< 4 Mojzes 11 >

1 Ko se je ljudstvo pritoževalo, je to razžalilo Gospoda, in Gospod je to slišal in njegova jeza je bila vžgana in med njimi je zagorel Gospodov ogenj in použil tiste, ki so bili na najbolj oddaljenih delih tabora.
And the people murmured sinfully before the Lord; and the Lord heard [them] and was very angry; and fire was kindled amongst them from the Lord, and devoured a part of the camp.
2 Ljudstvo je klicalo k Mojzesu in ko je Mojzes molil h Gospodu je bil ogenj pogašen.
And the people cried to Moses: and Moses prayed to the Lord, and the fire was quenched.
3 Ime kraja je imenoval Tabêra, ker je med njimi gorel Gospodov ogenj.
And the name of that place was called Burning; for a fire was kindled amongst them from the Lord.
4 Mešana množica, ki je bila med njimi, je čutila poželenje in tudi Izraelovi otroci so ponovno jokali ter rekli: »Kdo nam bo dal za jesti meso?«
And the mixed multitude amongst them lusted exceedingly; and they and the children of Israel sat down and wept and said, Who shall give us flesh to eat?
5 Spominjamo se rib, ki smo jih prosto jedli v Egiptu, kumaric, melon, pora, čebule in česna.
We remember the fish, which we ate in Egypt freely; and the cucumbers, and the melons, and the leeks, and the garlic, and the onions.
6 Toda naša duša je sedaj izsušena. Tukaj, pred našimi očmi, sploh ni ničesar poleg mane.
But now our soul is dried up; our eyes [turn] to nothing but to the manna.
7 Mana je bila kakor koriandrovo seme in njena barva kakor barva bdelija.
And the manna is as coriander seed, and the appearance of it the appearance of hoarfrost.
8 Ljudstvo je šlo okoli in to nabiralo in mlelo v mlinih ali tolklo v možnarju in jo peklo v ponvah in iz nje delalo kolače in njen okus je bil kakor okus svežega olja.
And the people went through the field, and gathered, and ground it in the mill, or pounded it in a mortar, and baked it in a pan, and made cakes of it; and the sweetness of it was as the taste [of] wafer made with oil.
9 Ko je ponoči na tabor padla rosa, je nanj padla mana.
And when the dew came upon the camp by night, the manna came down upon it.
10 Potem je Mojzes slišal ljudstvo jokati po svojih družinah, vsakega moža pri vratih svojega šotora. Gospodova jeza je bila silno vžgana; tudi Mojzes je bil razžaljen.
And Moses heard them weeping by their families, every one in his door: and the Lord was very angry; and the thing was evil in the sight of Moses.
11 Mojzes je rekel Gospodu: »Zakaj si prizadel svojega služabnika? In zakaj nisem našel naklonjenosti v tvojem pogledu, da name polagaš breme vsega tega ljudstva?
And Moses said to the Lord, Why have you afflicted your servant, and why have I not found grace in your sight, that you should lay the weight of this people upon me?
12 Ali sem jaz spočel vse to ljudstvo? Mar sem jih rodil, da bi mi rekel: ›Nosi jih v svojem naročju, kakor skrbeč oče nosi doječega otroka, v deželo, ki si jo prisegel njihovim očetom?‹
Have I conceived all this people, or have I born them? that you say to me, Take them into your bosom, as a nurse would take her suckling, into the land which you sware to their fathers?
13 Od kod naj bi imel meso, da ga dam vsemu temu ljudstvu? Kajti jokajo k meni, rekoč: ›Daj nam meso, da bomo lahko jedli.‹
Whence have I flesh to give to all this people? for they weep to me, saying, Give us flesh, that we may eat.
14 Vsega tega ljudstva nisem zmožen nositi sam, ker je to zame pretežko.
I shall not be able to bear this people alone, for this thing is too heavy for me.
15 Če tako postopaš z menoj, me ubij, prosim te, brez razmisleka, če sem našel naklonjenost v tvojih očeh in naj ne vidim svoje bednosti.«
And if you do thus to me, kill me utterly, if I have found favour with you, that I may not see my affliction.
16 Gospod je rekel Mojzesu: »K meni zberi sedemdeset mož izmed Izraelovih starešin, ki jih poznaš, da so starešine ljudstva in častniki nad njimi; in privedi jih k šotorskemu svetišču skupnosti, da bodo tam lahko stali s teboj.
And the Lord said to Moses, Gather me seventy men from the elders of Israel, whom you yourself know that they are the elders of the people, and their scribes; and you shall bring them to the tabernacle of witness, and they shall stand there with you.
17 Jaz pa bom prišel dol in tam govoril s teboj. Vzel bom od duha, ki je nad teboj in položil ga bom nanje in s teboj bodo nosili breme ljudstva, da ga ne boš nosil sam.
And I will go down, and speak there with you; and I will take of the spirit that is upon you, and will put it upon them; and they shall bear together with you the burden of the people, and you shall not bear them alone.
18 Ljudstvu pa reci: ›Posvetite se za jutri in jedli boste meso, kajti jokali ste v Gospodova ušesa, rekoč: ›Kdo nam bo dal za jesti meso? Kajti z nami je bilo dobro v Egiptu, ‹ zato vam bo Gospod dal meso in vi boste jedli.
And to the people you shall say, Purify yourselves for the morrow, and you shall eat flesh; for you wept before the Lord, saying, Who shall give us flesh to eat? for it was well with us in Egypt: and the Lord shall allow you to eat flesh, and you shall eat flesh.
