< Falimaha Rasuullada 9 >

1 Laakiin Sawlos oo weli dhaaranaya inuu cabsiiyo oo dilo xerta Rabbiga, ayuu wuxuu u tegey wadaadkii sare,
Meanwhile Saul, still breathing murderous threats against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest,
2 oo weyddiistay warqado uu la tago Dimishaq ilaa sunagogyada, si hadduu helo dadkii Jidka, ha ahaadeen rag ama dumarba, uu iyagoo xidhxidhan Yeruusaalem u keeno.
and asked him to give him letters to the Jewish congregations at Damascus, authorising him, if he found there any supporters of the Way, whether men or women, to have them put in chains and brought to Jerusalem.
3 Oo kolkuu sodcaalay, waxaa dhacday inuu Dimishaq u soo dhowaaday; oo dhaqsiba waxaa hareerihiisa ka iftiimay iftiin samada ka yimid.
While on his journey, as he was nearing Damascus, suddenly a light from the heavens flashed around him.
4 Markaasuu dhulka ku dhacay, oo wuxuu maqlay cod isaga ku leh, Sawlosow, Sawlosow, maxaad ii silcinaysaa?
He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him – ‘Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?’
5 Markaasuu ku yidhi, Yaad tahay, Sayidow? Wuxuuna ku yidhi, Waxaan ahay Ciisaha aad silcinaysid;
‘Who are you, Lord?’ he asked. ‘I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting,’ the voice answered;
6 laakiin kac oo magaalada gal, oo waxaa laguu sheegi doonaa wixii kugu waajib ah inaad samaysid.
‘Yet stand up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.’
7 Nimankii la sodcaalayayna hadalla'aan bay istaageen, iyagoo codkii maqlaya laakiin aan ninna arkaynin.
The men traveling with Saul were meanwhile standing speechless; they heard the sound of the voice, but saw no one.
8 Markaasaa Sawlos dhulkii ka kacay; markii indhihiisii furmeenna, waxba ma uu arkin; markaasay gacanta ku hageen oo Dimishaq keeneen.
When Saul got up from the ground, though his eyes were open, he could see nothing. So his men led him by the hand, and brought him into Damascus;
9 Saddex maalmood ayuu aragla'aan joogay, waxbana ma cunin, waxbana ma cabbin.
and for three days he was unable to see, and took nothing either to eat or to drink.
10 Haddaba waxaa Dimishaq joogay nin xer ah oo la odhan jiray Ananiyas; oo Rabbigu wuxuu kula hadlay riyo, isagoo ku leh, Ananiyasow. Isna wuxuu ku yidhi, Waa i kan, Rabbiyow.
Now there was at Damascus a disciple named Ananias, to whom, in a vision, the Lord said, ‘Ananias.’ ‘Yes, Lord,’ he answered.
11 Markaasaa Rabbigu wuxuu ku yidhi, Kac oo aad jidka la yidhaahdo Toosane, oo waxaad guriga Yuudas ka doontaa nin la yidhaahdo Sawlos oo reer Tarsos ah; oo bal eeg, waa tukanayaaye;
‘Go at once,’ said the Lord, ‘to the Straight Street, and ask at Judas’s house for a man named Saul, from Tarsus. He is at this moment praying,
12 oo wuxuu arkay nin la yidhaahdo Ananiyas isagoo u soo gelaya oo gacmihiisa dul saaraya inuu araggiisii helo.
and he has seen, in a vision, a man named Ananias coming in and placing his hands on him, so that he may recover his sight.’
13 Laakiin Ananiyas baa u jawaabay oo ku yidhi, Rabbiyow, waxaan dad badan ka maqlay ninkanu intuu shar badan u gaystay quduusiintaada Yeruusaalem jooga;
‘Lord,’ exclaimed Ananias, ‘I have heard from many people about this man – how much harm he has done at Jerusalem to your people there.
14 halkanna wuxuu wadaaddada sare ka haystaa amar inuu xidhxidho kuwa magacaaga kuugu yeedha oo dhan.
And, here, too, he holds authority from the chief priests to put in chains all those who invoke your name.’
15 Laakiin Rabbigu wuxuu ku yidhi, Soco, maxaa yeelay, wuxuu ii yahay weel aan doortay inuu magacayga hor geeyo dadka aan Yuhuudda ahayn iyo boqorrada iyo reer binu Israa'iil;
But the Lord said to him, ‘Go, for this man is my chosen instrument to uphold my name before the Gentiles and their kings, and the people of Israel.
