< Efesos 2 >

1 Idinku waxaad ku dhimateen xadgudubyadiinna iyo dembiyadiinna,
You yourselves were once dead because of your offences and sins.
2 kuwaas oo aad markii hore ugu socon jirteen sida socodka wakhtigan iyo sida madaxda xoogga hawada oo ah ruuxa haatan ka dhex shaqaynaya carruurta caasinimada. (aiōn g165)
For at one time you lived in sin, following the ways of the world, in subjection to the Ruler of the powers of the air – the Spirit who is still at work among the disobedient. (aiōn g165)
3 Iyaga dhexdooda mar baynu dhammaanteen ku dhaqmi jirnay damacyada jidhkeenna, innagoo samaynayna waxyaalaha jidhka iyo maanku ay doonayaan, oo innaguna xagga dabiicadda waxaynu ka ahayn carruurtii cadhada sida dadka kale.
And it was among them that we all once lived our lives, indulging the cravings of our earthly nature, and carrying out the desires prompted by that earthly nature and by our own thoughts. Our nature exposed us to the divine wrath, like the rest of humanity.
4 Laakiinse Ilaaha naxariista hodanka ka ahu wuxuu inagu jeclaaday jacaylkiisa weyn,
Yet God, in his abundant compassion, and because of the great love with which he loved us,
5 oo sidaas daraaddeed markii aynu xadgudubyadeenna ku dhimannay wuxuu inala soo noolaysiiyey Masiix. Idinku nimco baad ku badbaaddeen.
even though we were dead because of our offences, gave life to us in giving life to the Christ. (By God’s loving kindness you have been saved.)
6 Oo innagana isagii buu inala soo sara kiciyey, oo wuxuu isagii inala fadhiisiyey meelaha jannada xagga Ciise Masiix,
And, through our union with Christ Jesus, God raised us with him, and caused us to sit with him on high,
7 si uu wakhtiyada imanaya hodantinimada weyn oo nimcadiisa ugu muujiyo roonaanta uu inoogu qabo xagga Ciise Masiix. (aiōn g165)
in order that, by his goodness to us in Christ Jesus, he might display in the ages to come the boundless wealth of his loving kindness. (aiōn g165)
8 Waayo, idinku waxaad ku badbaaddeen nimco xagga rumaysadka, mana aha wax xaggiinna ka yimid,
For it is by God’s loving kindness that you have been saved, through your faith. It is not due to yourselves; the gift is God’s.
9 laakiinse waa hadiyadda Ilaah, mana aha xagga shuqullada, si aan ninna ugu faanin.
It is not due to obedience to Law, so that no one can boast.
10 Waayo, innagu waxaynu nahay wixii uu sameeyey, oo waxaa laynoogu uumay Ciise Masiix shuqullada wanaagsan aawadood oo Ilaah hore ugu diyaariyey inaynu ku soconno.
For we are God’s handiwork, created, by our union with Christ Jesus, for the good actions in doing which God had pre-arranged that we should spend our lives.
11 Haddaba sidaas daraaddeed idinku xusuusta inaad waa hore xagga jidhka ka ahaan jirteen dad aan Yuhuud ahayn, oo kuwa gudan la yidhaahdo oo xagga jidhka gacmo lagu guday ay idiinku yeedhi jireen buuryoqab.
Remember, therefore, that you were once Gentiles yourselves, as your bodies showed; you were called “the Uncircumcised” by those who were called “the Circumcised” – circumcised only by human hands!
12 Waagaas Masiix baad ka soocnaydeen, oo shisheeyaad ka ahaydeen dawladda reer binu Israa'iil, oo ajanabi baad ka ahaydeen axdiyada ballanka, idinkoo aan rajo lahayn, oo aan dunida Ilaah ku lahayn.
Remember that you were at that time far from Christ; you were shut out from the citizenship of Israel; you were strangers to the covenants founded on God’s promise; you were in the world without hope and without God.
13 Laakiinse kuwiinna mar hore fogaa, haatan waxaad ku jirtaan Ciise Masiix, oo waxaa laydinku soo dhoweeyey dhiigga Masiixa.
But now, through your union with Christ Jesus, you who once were far off have, by the shedding of the blood of the Christ, been brought near.
14 Waayo, isagu waa nabaddeenna, oo waa kan labada mid ka dhigay, oo dumiyey qoqobkii derbiga dhexe,
He it is who is our peace. He made the two divisions of humanity one, broke down the barrier that separated them,
15 isagoo jidhkiisii ku buriyey cadownimadii taas oo ah sharciga amarrada ku jira qaynuunnada, inuu isaga qudhiisu labadii isugu abuuro nin cusub, isagoo saas nabad ku samaynaya,
and in his human nature put an end to the cause of enmity between them – the Law with its injunctions and ordinances – in order to create, through union with himself, from Jew and Gentile, one new humanity and so make peace.
16 iyo inuu labadooda oo isku jidh ah Ilaah kula heshiisiiyo xagga iskutallaabta, isagoo halkaas ku dilay cadownimada.
And when, on the cross, he had destroyed their mutual enmity, he sought by means of his cross to reconcile them both to God, united in one body.
17 Oo markuu yimid ayuu nabad ku wacdiyey kuwiinnii fogaa, oo kuwii dhowaana nabad buu ku wacdiyey,
He came with the good news of peace for you who were far off, and of peace for those who were near;
18 waayo, labadeennaba isagaynu Ruux keliya ugu galnaa Aabbaha.
for it is through him that we, the Jews and the Gentiles, united in the one Spirit, are now able to approach the Father.
19 Sidaas daraaddeed idinku mar dambe ma ihidin ajanabiyo iyo shisheeyayaal, laakiinse quduusiintaad isku waddan tihiin, oo waxaad ka mid tihiin reerka Ilaah,
It follows, then, that you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but are fellow citizens with Christ’s people and members of God’s household.
20 oo waxaa laydinka dul dhisay aasaaskii rasuullada iyo nebiyada, oo waxaa dhagaxii geeska ee ugu weynaa idiin ah Ciise Masiix qudhiisa.
You have been built up on the foundation laid by the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone.
21 Oo dhismaha oo dhammu isaguu si wanaagsan isugu haystaa oo weynaadaa, oo wuxuu Rabbiga u noqdaa macbud quduus ah.
United in him, every part of the building, closely joined together, will grow into a temple, consecrated by its union with the Lord.
22 Idinkana isagaa laydinku wada dhisay inaad ahaataan rugtii Ilaah xagga Ruuxa.
And, through union in him, you also are being built up together, to be a place where God lives through the Spirit.

< Efesos 2 >