< Книга Иова 17 >

1 Тлею духом носимь, прошу же гроба и не улучаю.
"My spirit is consumed. My days are extinct, And the grave is ready for me.
2 Молю болезнуя, и что сотворю? Украдоша же ми имение чуждии.
Surely there are mockers with me. My eye dwells on their provocation.
3 Кто есть сей? Рукою моею связан да будет.
"Now give a pledge, be collateral for me with yourself. Who is there who will strike hands with me?
4 Яко сердце их сокрыл еси от мудрости, сего ради да не вознесеши их.
For you have hidden their heart from understanding, Therefore you shall not exalt them.
5 Части возвестит злобы: очи же на сынех истаяста.
He who denounces his friends for a prey, Even the eyes of his children shall fail.
6 Положил же мя еси в притчу во языцех, смех же бых им.
"But he has made me a byword of the people. They spit in my face.
7 Ослепоста бо от гнева очи мои, повоеван бых вельми от всех:
My eye also is dim by reason of sorrow. All my members are as a shadow.
8 чудо объя истинных о сем, праведник же на беззаконника да востанет:
Upright men shall be astonished at this. The innocent shall stir up himself against the godless.
9 да содержит же верный путь свой, чистый же рукама да приимет дерзость.
Yet shall the righteous hold on his way. He who has clean hands shall grow stronger and stronger.
10 Но обаче вси належите и приидите, не бо обретаю в вас истины.
But as for you all, come on now again; I shall not find a wise man among you.
11 Дние мои преидоша в течении, расторгошася же удове сердца моего.
My days are past, my plans are broken off, as are the thoughts of my heart.
12 Нощь в день преложих: свет близ от лица тмы.
They change the night into day, saying 'The light is near' in the presence of darkness.
13 Аще бо стерплю, ад ми есть дом, в сумраце же постлася ми постеля. (Sheol h7585)
If I look for Sheol as my house, if I have spread my couch in the darkness, (Sheol h7585)
14 Смерть назвах отца моего быти, матерь же и сестру ми гной.
If I have said to corruption, 'You are my father;' to the worm, 'My mother,' and 'my sister;'
15 Где убо еще есть ми надежда, или благая моя узрю?
where then is my hope? As for my hope, who shall see it?
16 Или со мною во ад снидут, или вкупе в персть снидем. (Sheol h7585)
Shall it go down with me to the gates of Sheol, or descend together into the dust?" (Sheol h7585)

< Книга Иова 17 >