare waxay la wada hadleen waayeelladii iyo culimmadii iyo shirkii oo dhan. Ciisena way xidheen oo kaxeeyeen oo waxay u dhiibeen Bilaatos.
AND forthwith in the morning the chief priests with the elders and with the scribes and with the whole congregation made council; and they bound Jeshu, and led him and delivered him to Pilatos the governor.
2 Bilaatos wuxuu weyddiiyey, Ma Boqorka Yuhuudda baad tahay? Wuu u jawaabay oo ku yidhi, Waad tidhi.
And Pilatos asked him, Art thou the King of the Jihudoyee? And he replied and said to him, Thou hast said.
3 Markaasaa wadaaddadii sare wax badan ku ashtakeeyeen.
And the chief priests accused him of many (things):
4 Bilaatos baa kol dambe wax weyddiiyey isagoo leh, Miyaanad waxba ka jawaabayn? Bal eeg intii ay kugu ashtakaynayaan.
but he, Pilatos, asked him again and said to him, Returnest thou not an answer? see how many are witnessing against thee.
5 Laakiin Ciise weli waxba ugama jawaabin, sidaa darteed Bilaatos waa la yaabay.
But he, Jeshu, did not give any answer; so that Pilatos admired.
6 Iiddaas wuxuu iyaga u sii dayn jiray maxbuuskay doonayeen.
But he was accustomed at every festival to release to them of the bound one whom they requested;
7 Markaasaa waxaa jiray nin Baraabbas la odhan jiray oo ahaa mid lala xidhay kuwii kula kacay oo wax dilay markii fidmaddu dhacday.
and there was one who was called Bar-aba, who was bound with the makers of sedition, they who murder in the sedition had committed.
8 Dadkii badnaa ayaa Bilaatos u kacay oo bilaabay inay doonaan inuu u sameeyo siduu u samayn jiray.
And the people cried out and began to demand, that as he was used he would do to them.
9 Bilaatos baa u jawaabay oo ku yidhi, Ma waxaad doonaysaan inaan idiin sii daayo Boqorka Yuhuudda?
But Pilatos answered and said, Will you that I release to you the King of the Jihudoyee?
10 Waayo, wuxuu ogaa wadaaddadii sare inay hinaaso ugu soo dhiibeen.
For Pilatos knew that for envy the chief priests had delivered him.
11 Laakiin wadaaddadii sare ayaa dadka kiciyey, oo waxay yidhaahdeen inay u roon tahay inuu Baraabbas u sii daayo iyaga.
But the chief priests the more incited the multitude, that Bar-aba he should release to them.
12 Bilaatos baa mar kale u jawaabay oo ku yidhi, Haddaba maxaad doonaysaan inaan ku sameeyo kan aad ugu yeedhaan Boqorka Yuhuudda?
But he, Pilatos, said to them, What then will you that I do to this, whom ye call King of the Jihudoyee?
13 Iyaguna mar kale ayay ku qayliyeen, Iskutallaabta ku qodob.
And they again cried, Crucify him!
14 Markaasaa Bilaatos ku yidhi, Waa maxay sharkuu falay? Laakiin aad bay u sii qayliyeen oo yidhaahdeen, Iskutallaabta ku qodob.
Pilatos said to them, Why? what evil hath he done? And they the more exceedingly cried, Crucify him.
15 Bilaatos wuxuu doonayay inuu sameeyo waxa dadku raalli ka yahay, sidaa darteed ayuu Baraabbas u sii daayay, oo goortuu Ciise karbaashay ayuu u dhiibay in iskutallaabta lagu qodbo.
But Pilatos was willing to serve the will of the people, and released to them Bar-aba, and delivered up to them Jeshu, scourged, to be crucified.
16 Markaasaa askartii isaga geeyeen barxaddii dhexdeeda, taasoo la odhan jiray Baraytoriyon, waxayna isugu yeedheen askartii oo dhan.
