< Cibraaniyada 4 >

1 Sidaas daraaddeed aynu cabsanno, inta ballan nasashadiisa lagu gelayaa jiro, inaan midkiinna u ekaan mid gaadhi waayay.
We must, therefore, be very careful, though there is a promise still standing that we will enter upon God’s rest, that none of you even appear to have missed it.
2 Waayo, innagana war wanaagsan baa laynagu wacdiyey sidooda oo kale, laakiin hadalkay maqleen waxba uma uu tarin iyaga, maxaa yeelay, kuwii maqlay rumaysad kuma ay darin.
For we have had the good news told us just as they had. But the message which they heard did them no good, since they did not share the faith of those who were attentive to it.
3 Waayo, kuweenna rumaystay, nasashadaas waynu galnaa, siduu u yidhi, Sidaas daraaddeed anigoo cadhaysan ayaan waxaan ku dhaartay, Iyagu nasashadayda ma geli doonaan, in kastoo ay shuqulladii ka dhammaadeen aasaaska dunida.
Upon that rest we who have believed are now entering. As God has said – “In my wrath I swore – ‘They will never enter upon my rest;’” Although God’s work was finished at the creation of the world;
4 Waayo, isagu meel buu maalintii toddobaad sidan ka yidhi, Maalintii toddobaad Ilaah baa shuqulladiisii oo dhan ka nastay.
for, in a passage referring to the seventh day, you will find these words – “God rested on the seventh day after all his work.”
5 Meeshatanna mar kale wuxuu yidhi, Iyagu nasashadayda ma geli doonaan.
On the other hand, we read in that passage – “They will never enter upon my rest.”
6 Haddaba waxaa hadhay qaar gelaya, oo kuwii kolkii hore warkii wanaagsanaa lagu wacdiyey way geli waayeen caasinimo aawadeed.
Since, then, there is still a promise that some will enter upon this rest, and since those who were first told the good news did not enter upon it, because of their disbelief,
7 Taas daraaddeed haddana mar kale maalintoo buu gooni u dhigay, isagoo wakhti dheer dabadeed qorniinka Daa'uud ku leh, Maanta, sidii kolkii hore la yidhi, Maanta haddaad codkiisa maqashaan, Qalbiyadiinna ha adkaynina.
again God fixed a day. “Today,” he said, speaking after a long interval through the mouth of David, in the passage already quoted – “If today you hear God’s voice harden not your hearts.”
8 Waayo, haddii Yashuuca iyagii nasiyey, Ilaah markaas dabadeed kama uu hadleen maalin kale.
Now if Joshua had given “rest” to the people, God would not have spoken of another and later day.
9 Sidaas daraaddeed waxaa dadka Ilaah u hadha nasasho.
There is, then, a Sabbath rest still awaiting God’s people.
10 Waayo, kii nasashadiisa galay, isaga qudhiisuna waa ka nastay shuqulladiisii sidii Ilaah kuwiisii uga nastay.
For the person who enters upon God’s rest do themselves rest after their work, just as God did.
11 Haddaba aynu u dadaalno inaynu nasashadaas galno inaan ninna caasinimadaas oo kale ku dhicin.
Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter upon that rest, so that none of us fall through such disbelief as that of which we have had an example.
12 Waayo, hadalka Ilaah wuu nool yahay, waana shaqeeyaa, oo waa ka af badan yahay seef kasta oo laba af leh, isagoo ka dhex dusaya ilaa kala soocniinta nafta iyo ruuxa, iyo xubnaha iyo dhuuxaba, waana kala gartaa fikirrada iyo waxyaalaha qalbiga ku jira.
God’s message is a living and active power, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing its way until it penetrates soul and spirit – not the joints only but the marrow – and detecting the inmost thoughts and purposes of the mind.
13 Oo uun aan hortiisa ka muuqani ma jiro, laakiin wax waliba way qaawan yihiin oo bannaan yihiin indhihiisa hortooda, kan aynu ku tirsan nahay.
There is no created thing that can hide itself from the sight of God. Everything is exposed and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we have to give account.
14 Haddaba innagoo leh wadaad sare oo weyn, kan samooyinka sii dhex maray, kaas oo ah Ciisoo Wiilka Ilaah ah, aynu qirashadeenna xajinno.
We have, then, in Jesus, the Son of God, a great high priest who has passed into the highest heaven; let us, therefore, hold fast to the faith which we have professed.
15 Waayo, ma aynu lihin wadaad sare oo aan itaaldarradeenna ka nixi karin, laakiin waxaynu leennahay mid si walba loo jirrabay sideenna oo kale, oo aan weliba dembi lahayn.
Our high priest is not one unable to sympathise with our weaknesses, but one who has in every way been tempted, exactly as we have been, but without sinning.
16 Haddaba aynu carshiga nimcada dhiirranaan ugu soo dhowaanno si aynu naxariis u qaadanno oo aynu u helno nimco ina caawisa wakhtiga baahida.
Therefore, let us draw near boldly to the throne of love, to find pity and love for the hour of need.

< Cibraaniyada 4 >