< Taariikhdii Labaad 16 >

1 Oo boqornimadii Aasaa sannaddeedii lix iyo soddonaad ayaa Bacshaa oo ahaa boqorkii dalka Israa'iil dalka Yahuudah ku kacay oo wuxuu dhisay Raamaah, inuusan qofna u oggolaan inuu ka baxo ama u galo Aasaa oo ahaa boqorkii dalka Yahuudah.
When Asa had been ruling [Judah] for almost 36 years, King Baasha of Israel went [with his army] to attack Judah. They [captured the town of] Ramah [north of Jerusalem] and started to build a wall around [it], in order to prevent any people from entering or leaving the area in Judah that was ruled by King Asa [because the only road into Judah from Israel went through Ramah].
2 Markaasaa Aasaa lacag iyo dahab ka soo bixiyey khasnadihii guriga Ilaah iyo kuwii guriga boqorkaba, oo wuxuu u sii dhiibay Benhadad oo ahaa boqorkii Suuriya oo Dimishaq degganaa, oo wuxuu ku yidhi,
So Asa told his workers to take all the silver and gold that was in the storerooms of the temple and in his own palace, and take and give it to Ben-Hadad, the king of Syria, who was ruling in Damascus. [He sent him a message, ] saying
3 Axdi baa inoo dhexeeya aniga iyo adiga, oo aabbahay iyo aabbahaana wuu u dhexayn jiray, haddaba bal eeg waxaan kuu soo diray lacag iyo dahab, saas aawadeed tag oo jebi axdiga aad la leedahay boqorka dalka Israa'iil oo Bacshaa ah, ha iga tagee.
“I want there to be a peace treaty between me and you, like there was between my father and your father. Look, I am sending you [a lot of] silver and gold. So please cancel the treaty that you have made with Baasha, the king of Israel, in order that he will take his soldiers away from attacking mine, [because he will be afraid of your army].”
4 Markaasaa Benhadad dhegaystay hadalkii Boqor Aasaa, oo saraakiishii ciidammadiisa ayuu u diray magaalooyinkii dalka Israa'iil, oo waxay dagaal ku dhufteen Ciyoon, iyo Daan, iyo Aabeel Mayim, iyo magaalooyinkii wax lagu kaydin jiray oo reer Naftaali oo dhan.
Ben-Hadad agreed to do what King Asa [suggested]. He sent the commanders of his armies [with their soldiers] to attack some of the towns in Israel. They captured Ijon, Dan, Abel-Beth-Maacah and all the cities in the area belonging to the tribe of Naphtali where supplies were kept.
5 Kolkii Bacshaa taas maqlay wuu ka tegey Raamaah dhisiddeedii, oo shuqulkiisiina wuu joojiyey.
When Baasha heard about that, he [commanded his troops to] stop fortifying Ramah and doing other work there.
6 Markaasaa Boqor Aasaa soo kaxaystay dadkii Yahuudah oo dhan, oo waxay wada qaadeen dhagxantii iyo alwaaxdii Raamaah oo uu Bacshaa ku dhisayay, kolkaasuu ku dhisay Gebac iyo Misfaah.
Then King Asa gathered all the men of Judah, and they took away from Ramah all the stones and timber that Baasha’s men had been using [to build the wall around that town]. They took those materials to [the town of] Geba and [the city of] Mizpah [north of Jerusalem] and built walls around them.
7 Oo wakhtigaas ayaa Xanaanii oo waxarkihii ahaa u yimid Aasaa oo ahaa boqorkii dalka Yahuudah, oo wuxuu ku yidhi, Waxaad isku hallaysay boqorka Suuriya, oo iskuma aadan hallayn Rabbiga Ilaahaaga ah, haddaba sidaas daraaddeed ciidanka boqorka Suuriya gacantaada wuu ka baxsaday.
At that time the prophet Hanani went to King Asa and said to him, “Because you relied on the king of Syria and not on Yahweh our God, you missed your opportunity to destroy the army of the king of Syria.
8 War kuwii reer Itoobiya iyo reer Luubiim sow ma ay ahayn ciidan weyn oo wata gaadhifardood iyo ciidan fardooley ah oo aad iyo aad u badan? Oo weliba Rabbigu wuxuu soo geliyey gacantaada, maxaa yeelay, Rabbiga waad isku hallaysay.
The huge armies from Ethiopia and Libya with all their chariots and soldiers [riding] on horses [were certainly very powerful. But] when you relied on Yahweh, he enabled your army to defeat them.
9 Waayo, Rabbiga indhihiisu waxay hor iyo dib u fiirinayaan dunida oo dhan inuu isu adkeeyo kuwa qalbigoodu isaga xaggiisa ku qumman yahay. Taas ayaad nacasnimo ku samaysay, oo hadda ka dib dagaallo baad ku jiri doontaa.
That happened because Yahweh sees [what is happening] all over the earth, and he strengthens those who completely trust him. You have done a very foolish thing, so from now on other armies will be fighting your army.”
10 Markaasaa Aasaa waxarkihii u cadhooday oo wuxuu ku riday xabsi, maxaa yeelay, aad buu ugu xanaaqay xaalkan daraaddiis. Oo isla markaasna Aasaa baa dadkii qaarkiis dulmay.
Asa was very angry with the prophet because of what the prophet had said. So he [commanded his officials to] put Hanani in prison. At that same time, he started to treat some of his people very cruelly.
11 Oo bal eeg Aasaa falimihiisii, intii hore iyo intii dambeba, waxay ku qoran yihiin kitaabkii boqorrada dalka Yahuudah iyo dalka Israa'iil.
All the things that Asa did while he was ruling, from the time he started to rule until he died, are written in the scroll containing the record of the [activities of the] kings of Judah and Israel.
12 Oo sannaddii sagaal iyo soddonaad oo boqornimadiisa ayaa Aasaa cagaha ka bukooday, oo cudurkiisiina aad iyo aad buu u weynaa, oo weliba isagu cudurkiisii Rabbiga uma uu doonin laakiinse wuxuu u doondoonay dhakhtarrada.
When Asa had been ruling for almost 39 years, he was afflicted with a disease in his feet. The disease was very severe, but in spite of that, he did not request help from Yahweh. Instead he sought help only from doctors.
13 Oo sannaddii kow iyo afartanaad oo boqornimadiisa ayaa Aasaa dhintay oo la seexday awowayaashiis.
When he had been ruling for almost 40 years, he died.
14 Oo waa lagu aasay qabriyadiisii uu ka qotay magaaladii Daa'uud, oo waxaa lagu jiifiyey sariir ay ka buuxaan cadar udgoon iyo uunsi kala cayn cayn ah oo lagu hagaajiyey sancada kuwa cadarka sameeya, oo waxaa loo sameeyey dabshid aad u weyn.
He was buried in the tomb that his workers had made for him in [the part of Jerusalem called] ‘The City of David’. They laid his corpse on a bed covered with spices and various perfumes that had been mixed together. They also lit a huge fire to honor him.

< Taariikhdii Labaad 16 >