19 Ne boste jedli en dan, niti dva dni, niti pet dni, niti deset dni, niti dvajset dni,
You shall not eat one day, nor two, nor five days, nor ten days, nor twenty days;
20 temveč cel mesec, dokler to ne pride iz vaših nosnic in vam to postane gnusno, zato ker ste prezirali Gospoda, ki je med vami in ste jokali pred njim, rekoč: ›Zakaj smo prišli iz Egipta?‹«
you shall eat for a full month, until [the flesh] come out at your nostrils; and it shall be nausea to you, because you disobeyed the Lord, who is amongst you, and wept before him, saying, What had we to do to come out of Egypt?
21 Mojzes je rekel: »Ljudstva, med katerim sem, je šeststo tisoč pešcev, ti pa si rekel: ›Jaz jim bom dal mesa, da bodo lahko jedli cel mesec.‹
And Moses said, The people amongst whom I am are six hundred thousand footmen; and you said, I will give them flesh to eat, and they shall eat a whole month.
22 Mar bodo tropi in črede umorjeni zaradi njih, da jim zadostijo? Mar se bodo vse morske ribe zanje zbrale skupaj, da jim zadostijo?«
Shall sheep and oxen be slain for them, and shall it suffice them? or shall all the fish of the sea be gathered together for them, and shall it suffice them?
23 Gospod je rekel Mojzesu: »Ali je Gospodova roka postala prekratka? Sedaj boš videl, če se ti bo moja beseda zgodila ali ne.«
And the Lord said to Moses, Shall not the hand of the Lord be fully sufficient? now shall you know whether my word shall come to pass to you or not.
24 Mojzes je odšel ven in ljudstvu povedal Gospodove besede in zbral sedemdeset mož izmed starešin ljudstva in jih postavil naokoli šotorskega svetišča.
And Moses went out, and spoke the words of the Lord to the people; and he gathered seventy men of the elders of the people, and he set them round about the tabernacle.
25 Gospod je prišel dol v oblaku in mu spregovoril in vzel od duha, ki je bil nad njim in ga dal sedemdesetim starešinam. Pripetilo se je, ko je nad njimi počival duh, da so prerokovali in niso prenehali.
And the Lord came down in a cloud, and spoke to him, and took of the spirit that was upon him, and put it upon the seventy men that were elders; and when the spirit rested upon them, they prophesied and ceased.
26 Toda tam v taboru sta ostala dva izmed mož, ime enega je bilo Eldád in ime drugega Medád in duh je počival nad njima. Bila sta izmed tistih, ki so bili zapisani, toda nista odšla k šotorskemu svetišču, in prerokovala sta v taboru.
And there were two men left in the camp, the name of the one was Eldad, and the name of the other Modad; and the spirit rested upon them, and these were of the number of them that were enrolled, but they did not come to the tabernacle; and they prophesied in the camp.
27 Tam je pritekel mladenič in povedal Mojzesu ter rekel: »Eldád in Medád prerokujeta v taboru.«
And a young man ran and told Moses, and spoke, saying, Eldad and Modad prophesy in the camp.
28 Nunov sin Józue, Mojzesov služabnik, eden izmed njegovih mladeničev, je odgovoril in rekel: »Moj gospod Mojzes, prepovej jima.«
And Joshua the son of Naue, who attended on Moses, the chosen one, said, [My] lord Moses, forbid them.
29 Mojzes mu je rekel: »Mar si zaradi mene ljubosumen? Da bi Bog dal, da bi bilo vse Gospodovo ljudstvo preroki in da bi Gospod nanje položil svojega duha!«
And Moses said to him, Are you jealous on my account? and would that all the Lord's people were prophets; whenever the Lord shall put his spirit upon them.
30 Mojzes se je povzpel v tabor, on in starešine Izraela.
And Moses departed into the camp, himself and the elders of Israel.
31 Od Gospoda je izšel veter in od morja prinesel prepelice in jih pustil pasti pri taboru, kakor bi bilo dan potovanja na tej strani in kakor bi bilo dan potovanja na oni strani, naokoli tabora in kakor bi jih bilo dva komolca visoko na obličju zemlje.
And there went forth a wind from the Lord, and brought quails over from the sea; and it brought them down upon the camp a day's journey on this side, and a day's journey on that side, round about the camp, as it were two cubits from the earth.
32 Ljudstvo je stalo pokonci ves ta dan in vso to noč in ves naslednji dan in zbiralo prepelice. Kdor je zbral najmanj je zbral deset tovorov. Razporedili so si jih povsod naokoli tabora.
And the people rose up all the day, and all the night, and all the next day, and gathered quails; he that gathered least, gathered ten measures; and they refreshed themselves round about the camp.
33 Medtem ko je bilo meso še vedno med njihovimi zobmi, preden je bilo prežvečeno, je bil Gospodov bes vžgan zoper ljudstvo in Gospod je ljudstvo udaril z zelo veliko nadlogo.
The flesh was yet between their teeth, before it failed, when the Lord was angry with the people, and the Lord struck the people with a very great plague.
34 Ime tega kraja je imenoval Kibrot-Hattaava, ker so tam pokopali ljudstvo, ki je poželelo.
And the name of that place was called the Graves of Lust; for there they buried the people that lusted.
35 In ljudstvo je odpotovalo od Kibrot-Hattaave do Haceróta in ostalo pri Hacerótu.
The people departed from the Graves of Lust to Aseroth; and the people halted at Aseroth.

< 4 Mojzes 11 >