16 maxaa yeelay, waxaan tusi doonaa waxyaalaha waajib ku ah inuu u silco magacaygii dartiis.
I will myself show him all that he has to suffer for my name.’
17 Markaasaa Ananiyas tegey oo gurigii galay, oo intuu gacmihiisa dul saaray, ayuu wuxuu ku yidhi, Walaal Sawlosow, Rabbi Ciise oo kuugu muuqday jidkaad ku timid baa ii soo diray inaad araggaaga heshid iyo in Ruuxa Quduuska ahu kaa buuxsamo.
So Ananias went, entered the house, and, placing his hands on Saul, said, ‘Saul, my brother, I have been sent by the Lord – by Jesus, who appeared to you on your way here – so that you may recover your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit.’
18 Oo markiiba waxaa indhihiisa ka soo dhacay wax xuubab u eg, wuuna helay araggiisii; markaasuu kacay oo waa la baabtiisay;
Instantly it seemed as if a film fell from Saul’s eyes, and his sight was restored. Then he got up and was baptized,
19 cunto buuna cunay, waana xoogaystay. Haddaba dhawr maalmood ayuu la joogay xertii Dimishaq joogtay.
and, after he had taken food, he felt his strength return. Saul stayed for some days with the disciples who were at Damascus,
20 Oo markiiba sunagogyada dhexdooda ayuu dadka kaga dhex wacdiyey Ciise inuu yahay Wiilka Ilaah.
and at once began in the synagogues to proclaim Jesus as the Son of God.
21 Dadkii maqlay oo dhammuna waa yaabeen, oo waxay yidhaahdeen, Kanu sow ma aha kii Yeruusaalem ku layn jiray kuwa magacaas ugu yeedhi jiray? Oo sababtaas ayuu halkan u yimid inuu iyagoo xidhxidhan hor keeno wadaaddada sare.
All who heard him were amazed. ‘Is not this,’ they asked, ‘the man who worked havoc in Jerusalem among those that invoke this name, and who had also come here for the express purpose of having such persons put in chains and taken before the chief priests?’
22 Laakiin Sawlos xooggiisii baa u sii kordhay, wuuna wareeriyey Yuhuuddii Dimishaq joogtay isagoo caddaynaya inuu kanu yahay Masiixa.
Saul’s influence, however, kept steadily increasing, and he confounded the Jewish people who lived in Damascus by the proofs that he gave that Jesus was the Christ.
23 Oo markii maalmo badan dhaafeen, ayay Yuhuuddu ku tashadeen inay dilaan;
After some time some of them laid a plot to kill Saul,
24 laakiin Sawlos waa ogaaday tashigoodii. Haddaba habeen iyo maalinba irdaha magaalada bay ka fiirin jireen inay dilaan;
but it became known to him. They even watched the gates day and night, to kill him;
25 laakiin xertiisii baa habeen qaadday oo derbiga ka sii daysay iyagoo dambiil ku dejinaya.
but his disciples let him down by night through an opening in the wall, lowering him in a basket.
26 Oo kolkuu Yeruusaalem yimid, wuxuu isku dayay inuu xertii ku darsamo; dhammaantoodse waa ka cabsadeen, maxaa yeelay, ma ay rumaysnayn inuu xer yahay.
On his arrival in Jerusalem, Saul attempted to join the disciples, but they were all afraid of him, as they did not believe that he was really a disciple.
27 Laakiin Barnabas baa kaxeeyey, oo wuxuu u geeyey rasuulladii oo u sheegay siduu Rabbiga ugu arkay jidka, iyo inuu la hadlay, iyo siduu Dimishaq geesinimo ugu wacdiyey magaca Ciise.
Barnabas, however, taking him by the hand, brought him to the apostles, and told them the whole story of how Saul on his journey had seen the Lord, and how the Lord had talked to him, and how in Damascus he had spoken out fearlessly in the name of Jesus.
28 Markaasuu iyagii la joogay, isagoo la gelaya, kalana baxaya Yeruusaalem, geesinimona dadka ugu wacdiyaya magaca Rabbiga;
After that, Saul remained in Jerusalem, in close contact with the apostles; and he spoke fearlessly in the name of the Lord,
29 wuxuuna la hadlay oo la dooday Yuhuuddii Gariigta ahayd; iyaguse waxay doondooneen inay dilaan.
talking and arguing with the Jews of foreign birth, who, however, made attempts to kill him.
