< Псалтирь 105 >

1 Исповедайтеся Господеви и призывайте имя Его, возвестите во языцех дела Его:
Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name: make known his deeds among the nations.
2 воспойте Ему и пойте Ему, поведите вся чудеса Его.
Sing to him, make music to him, tell of all his wondrous works.
3 Хвалитеся о имени святем Его: да возвеселится сердце ищущих Господа:
Make your boast in his holy name, be glad at heart, you who seek the Lord.
4 взыщите Господа и утвердитеся, взыщите лица Его выну.
Seek after the Lord and his strength, seek his face evermore.
5 Помяните чудеса Его, яже сотвори, чудеса Его и судбы уст Его,
Remember the wonders he did, his portents, the judgments he uttered,
6 семя Авраамле раби Его, сынове Иаковли избраннии Его.
you who are offspring of Abraham, his servant, the children of Jacob, his chosen ones.
7 Той Господь Бог наш: по всей земли судбы Его.
He is the Lord our God: in all the earth are his judgments.
8 Помяну в век завет Свой, слово, еже заповеда в тысящы родов,
He remembers forever his covenant, his promise for a thousand generations
9 еже завеща Аврааму, и клятву Свою Исааку:
The covenant he made with Abraham, the oath he swore to Isaac,
10 и постави ю Иакову в повеление и Израилю в завет вечен,
and confirmed as a statute to Jacob, a pact everlasting to Israel
11 глаголя: тебе дам землю Ханааню, уже достояния вашего.
to give them the land of Canaan as the lot which they should inherit.
12 Внегда быти им малым числом, малейшым и пришелцем в ней,
And when they were very few, few and but pilgrims therein,
13 и преидоша от языка в язык и от царствия в люди ины:
wandering from nation to nation, journeying from people to people,
14 не остави человека обидети их и обличи о них цари:
he allowed no one to oppress them, even punishing kings for their sakes.
15 не прикасайтеся помазанным Моим, и во пророцех Моих не лукавнуйте.
He forbade them to touch his anointed, or do any hurt to his prophets.
16 И призва глад на землю: всяко утверждение хлебное сотры.
When he called down famine on the land, and cut off the bread which sustained them,
17 Посла пред ними человека: в раба продан бысть Иосиф.
he sent before them a man, Joseph, who was sold as a slave.
18 Смириша во оковах нозе его, железо пройде душа его,
His feet were galled with fetters, he was laid in chains of iron,
19 дондеже прииде слово Его: слово Господне разжже его.
till the time that his word came to pass, the word of the Lord that had tried him.
20 Посла царь и разреши его: князь людий, и остави его.
The king sent and freed him, the ruler of nations released him.
21 Постави его господина дому своему и князя всему стяжанию своему,
He made him lord of his household, and ruler of all his possessions,
22 наказати князи его яко себе и старцы его умудрити.
to admonish his princes at will and instruct his elders in wisdom.
23 И вниде Израиль во Египет, и Иаков пришелствова в землю Хамову.
Thus Israel came into Egypt, Jacob sojourned in the land of Ham.
24 И возрасти люди Своя зело и укрепи я паче врагов их.
His people he made very fruitful, and mightier than their foes.
25 Преврати сердце их возненавидети люди Его, лесть сотворити в рабех Его.
He inspired them to hate his people, and to deal with his servants craftily.
26 Посла Моисеа раба Своего, Аарона, егоже избра себе:
He sent his servant Moses, and Aaron whom he had chosen,
27 положи в них словеса знамений Своих и чудес Своих в земли Хамове.
portents he wrought in Egypt, and signs in the land of Ham.
28 Посла тму и помрачи, яко преогорчиша словеса Его.
Darkness he sent, and it fell: yet they gave no heed to his word.
29 Преложи воды их в кровь и измори рыбы их.
He turned their waters into blood, thus causing their fish to die.
30 Воскипе земля их жабами в сокровищницах царей их.
Their land was alive with frogs, swarming even in the royal chambers.
31 Рече, и приидоша песия мухи и скнипы во вся пределы их.
At his command came flies, and lice in all their borders.
32 Положи дожди их грады, огнь попаляющь в земли их:
He gave them hail for rain and fire that flashed through the land,
33 и порази винограды их и смоквы их, и сотры всякое древо предел их.
smiting their vines and figs, breaking the trees of their border.
34 Рече, и приидоша прузи и гусеницы, имже не бе числа,
At his command came locusts, young locusts beyond all counting,
35 и снедоша всяку траву в земли их, и поядоша всяк плод земли их.
which ate every herb in the land, ate up, too, the fruit of their ground.
36 И порази всякаго первенца в земли их, начаток всякаго труда их:
He struck down in their land all the firstborn, the firstlings of all their strength
37 и изведе я с сребром и златом: и не бе в коленех их боляй.
Then forth he led Israel with silver and gold, and among his tribes no one was weary.
38 Возвеселися Египет во исхождении их: яко нападе страх их на ня.
Egypt was glad when they left, for terror had fallen upon them.
39 Распростре облак в покров им, и огнь, еже просветити им нощию.
He spread out a cloud to screen them, and fire to give light in the night.
40 Просиша, и приидоша крастели, и хлеба небеснаго насыти я:
He sent quails at their entreaty, and heavenly bread in abundance.
41 разверзе камень, и потекоша воды, потекоша в безводных реки:
He opened the rock; waters gushed: in the desert they ran like a river.
42 яко помяну слово святое Свое, еже ко Аврааму рабу Своему.
For he remembered his holy promise to Abraham his servant.
43 И изведе люди Своя в радости и избранныя Своя в веселии.
So he led out his people with joy, his elect with a ringing cry.
44 И даде им страны язык, и труды людий наследоваша:
And he gave them the lands of the nations, the fruit of their toil for possession,
45 яко да сохранят оправдания Его и закона Его взыщут.
that so they might keep his statutes, and be of his laws observant. Hallelujah.

< Псалтирь 105 >