< Nehemija 13 >

1 Na ta dan so brali Mojzesovo knjigo v občinstvu ljudstva in v njej je bilo najdeno zapisano, da naj Amónec in Moábec na veke ne bi prišla v Božjo skupnost,
And on that day they read in the book of Moses in the hearing of the people: and therein was found written, that the Ammonites and the Moabites should not come in to the church of God for ever:
2 ker niso srečali Izraelovih otrok s kruhom in vodo, temveč so zoper njih najeli Bileáma, da bi jih preklel. Vendar je naš Bog prekletstvo obrnil na blagoslov.
Because they met not the children of Israel with bread and water: and they hired against them Balaam, to curse them, and our God turned the curse into blessing.
3 Pripetilo se je torej, ko so slišali postavo, da so se od Izraela ločile vse mešane množice.
And it came to pass, when they had heard the law, that they separated every stranger from Israel.
4 Pred tem je bil duhovnik Eljašíb, ki je imel nadzor nad sobo hiše našega Boga, zbližan k Tobiju
And over this thing was Eliasib the priest, who was set over the treasury of the house of our God, and was near akin to Tobias.
5 in zanj pripravil veliko sobo, kjer so vnaprej položili jedilne daritve, kadilo, posode, desetine od žita, novega vina in olja, kar je bilo zapovedano, da naj bo dano Lévijevcem, pevcem in vratarjem ter darove duhovnikom.
And he made him a great storeroom, where before him they laid up gifts, and frankincense, and vessels, and the tithes of the corn, of the wine, and of the oil, the portions of the Levites, and of the singing men, and of the porters, and the firstfruits of the priests.
6 Toda v vsem tem času nisem bil v Jeruzalemu, kajti v dvaintridesetem letu babilonskega kralja Artakserksa sem prišel h kralju in po določenih dneh sem od kralja prejel dovoljenje za odhod
But in all this time I was not in Jerusalem, because in the two and thirtieth year of Artaxerxes king of Babylon, I went to the king, and after certain days I asked the king:
7 in prišel sem v Jeruzalem in razumel zlo, ki ga je Eljašíb storil Tobiju, s tem, da mu je pripravil sobo na dvorih Božje hiše.
And I came to Jerusalem, and I understood the evil that Eliasib had done for Tobias, to make him a storehouse in the courts of the house of God.
8 To me je boleče užalostilo, zato sem iz sobe vrgel ven vse Tobijeve gospodinjske stvari.
And it seemed to me exceeding evil. And I cast forth the vessels of the house of Tobias out of the storehouse.
9 Potem sem zapovedal in očistili so sobe. Tja sem ponovno prinesel posode iz Božje hiše, z jedilno daritvijo in kadilom.
And I commanded and they cleansed the storehouses: and I brought thither again the vessels of the house of God, the sacrifice, and the frankincense.
10 Zaznal sem, da jim niso bili dani deleži Lévijevcev, kajti Lévijevci in pevci, ki so opravljali delo, so pobegnili vsak k svojemu polju.
And I perceived that the portions of the Levites had not been given them: and that the Levites, and the singing men, and they that ministered were fled away every man to his own country:
11 Potem sem se pričkal s poveljniki in rekel: »Zakaj je Božja hiša zapuščena?« Zbral sem jih skupaj in jih postavil na njihov kraj.
And I pleaded the matter against the magistrates, and said: Why have we forsaken the house of God? And I gathered them together, and I made them to stand in their places.
12 Potem je ves Juda prinesel desetino od žita, novega vina in olja v zakladnice.
And all Juda brought the tithe of the corn, and the wine, and the oil into the storehouses.
13 Postavil sem zakladnike nad zakladnicami: duhovnika Šelemjája, pisarja Cadóka in izmed Lévijevcev Pedajá. Poleg njih je bil Hanán, sin Zahúrja, sinú Matanjá, kajti bili so šteti zveste in njihova služba je bila, da razdeljujejo svojim bratom.
And we set over the storehouses Selemias the priest, and Sadoc the scribe, and of the Levites Phadaia, and next to them Hanan the son of Zachur, the son of Mathania: for they were approved as faithful, and to them were committed the portions of their brethren.
14 »Spomni se me, oh moj Bog, glede tega in ne izbriši mojih dobrih dejanj, ki sem jih storil za hišo svojega Boga in za njene službe.«
Remember me, O my God, for this thing, and wipe not out my kindnesses, which I have done relating to the house of my God and his ceremonies.
15 V tistih dneh sem na šabat videl v Judu nekatere tlačiti vinske stiskalnice, prinašati snope in natovarjati osle kakor tudi vino, grozdje, fige in vse vrste bremen, ki so jih na šabatni dan prinesli v Jeruzalem. Pričeval sem zoper njih na dan, na katerega so prodajali živež.
In those days I saw in Juda some treading the presses on the sabbath, and carrying sheaves, and lading asses with wine, and grapes, and figs, and all manner of burthens, and bringing them into Jerusalem on the sabbath day. And I charged them that they should sell on a day on which it was lawful to sell.
16 Tam notri so prebivali tudi možje iz Tira, ki so prinašali ribe in vse vrste blaga in na šabatni dan prodajali Judovim otrokom in v Jeruzalemu.
