< Псалтирь 34 >

1 Псалом Давиду, внегда измени лице свое пред Авимелехом: и отпусти его, и отиде. Благословлю Господа на всякое время, выну хвала Его во устех моих.
Of David when changed he sense his before Abimelech and he drove away him and he went. I will bless Yahweh at every time continually praise his [will be] in mouth my.
2 О Господе похвалится душа моя: да услышат кротцыи и возвеселятся.
In Yahweh it will boast self my let them hear humble [people] and let them rejoice.
3 Возвеличите Господа со мною, и вознесем имя Его вкупе.
Magnify Yahweh with me so let us exalt name his together.
4 Взысках Господа, и услыша мя и от всех скорбей моих избави мя.
I sought Yahweh and he answered me and from all fears my he delivered me.
5 Приступите к Нему и просветитеся, и лица ваша не постыдятся.
People look to him and they are radiant and faces their may not they be abashed.
6 Сей нищий воззва, и Господь услыша и, и от всех скорбей его спасе и.
This poor [person] he called out and Yahweh he heard and from all troubles his he delivered him.
7 Ополчится Ангел Господень окрест боящихся Его и избавит их.
[is] encamping [the] angel of Yahweh around [those] fearing him and he rescued them.
8 Вкусите и видите, яко благ Господь: блажен муж, иже уповает Нань.
Taste and see that [is] good Yahweh how blessed! [is] the man [who] he takes refuge in him.
9 Бойтеся Господа, вси святии Его, яко несть лишения боящымся Его.
Fear Yahweh O holy [ones] his for not lack [belongs] to [those] fearing him.
10 Богатии обнищаша и взалкаша: взыскающии же Господа не лишатся всякаго блага.
Young lions they are in want and they are hungry and [those who] seek Yahweh not they lack any good [thing].
11 Приидите, чада, послушайте мене, страху Господню научу вас.
Come O children listen to me [the] fear of Yahweh I will teach you.
12 Кто есть человек хотяй живот, любяй дни видети благи?
Who? [is] the person desiring life [who] loves? days to see good.
13 Удержи язык твой от зла и устне твои, еже не глаголати льсти.
Keep tongue your from evil and lips your from speaking deceit.
14 Уклонися от зла и сотвори благо: взыщи мира и пожени и.
Turn away from evil and do good seek peace and pursue it.
15 Очи Господни на праведныя, и уши Его в молитву их.
[the] eyes of Yahweh [are] to righteous [people] and ears his [are] to cry for help their.
16 Лице же Господне на творящыя злая, еже потребити от земли память их.
[the] face of Yahweh [is] on [those who] do evil to cut off from [the] earth memory their.
17 Воззваша праведнии, и Господь услыша их и от всех скорбей их избави их.
They cry out and Yahweh he hears and from all troubles their he delivers them.
18 Близ Господь сокрушенных сердцем, и смиренныя духом спасет.
[is] near Yahweh to [people] broken of heart and [people] crushed of spirit he delivers.
19 Многи скорби праведным, и от всех их избавит я Господь.
[are] many [the] troubles of A righteous [person] and from all of them he delivers him Yahweh.
20 Хранит Господь вся кости их, ни едина от них сокрушится.
[he is] keeping All bones his one from them not it is broken.
21 Смерть грешников люта, и ненавидящии праведнаго прегрешат.
It will kill [the] wicked evil and [those who] hate [the] righteous they will be held guilty.
22 Избавит Господь душы раб Своих, и не прегрешат вси уповающии на Него.
[is] redeeming Yahweh [the] life of servants his and not they will be held guilty all those [who] take refuge in him.

< Псалтирь 34 >