< Псалтирь 33 >

1 Радуйтеся, праведнии, о Господе: правым подобает похвала.
Shout for joy in the Lord, you righteous: praise for the upright is seemly.
2 Исповедайтеся Господеви в гуслех, во псалтири десятоструннем пойте Ему:
Give thanks to the Lord on the lyre, play to him on a ten-stringed harp.
3 воспойте Ему песнь нову, добре пойте Ему со восклицанием:
Sing to him a new song, play skilfully and shout merrily.
4 яко право слово Господне, и вся дела Его в вере.
For the Lord is straight in his promise; and all that he does is in faithfulness.
5 Любит милостыню и суд Господь, милости Господни исполнь земля.
Justice and right he loves; the earth is full of his kindness.
6 Словом Господним небеса утвердишася, и духом уст Его вся сила их:
By his word the heavens were made, all their host by the breath of his mouth.
7 собираяй яко мех воды морския, полагаяй в сокровищих бездны.
He gathers the sea in a bottle, the ocean he puts into store-houses.
8 Да убоится Господа вся земля, от Негоже да подвижутся вси живущии по вселенней:
Let the whole world honour the Lord, let all who live on earth be in awe.
9 яко Той рече, и быша: Той повеле, и создашася.
For at his word it came into being, at his command it stood forth.
10 Господь разоряет советы языков, отметает же мысли людий и отметает советы князей.
The Lord frustrates the designs of the nations, what the peoples have purposed, he brings to nought,
11 Совет же Господень во век пребывает, помышления сердца Его в род и род.
but the Lord’s own design will stand forever, and what his heart has purposed, through all generations.
12 Блажен язык, емуже есть Господь Бог Его, людие, яже избра в наследие Себе.
Happy the nation whose God is the Lord, the people he chose for himself as his own.
13 С небесе призре Господь, виде вся сыны человеческия:
The Lord looks down from heaven, he sees all of humanity;
14 от готоваго жилища Своего призре на вся живущыя на земли:
from where he rules he gazes on all who inhabit the earth.
15 создавый на едине сердца их, разумеваяй на вся дела их.
He fashions the hearts of them all, and gives heed to all that they do.
16 Не спасается царь многою силою, и исполин не спасется множеством крепости своея.
It is not by great armies that kings are victorious, it is not by great strength that a warrior saves himself;
17 Ложь конь во спасение, во множестве же силы своея не спасется.
false hope is the war-horse to usher in victory, for all its great might it can provide no escape.
18 Се, очи Господни на боящыяся Его, уповающыя на милость Его:
See! The eye of the Lord is on those who fear him, on those who hope in his kindness;
19 избавити от смерти душы их, и препитати я в глад.
to deliver their life from death, and to keep them alive in famine.
20 Душа же наша чает Господа, яко помощник и защититель наш есть:
We wait for the Lord: he is our help and our shield.
21 яко о Нем возвеселится сердце наше, и во имя святое Его уповахом.
For in him our heart is glad, we trust in his holy name.
22 Буди, Господи, милость Твоя на нас, якоже уповахом на Тя.
Let your kindness, O Lord, be upon us, as is our hope in you.

< Псалтирь 33 >