< 1 Timoteyos 3 >

1 Hadalku waa run, Haddii nin doonayo shuqulka hoggaamiyaha kiniisadda, shuqul wanaagsan buu doonayaa.
How true is this saying: “To aspire to be to be a supervisor in the church is to be ambitious for a noble task.”
2 Sidaas daraaddeed hoggaamiyaha kiniisaddu waa inuu ahaado mid aan ceeb lahayn, oo naag keliya qaba, oo feeyigan, oo digtoon, oo sharaf leh, oo martida soo dhoweeya, oo ku wanaagsan waxbaridda;
The supervisor should be of blameless character; a faithful partner; living a temperate, discreet, and well-ordered life; hospitable, and a skilful teacher,
3 oo uusan sakhraan noqon, oo uusan gacan fududaan, laakiin waa inuu noqdo mid tudhid badan, oo uusan ilaaq lahayn, oo uusan lacag jeclayn.
not addicted to drink or brawling, but of a forbearing and peaceable disposition, and not a lover of money;
4 Waa inuu ahaado mid gurgiisa si wanaagsan ugu taliya, oo carruurtiisu ka dambeeyaan oo maamuusaan.
they should provide for their own household well, and their children should kept under control and be well-behaved.
5 Laakiin nin hadduusan garanayn si uu gurigiisa ugu taliyo, sidee buu kiniisadda Ilaah u xanaanayn doonaa?
If someone does not know how to provide for their own household, how can they take charge of the church of God?
6 Waa inuusan ahaan mid dhowaan rumaystay, waaba intaasoo intuu kibro uu Ibliiska xukunkiisa ku dhacaaye.
The supervisor should not be a recent convert, or they might become blinded by pride and fall under the same judgement as the devil.
7 Weliba waa inuu markhaati wanaagsan ka helo kuwa dibadda ah, waaba intaasoo uu ku dhacaa cay iyo dabinka Ibliiska.
They should also be well spoken of by outsiders, so that they may not incur censure and so fall into the devil’s trap.
8 Sidaas oo kalena caawiyayaasha kiniisaddu waa inay ahaadaan dad la maamuuso oo ayan noqon laba-hadallayaal, oo ayan khamri badan cabbin, oo ayan faa'iidada ceebta ah jeclaan.
So, too, assistants should be serious and straightforward, not given to taking much drink or to questionable money-making,
9 Waa inay qarsoodiga iimaanka qalbi daahir ah ku haystaan.
but people who hold the deep truths of the faith and have a clear conscience.
10 Kuwaas marka hore ha la tijaabiyo, dabadeedna sida iyagoo ah caawiyayaasha kiniisadda ha u adeegeen hadday eed la' yihiin.
They should be tested first, and only appointed to their office if no objection is raised against them.
11 Sidaas oo kale dumarkuna waa inay digtoonaadaan oo ayan ahaan kuwa wax xanta. Waa inay feeyignaadaan, oo ay wax walba aamin ku ahaadaan.
It should be the same with the women in this office. They should be serious, not gossips, sober, and trustworthy in all respects.
12 Caawiyayaasha kiniisaddu mid kastaaba naag keliya ha guursado, hana noqdeen kuwo si wanaagsan ugu talinaya carruurtooda iyo guryahooda.
Assistants should be faithful partners who manage their children and their households well.
13 Waayo, kuwa sida iyagoo ah caawiyayaasha kiniisadda si wanaagsan ugu adeega, waxay nafsaddooda u helaan derejo wanaagsan iyo dhiirranaan badan oo ay iimaanka Ciise Masiix ku dhiirran yihiin.
Those who have filled that post with honour gain for themselves an honourable position, as well as great confidence through the faith that they place in Christ Jesus.
14 Waxaan rajaynayaa inaan dhowaan kuu imaado, laakiin waxaan waxyaalahan kuugu soo qorayaa,
I am writing this to you, though I hope that I will come to see you before long;
15 in, haddii aan wax badan raago, aad ogaato sida waajibka ah oo loogu camal fali lahaa guriga Ilaah dhexdiisa, oo ah kiniisadda Ilaaha nool iyo tiirka iyo aasaaska runtaa.
but in case I should be delayed, I want you to know what your conduct ought to be in the household of God, which is the church of the living God – the pillar and stay of the truth.
16 Oo muranla'aan qarsoodiga cibaadadu waa weyn yahay. Isaga jidh baa lagu muujiyey, oo ruux baa xaq laga caddeeyey, malaa'iguhuna way arkeen, quruumahana waa laga dhex wacdiyey, dunidana waa laga rumaystay, ammaanna kor baa loogu qaaday.
Yes, and undeniably wonderful are the deep truths of our religion; for – “He was revealed in our nature, pronounced righteous in spirit, seen by angels, proclaimed among the Gentiles, believed on in the world, taken up into glory.”

< 1 Timoteyos 3 >