Some Tyrians also dwelt there, who brought fish, and all manner of wares: and they sold them on the sabbaths to the children of Juda in Jerusalem.
17 Potem sem se pričkal z Judovimi plemiči in jim rekel: »Kakšno zlo je to, ki ga delate in oskrunjate šabatni dan?
And I rebuked the chief men of Juda, and said to them: What is this evil thing that you are doing, profaning the sabbath day?
18 Mar niso tako počeli vaši očetje in ali ni naš Bog privedel vsega tega zla nad nas in nad to mesto? Vendar nad Izrael prinašate več besa z oskrunitvijo šabata.«
Did not our fathers do these things, and our God brought all this evil upon us, and upon this city? And you bring more wrath upon Israel by violating the sabbath.
19 Pripetilo se je, ko so jeruzalemska velika vrata pred šabat pričenjala temneti, da sem zapovedal, naj se velika vrata zapro in jih zadolžil, da naj ne bodo odprta, dokler ne mine šabat in nekatere izmed svojih služabnikov sem postavil pri velikih vratih, da na šabatni dan ne bi bilo noter privedeno nobeno breme.
And it came to pass, that when the gates of Jerusalem were at rest on the sabbath day, I spoke: and they shut the gates, and I commanded that they should not open them till after the sabbath: and I set some of my servants at the gates, that none should bring in burthens on the sabbath day.
20 Tako so trgovci in prodajalci vseh vrst blaga enkrat ali dvakrat prenočili zunaj Jeruzalema.
So the merchants, and they that sold all kinds of wares, stayed without Jerusalem once or twice.
21 Potem sem pričeval zoper njih in jim rekel: »Zakaj prenočujete okoli obzidja? Če boste ponovno storili tako, bom svoje roke položil na vas.« Od tistega časa naprej niso več prihajali na šabat.
And I charged them, and I said to them: Why stay you before the wall? if you do so another time, I will lay hands on you. And from that time they came no more on the sabbath.
22 Lévijevcem sem zapovedal, da naj se očistijo in da naj pridejo in varujejo velika vrata, da posvetijo šabatni dan. »Spomni se me, oh moj Bog, tudi glede tega in prizanesi mi glede na veličino svojega usmiljenja.«
I spoke also to the Levites that they should be purified, and should come to keep the gates, and to sanctify the sabbath day: for this also remember me, O my God, and spare me according to the multitude of thy tender mercies.
23 V tistih dneh sem videl tudi Jude, ki so poročili žene iz Ašdóda, iz Amóna in iz Moába
In those days also I saw Jews that married wives, women of Azotus, and of Ammon, and of Moab.
24 in njihovi otroci so govorili pol v ašdódskem jeziku in niso mogli govoriti judovskega jezika, temveč glede na jezik vsakega ljudstva.
And their children spoke half in the speech of Azotus, and could not speak the Jews’ language, but they spoke according to the language of this and that people.
25 Pričkal sem se z njimi in jih preklel in udaril nekatere izmed njih, izpulil njihove lase in jih primoral, da so prisegli pri Bogu, rekoč: »Svojih hčera ne boste dajali njihovim sinovom niti ne boste jemali njihovih hčera za svoje sinove ali zase.«
And I chid them, and laid my curse upon them. And I beat some of them, and shaved off their hair, and made them swear by God that they would not give their daughters to their sons, nor take their daughters for their sons, nor for themselves, saying:
26 Mar ni Salomon, Izraelov kralj, grešil s temi stvarmi? Pa vendar med mnogimi narodi ni bilo nobenega kralja, podobnega njemu, ki je bil ljubljen od svojega Boga in ga je Bog postavil [za] kralja nad vsem Izraelom. Kljub temu so celo njemu tuje žene povzročile, da je grešil.
Did not Solomon king of Israel sin in this kind of thing? and surely among many nations, there was not a king like him, and he was beloved of his God, and God made him king over all Israel: and yet women of other countries brought even him to sin.
27 Mar naj potem prisluhnemo vam, da bi delali vso to veliko zlo, da grešimo zoper svojega Boga v poročanju tujih žena?
And shall we also be disobedient and do all this great evil to transgress against our God, and marry strange women?
28 Eden izmed sinov Jojadája, sin vélikega duhovnika Eljašíba, je bil zet Horónca Sanbaláta, zato sem ga pregnal od sebe.
And one of the sons of Joiada the son of Eliasib the high priest, was son in law to Sanaballat the Horonite, and I drove him from me.
29 »Spomni se jih, oh moj Bog, ker so omadeževali duhovništvo in zavezo duhovništva in Lévijevcev.«
Remember them, O Lord my God, that defile the priesthood, and the law of priests and Levites.
30 Tako sem jih očistil vseh tujcev in določil straže duhovnikov in Lévijevcev, vsakega pri svojem poslu
So I separated from them all strangers, and I appointed the courses of the priests and the Levites, every man in his ministry:
31 in za dar lesa, ob določenih časih in za prve sadove. »Spominjaj se me, oh moj Bog, za vselej.«
And for the offering of wood at times appointed, and for the firstfruits: remember me, O my God, unto good. Amen.

< Nehemija 13 >