< 2 Butros 1 >

1 Anigoo ah Simoon Butros, oo addoon iyo rasuulba u ah Ciise Masiix, waxaan warqaddan u qorayaa kuwa helay iimaan qaali ah oo keenna la mid ah, oo ku helay xaqnimada Ilaaheenna iyo Badbaadiyeheenna Ciise Masiix.
To those to whom, through the justice of our God and Saviour Jesus Christ, there has been granted faith equally privileged with our own, from Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ.
2 Nimco iyo nabadu ha idinku bateen xagga aqoonta Ilaah iyo Rabbigeenna Ciise.
May blessing and peace be yours in ever increasing measure, as you advance in the knowledge of God and of Jesus, our Lord.
3 Maxaa yeelay, Ilaah xooggiisu wuxuu ina siiyey wax kasta oo ku saabsan nolosha iyo cibaadadaba, oo wuxuu inagu siiyey aqoonta kan inoogu yeedhay ammaantiisa iyo wanaaggiisa.
For his divine power has given us everything that is needful for a life of piety, as we advance in the knowledge of him who called us by a glorious manifestation of his goodness.
4 Wuxuu kuwaas inagu siiyey ballamadiisa qaaliga ah oo aad iyo aad u waaweyn, inaad kuwaas ku noqotaan kuwo ka qayb qaata dabiicadda Ilaah, idinkoo ka baxsaday kharribaadda dunida ku jirta ee ku timid damaca jidhka.
For it was through this that he gave us what we prize as the greatest of his promises, that through them you might participate in the divine nature, now that you have fled from the corruption in the world, resulting from human passions.
5 Sababtaas daraaddeed idinkuna aad u dadaala, oo rumaysadkiinna waxaad ku dartaan wanaag, wanaaggiinnana aqoon,
Yes, and for this reason do your best to supplement your faith by goodness, goodness by knowledge,
6 aqoontiinnana iscelin, iscelintiinnana dulqaadasho, dulqaadashadiinnana cibaado,
knowledge by self-control, self-control by endurance, endurance by piety,
7 cibaadadiinnana kalgacayl walaalnimo, kalgacaylkiinna walaalnimona jacayl.
piety by mutual affection, and mutual affection by love.
8 Haddii aad waxyaalahaas leedihiin oo ay idinku badan yihiin, iyagu waxay idinka dhigayaan kuwo aan cajisiin ama midhalaawayaal ahayn xagga aqoonta Rabbigeenna Ciise Masiix.
For, when these virtues are yours, in increasing measure, they prevent your being indifferent to, or destitute of, a fuller knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
9 Waayo, kii waxyaalahaasu ka maqan yihiin wuu indha la' yahay oo arag gaaban yahay, oo wuxuu illoobay in dembiyadiisii hore laga safeeyey.
Surely the person who has not these virtues is shortsighted even to blindness, and has chosen to forget that they have been purified from their sins of the past!
10 Sidaas daraaddeed, walaalayaalow, aad ugu dadaala inaad xaqiijisaan in laydiin yeedhay oo laydin doortay, waayo, haddii aad waxyaalahaas samaysaan, weligiin ma turunturoon doontaan.
Therefore, friends, do your best to put God’s call and selection of you beyond all doubt; for, if you do this, you will never fall.
11 Saas daraaddeed aad baa laydiin siin doonaa gelidda boqortooyada daa'imiska ah oo Rabbigeenna Ciise Masiix oo Badbaadiyeheenna ah. (aiōnios g166)
For in this way you will be given a triumphant admission into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. (aiōnios g166)
12 Sidaas daraaddeed anigu had iyo goorba diyaar baan u ahaan doonaa inaan waxyaalahan idin xusuusiyo, in kastoo weliba aad taqaaniin oo laydinku adkeeyey runta aad haysataan.
I will, therefore, always be ready to remind you of all this, even though you know it and are firmly established in the truth that you now hold.
13 Waxaa ila qumman in in alla intii aan jidhkan ku jiro aan xusuusin idinku guubaabiyo.
But I think it my duty, as long as I live in this “tent,” to rouse you by awakening memories of the past;
14 Waayo, waan ogahay inay dhaqso u imanayso goortii aan jidhkan ka tegi lahaa siduu Rabbigeenna Ciise Masiix i ogeysiiyey.
for I know that the time for this “tent” of mine to be put away is soon coming, as our Lord Jesus Christ himself assured me.
15 Waxaan ku dadaali doonaa inaad tegiddayda dabadeed mar kastaba awooddaan inaad waxyaalahan xusuusataan.
So I will do my best to enable you, at any time after my departure, to call these truths to mind.
16 Annagu ma aannu raacin sheekooyin khiyaano lagu hindisay, markii aannu idin ogeysiinnay xoogga iyo imaatinka Rabbigeenna Ciise Masiix, laakiinse waxaannu ahayn markhaatiyaal indhaha ku arkay weynaantiisa.
For we were not following cleverly devised stories when we told you of the coming in power of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we had been eye-witnesses of his majesty.
17 Waayo, isagu wuxuu xagga Ilaaha Aabbaha ah ka helay maamuus iyo ammaan markii cod sidaas ahu isaga uga yimid xagga ammaanta aad u weyn ee yidhi, Kanu waa Wiilkayga aan jeclahay oo aan ku faraxsanahay.
For he received honour and glory from God the Father, when from the glory of the Divine Majesty there were borne to his ears words such as these – “This is my dearly loved son, who brings me great joy.”
18 Oo codkaas aannu maqalnay wuxuu ka yimid samada markii aannu buurta quduuska ah isaga la joognay.
These were the words that we heard, borne to our ears from heaven, when we were with him on that sacred mountain.
19 Oo waxaynu haysannaa hadalka nebiyadii sii sheegeen, oo aad loo sii xaqiijiyey, oo waad ku wanaagsan tihiin inaad u fiirsataan hadalkaas sida laambad meel gudcur ah ka ifaysa, ilaa waagu beryayo oo xiddigta waaberi qalbigiinna ka soo baxdo,
And still stronger is the assurance that we have in the teaching of the prophets; to which you will do well to pay attention (as if it were a lamp shining in a gloomy place), until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.
20 idinkoo taas horta garanaya in wixii nebiyadii sii sheegeen oo la qoray ayan lahayn micnayn gooni ah.
But first be assured of this: There is no prophetic teaching found in scripture that can be interpreted by a person’s unaided reason;
21 Waayo, wixii nebiyadii sii sheegeen weligood kuma ay iman dadka doonistiisa, laakiinse dad Ruuxa Quduuska ahu waday ayaa xagga Ilaah kaga hadlay.
for no prophetic teaching ever came in the old days at the mere wish of people, but people, moved by the Holy Spirit, spoke direct from God.

< 2 Butros 1 >