< 3 Mojzes 21 >

1 Gospod je rekel Mojzesu: »Govori duhovnikom, Aronovim sinovom in jim reci: ›Nihče naj ne bo omadeževan zaradi mrtvega med svojim ljudstvom,
The Lord said also to Moses: Speak to the priests the sons of Aaron, and thou shalt say to them: Let not a priest incur an uncleanness at the death of his citizens:
2 toda za njegove sorodnike, ki so blizu njemu, to je za njegovo mater, za njegovega očeta, za njegovega sina, za njegovo hčer, za njegovega brata
But only for his kin, such as are near in blood, that is to say, for his father and for his mother, and for his son, and for his daughter, for his brother also,
3 in za njegovo sestro devico, ki je blizu njemu, ki nima nobenega soproga; zaradi nje je lahko omadeževan.
And for a maiden sister, who hath had no husband:
4 Toda ta, ki je poglavar med svojim ljudstvom, sebe ne bo omadeževal, da se oskruni.
But not even for the prince of his people shall he do any thing that may make him unclean.
5 Ne bodo delali pleše na svoji glavi, niti ne bodo brili robov svojih brad, niti si ne bodo delali nobenih urezov na mesu.
Neither shall they shave their head, nor their beard, nor make incisions in their flesh.
6 Sveti bodo svojemu Bogu in ne bodo oskrunili imena svojega Boga, kajti darujejo Gospodove daritve, narejene z ognjem in kruh njihovega Boga; zato bodo sveti.
They shall be holy to their God, and shall not profane his name: for they offer the burnt offering of the Lord, and the bread of their God, and therefore they shall be holy.
7 Naj ne vzamejo žene, ki je vlačuga ali oskrunjena niti naj ne vzamejo žene, odslovljene od njenega soproga, kajti on je svet svojemu Bogu.
They shall not take to wife a harlot or a vile prostitute, nor one that has been put away from her husband: because they are consecrated to their God,
8 Zato ga boš torej posvetil, kajti on daruje kruh tvojega Boga. Tebi bo svet, kajti jaz, Gospod, ki te posvečujem, sem svet.
And offer the leaves of proposition. Let them therefore be holy, because I also am holy, the Lord, who sanctify them.
9 Če pa se hči kateregakoli duhovnika oskruni z igranjem vlačuge, je oskrunila svojega očeta. Sežgana naj bo z ognjem.
If the daughter of a priest be taken in whoredom, and dishonour the name of her father, she shall be burnt with fire.
10 Kdor je véliki duhovnik med svojimi brati, na katerega glavo je bilo izlito mazilno olje in ki je uméščen, da si nadene obleke, ne bo odkril svoje glave niti pretrgal svojih oblačil,
The high priest, that is to say, the priest, is the greatest among his brethren. upon whose head the oil of unction hath been poured, and whose hands have been consecrated for the priesthood, and who hath been vested with the holy vestments, shall not uncover his head, he shall not rend his garments:
11 niti ne bo šel h kateremukoli truplu niti se ne bo omadeževal zaradi svojega očeta ali zaradi svoje matere,
Nor shall he go in at all to any dead person: not even for his father, or his mother, shall he be defiled:
12 niti naj ne gre ven iz svetišča niti ne oskruni svetišča svojega Boga, kajti krona mazilnega olja njegovega Boga je na njem. Jaz sem Gospod.
Neither shall he go out of the holy places, lest he defile the sanctuary of the Lord, because the oil of the holy unction of his God is upon him. I am the Lord.
13 Ženo bo vzel v njenem devištvu.
He shall take a virgin unto his wife:
14 Vdove ali ločene ženske ali oskrunjene ali pocestnice; teh ne bo vzel, temveč bo za ženo vzel devico iz svojega lastnega ljudstva.
But a widow or one that is divorced, or defiled, or a harlot, he shall not take, but a maid of his own people:
15 Niti med svojim ljudstvom ne bo oskrunil svojega semena, kajti jaz, Gospod, ga posvečujem.‹«
He shall not mingle the stock of his kindred with the common people of his nation: for I am the Lord who sanctify him.
16 Gospod je spregovoril Mojzesu, rekoč:
And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
17 »Govori Aronu, rekoč: ›Kdorkoli je od tvojega semena v njihovih rodovih, ki ima kakršnokoli pomanjkljivost, naj se ne približa, da bi daroval kruh svojega Boga.
Say to Aaron: Whosoever of thy seed throughout their families, hath a blemish, he shall not offer bread to his God.
18 Kajti katerikoli človek je, ki ima pomanjkljivost, se ne bo približal. Slep človek ali hrom ali kdor ima ploščat nos ali katerokoli stvar odveč
Neither shall he approach to minister to him: If he be blind, if he be lame, if he have a little, or a great, or a crooked nose,
19 ali človek, ki ima zlomljeno nogo ali zlomljeno roko
If his foot, or if his hand be broken,
20 ali je grbast ali pritlikav ali, ki ima pomanjkljivost v svojem očesu ali je grintav ali krastav ali ima zmečkana moda;
If he be crookbacked, or blear eyed, or have a pearl in his eye, or a continual scab, or a dry scurf in his body, or a rupture:
21 noben človek, ki ima iz semena duhovnika Arona pomanjkljivost, ne bo prišel blizu, da daruje Gospodove daritve narejene z ognjem. Ima pomanjkljivost; ta ne bo prišel blizu, da daruje kruh svojega Boga.
Whosoever of the seed of Aaron the priest hath a blemish, he shall not approach to offer sacrifices to the Lord, nor bread to his God.
22 Jedel bo kruh svojega Boga, tako od najsvetejšega kakor od svetega.
He shall eat nevertheless of the loaves, that are offered in the sanctuary,
23 Samo ta ne bo šel noter za zagrinjalo niti prišel blizu k oltarju, ker ima pomanjkljivost, da ne oskruni mojih svetišč, kajti jaz, Gospod, jih posvečujem.‹«
Yet so that he enter not within the veil, nor approach to the altar, because he hath a blemish, and he must not defile my sanctuary. I am the Lord who sanctify them.
24 Mojzes je to povedal Aronu, njegovim sinovom in vsem Izraelovim otrokom.
Moses therefore spoke to Aaron, and to his sons and to all Israel, all the things that had been commanded him.

< 3 Mojzes 21 >