And the soldiers led him into the court which is the praetorium, and called the whole band;
17 Waxay u geliyeen dhar guduudan, oo taaj ayay qodxan uga texeen, oo madaxiisay saareen.
and they robed him in purple, and twisted and set upon him a crown of thorns,
18 Markaasay salaameen oo waxay ku yidhaahdeen, Nabad, Boqorka Yuhuuddow.
and they began to salute him, Hail, King of the Jihudoyee!
19 Madaxana ayay cawsduur kaga dhufteen, oo wayna ku candhuufeen, oo u jilba joogsadeen, oo u sujuudeen.
and they struck him upon the head with a cane, and spat in his face, and kneeled upon their knees and worshipped him.
20 Goortay ku majaajiloodeen dabadeed ayay dharkii guduudnaa ka qaadeen oo dharkiisii bay u geliyeen, markaasay wadeen in iskutallaabta lagu qodbo.
And when they had mocked him, they stripped him of the purple, and clothed him with his own vestments, and led him forth to crucify him.
21 Waxaa ag marayay nin beeraha ka yimid, oo reer Kuranaya ah, oo Simoon la odhan jiray, oo ahaa aabbihii Aleksanderos iyo Rufus, kan ay ku qasbeen inuu iskutallaabtiisa u qaado.
AND they constrained one who was passing, Shemun Kurinoia, who was coming from the field, the father of Alexander and of Rufus, to bear his cross.
22 Oo waxay u soo wadeen meel Golgota la odhan jiray, taasoo micneheedu yahay meeshii dhakada.
And they brought him to Gogultha, a place which is interpreted A skull.
23 Waxay siiyeen inuu cabbo khamri xammeeti lagu daray, laakiin ma uu qaadan.
And they gave him to drink wine which was mixed with myrrh; but he would not receive.
24 Oo goortay iskutallaabta ku qodbeen, dharkiisay qaybsadeen, wayna saami ku riteen mid kasta wuxuu qaadan lahaa.
And when they had crucified him, they parted his garments, and cast for them lots who should take them.
25 Waxayna ahayd saacaddii saddexaad oo iskutallaabta ay ku qodbeen.
And it was the third hour when they crucified him.
26 Waxaa lagu qoray meel ka korraysa isaga qorniinkii ashtakadiisii oo leh, BOQORKA YUHUUDDA.
And there was written the occasion of his death in the inscription, This is the King of the Jihudoyee.
27 Markaasaa waxaa iskutallaabo lagula qodbay laba tuug, mid midigtiisa, midna bidixdiisa.
And they crucified with him two thieves, one on his right and one on his left;
28 Oo waxaa rumoobay Qorniinkii yidhi, Waxaa isaga lagu tiriyey sharcilaawayaasha.
and was accomplished the Scripture which said, That with the wicked he was reckoned.
29 Oo kuwii ag marayayna waa caayeen, oo intay madaxooda luleen, waxay yidhaahdeen, Kaaga macbudka duminayow oo saddex maalmood ku dhisayow,
AND they also who passed by blasphemed against him, wagging their heads and saying, Ho, undoer of the temple and builder of it in three days,
30 isbadbaadi oo iskutallaabta ka soo deg.
deliver thyself and come down from the cross!
31 Sidaas oo kalena ayaa wadaaddada sare dhexdooda ugu majaajiloodeen, iyaga iyo culimmadaba, oo waxay yidhaahdeen, Kuwa kale ayuu badbaadiyey, qudhiisa isma badbaadin karo.
And so also the chief priests laughing one with one, and the Sophree, and saying, Others he saved, himself he cannot save.
32 Masiixa oo ah Boqorka Israa'iil haddeer iskutallaabta ha ka soo dego si aannu u aragno oo u rumaysanno. Kuwii iskutallaabaha lagula qodbayna ayaa caayay.
The Meshicha King of Isroel, let him descend now from the cross, that we may see and believe on him; and they also who were crucified with him reviled him.
33 Goortii saacaddii lixaad la gaadhay, dhulka oo dhammu gudcur buu ahaa ilaa saacaddii sagaalaad.
AND when it was the sixth hour, there was darkness over all the land until the ninth hour.