30 Kolkii walaalihii garteen, waxay keeneen Kaysariya, oo waxay u sii direen Tarsos.
But, when the followers found this out, they took him down to Caesarea, and sent him on his way to Tarsus.
31 Sidaas darteed kiniisaddii ku tiil Yahuudiya iyo Galili iyo Samaariya oo dhan nabad bay lahayd, waana dhisantay oo badatay iyadoo ku socota cabsida Rabbiga iyo gargaarka Ruuxa Quduuska ah.
And so it came about that the church, throughout Judea, Galilee, and Samaria, enjoyed peace and became firmly established; and, ordering its life by respect for the Lord and the help of the Holy Spirit, it increased in numbers.
32 Oo waxaa dhacay intuu Butros marayay dhinacyada oo dhan inuu u yimid quduusiintii Ludda degganayd.
Peter, while traveling from place to place throughout the country, went down to visit the people of Christ living at Lydda.
33 Halkaasna wuxuu ka helay nin la odhan jiray Ayne'as, kaas oo siddeed sannadood sariirtiisa jiifay, maxaa yeelay, curyaan buu ahaa.
There he found a man named Aeneas, who had been bedridden for eight years with paralysis.
34 Markaasaa Butros wuxuu ku yidhi, Ayne'asow, Ciise Masiix baa ku bogsiinaya; kac oo sariirtaada gogol. Oo markiiba wuu kacay.
‘Aeneas,’ Peter said to him, ‘Jesus Christ cures you. Get up, and make your bed.’ Aeneas got up at once;
35 Kuwii Ludda iyo Sharoon degganaana waa arkeen, oo Rabbigay u soo jeesteen.
and all the inhabitants of Lydda and of the Plain of Sharon saw him, and came over to the Lord’s side.
36 Haddaba waxaa Yaafaa joogi jirtay naag xer ah oo la odhan jiray Tabita taasoo micneheedu yahay Dorkas. Naagtaas waa camal wanaagsanayd, sadaqooyinna waa bixin jirtay.
At Joppa there lived a disciple whose name was Tabitha, which is in Greek “Dorcas” – a Gazelle. Her life was spent in doing kind and charitable actions.
37 Wakhtigaas waxaa dhacday inay bukootay, wayna dhimatay, kolkay maydheenna waxay dhigeen qollad sare.
Just at that time she was taken ill, and died; and they had washed her body and laid it out in an upstairs room.
38 Dhowaantii ay Ludda u dhowayd Yaafaa aawadeed, xertii markay maqleen in Butros halkaas joogo, waxay u direen laba nin iyagoo ka baryaya oo leh, Ha ka raagin inaad noo timaadid.
Joppa was near Lydda, and the disciples, having heard that Peter was at Lydda, sent two men with the request that he come to them without delay.
39 Markaasaa Butros kacay oo raacay iyagii. Oo kolkuu yimidna, waxay geeyeen qolladdii sare; carmalladii oo dhammina waa ag taagnaayeen iyagoo ooyaya oo tusaya garbageliyaashii iyo dharkii Dorkas samaysay intay la joogi jirtay iyaga.
Peter returned with them at once. On his arrival, he was taken upstairs, and all the widows came round him in tears, showing the coats and other clothing which Dorcas had made while she was among them.
40 Laakiin Butros baa dhammaantood dibadda u saaray, markaasuu jilba joogsaday oo duceeyey, oo intuu meydka xaggiisa u jeestay ayuu ku yidhi, Tabitay, kac. Markaasay indhihii kala qaadday; oo markay Butros aragtayna way fadhiisatay.
But Peter sent everybody out of the room, and knelt down and prayed. Then, turning to the body, he said, ‘Tabitha! Stand up.’ She opened her eyes, and, seeing Peter, sat up.
41 Markaasuu gacan siiyey oo kiciyey; oo markuu u yeedhay quduusiintii iyo carmalladiiba, iyadoo nool ayuu hor taagay.
Giving her his hand, Peter raised her up, and, calling in the widows and others of Christ’s people, presented her to them alive.
42 Taasna waa laga wada ogaaday Yaafaa oo dhan; kuwa badanna waa rumaysteen Rabbiga.
This became known all through Joppa, and numbers of people came to believe in the Lord.
43 Waxaana dhacday inuu maalmo badan Yaafaa la joogay nin la yidhaahdo Simoon oo megdeeye ah.
And Peter stayed some days at Joppa with a tanner named Simon.

< Falimaha Rasuullada 9 >