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1 Pavel in Silvan in Timotej občini Tesaloničanov v Bogu očetu in Gospodu Jezusu Kristusu; milost vam in mir od Boga očeta našega in Gospoda Jezusa Kristusa!
This letter comes from Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy to the church of the Thessalonians who belong to God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. May you have grace and peace!
2 Zahvaljujemo se Bogu vedno za vas vse, spominjajoč se vas v molitvah svojih,
We are always thanking God for all of you, never forgetting you in our prayers.
3 Neprestano spominjajoč se dela vašega v veri in truda v ljubezni, in stanovitnosti v tipanji Gospoda našega Jezusa Kristusa, pred Bogom in očetom našim;
We remember you before our God and Father—how you put your trust in him into practice, how you work hard in love, and how you patiently wait in the hope of our Lord Jesus Christ.
4 Vedóč, bratje ljubljeni od Boga, za izvoljenje vaše;
Brothers and sisters, we already know that you are loved by God and are very special to him.
5 Da evangelj naš ni prišel samo v besedi do vas, nego tudi v moči in v Duhu svetem, in v mnogem prepričanji, kakor veste, kakošni smo med vami postali za vas.
The good news we brought to you wasn't just words, but had power too, for the Holy Spirit completely convinced you. In the same way you know what kind of men we are since we demonstrated to you that we were working for your benefit.
6 In vi ste postali posnemalci naši in Gospodovi, sprejemši besedo, v mnogi stiski z veseljem Duha svetega,
You were imitating us and the Lord when you received the message, for despite your troubles you experienced the joy the Holy Spirit gives.
7 Tako da ste postali zgled vsem verujočim v Macedoniji in Ahaji.
So you have become an example to all the believers in Macedonia and Greece!
8 Kajti od vas je zadonela beseda Gospodova ne samo po Macedoniji in Ahaji, nego tudi v vsakem kraji razširila se je vaša vera v Boga, tako da nam ni treba kaj govoriti.
You have broadcast the Lord's message, not only in Macedonia and Greece, but everywhere people have heard of your trust in God—so there's no need for us to tell anybody about it!
9 Kajti sami oznanjajo za nas, kak smo imeli prihod k vam, in kako ste se obrnili k Bogu od malikov, služit Bogu živemu in resničnemu,
In fact they talk about what a marvelous welcome you gave us, how you abandoned idols and turned to God, how you serve the true and living God,
10 In čakat sina njegovega iz nebés, katerega je zbudil izmed mrtvih, Jezusa, ki nas rešuje jeze prihodnje.
as you look forward to the coming of his Son from heaven—Jesus, the one God raised from the dead, who will save us from the judgment to come.

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