34 Saacaddii sagaalaad Ciise ayaa cod weyn ku dhawaaqay oo yidhi, Eloy, Eloy, lama sabakhtani? taasoo micneheedu yahay, Ilaahayow, Ilaahayow, maxaad ii dayrisay?
And in the ninth hour Jeshu cried with a high voice and said, Il, Il, Lamona Shabaktoni! Which is, Alohi! Alohi! why hast thou forsaken me?
35 Kuwa ag taagnaa qaarkood ayaa goortay maqleen yidhi, Eeg, wuxuu u yeedhayaa Eliyaas.
And certain who heard, of them who were standing, said, Elia he calleth;
36 Mid baa orday, oo geed isbonji la yidhaahdo khal uga soo buuxshay, oo intuu cawsduur saaray ayuu siiyey inuu cabbo, wuxuuna yidhi, Daaya aannu aragnee inuu Eliyaas yimaado oo soo dejiyo.
but one ran and filled a sponge with vinegar, and bound it on a rod that he might drink. And they said, Let alone, we will see if Elia cometh to take him down.
37 Markaasaa Ciise cod weyn ku dhawaaqay oo ruuxii bixiyey.
But he, Jeshu, cried with a high voice, and completed:
38 Markaasaa daahii macbudka kor ilaa hoos laba u kala dillaacay.
and the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom.
39 Kolkaasaa boqol-u-taliyihii oo meel ku toosan taagnaa markuu arkay inuu sidaas ruuxiisii u baxshay, wuxuu yidhi, Runtii, ninkanu wuxuu ahaa Wiilkii Ilaah.
But when that centurion who stood near him saw that he cried thus, and ended, (he) said, Assuredly this man was the Son of Aloha.
40 Waxaana joogay dumar meel fog ka eegayay, oo waxaa ku dhex jirtay Maryan tii reer Magdala, iyo Maryan oo ahayd Yacquub Yare iyo Yoosee hooyadood, iyo Saloome,
And there were women from afar who were beholding; Mariam Magdalitha, and Mariam mother of Jacub the less and of Josi, and Shaloom;
41 oo ah kuwa xataa intuu Galili joogay raaci jiray oo u adeegi jiray, iyo qaar kale oo badan oo Yeruusaalem u sii raacay.
those who, when he was in Galila, adhered to him, and ministered to him, and many others who went up with him to Urishlem.
42 Haddaba waxay ahayd Maalintii Diyaargarayska, taas oo ah maalinta sabtida ka horraysa, oo markii makhribkii la gaadhay,
AND when it was evening of the preparation which is before the shabath,
43 waxaa yimid Yuusuf kii reer Arimataya oo ahaa taliye murwad leh, oo isna boqortooyadii Ilaah ayuu sugayay. Isagu wuxuu dhiranaan ugu galay Bilaatos oo ka baryay Ciise meydkiisii.
came Jauseph, he who was from Rometha, an honourable counsellor, who also himself waited for the kingdom of Aloha. And he took courage, and went in to Pilatos and requested the body of Jeshu.
44 Bilaatos waa yaabay inuu hadda dhintay. Markaasuu wuxuu u yeedhay boqol-u-taliyihii oo weyddiiyey, Durba miyuu dhintay?
But Pilatos wondered if he were now dead; and he called the centurion and asked him whether before the time he was dead:
45 Goortuu ka gartay boqol-u-taliyihii, ayuu meydkii Yuusuf siiyey.
and when he had learned, he gave the body to Jauseph.
46 Markaasaa Yuusuf wuxuu soo iibsaday kafan, wuuna soo dejiyey isaga, oo kafantii ku duudduubay, oo wuxuu geliyey xabaal dhagax ka qodnayd, oo xabaashii afkeedii wuxuu ku soo giringiriyey dhagax weyn.
And Jauseph bought linen, and took him down and wrapped him in it, and laid him in a sepulchre which was hewn in the rock, and rolled a stone against the door of the sepulchre.
47 Maryan tii reer Magdala iyo Maryan oo ahayd hooyadii Yoosee waxay arkeen meeshii la dhigay.
But Mariam Magdalitha and Mariam, she who was (the mother) of Josi, beheld where he was laid.

< Markos 15 >