< Послание Иакова 2 >

1 Братие моя, не на лица зряще имейте веру Господа нашего Иисуса Христа славы.
My brothers, if you have the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ of glory, do not take a man's position into account.
2 Аще бо внидет в сонмище ваше муж, злат перстень нося, в ризе светле, внидет же и нищь в худе одежди,
For if a man comes into your Synagogue in fair clothing and with a gold ring, and a poor man comes in with dirty clothing,
3 и воззрите на носящаго ризу светлу, и речете ему: ты сяди зде добре: и нищему речете: ты стани тамо, или сяди зде на подножии моем:
And you do honour to the man in fair clothing and say, Come here and take this good place; and you say to the poor man, Take up your position there, or be seated at my feet;
4 и не разсмотристе в себе, и бысте судии помышлений злых.
Is there not a division in your minds? have you not become judges with evil thoughts?
5 Слышите, братие моя возлюбленная, не Бог ли избра нищыя мира сего богаты в вере и наследники Царствия, еже обеща любящым Его?
Give ear, my dear brothers; are not those who are poor in the things of this world marked out by God to have faith as their wealth, and for their heritage the kingdom which he has said he will give to those who have love for him?
6 Вы же укористе нищаго. Не богатии ли насилуют вам, и тии влекут вы на судища?
But you have put the poor man to shame. Are not the men of wealth rulers over you? do they not take you by force before their judges?
7 Не тии ли хулят доброе имя нареченное на вас?
Do they not say evil of the holy name which was given to you?
8 Аще убо закон совершаете царский, по Писанию: возлюбиши искренняго своего якоже себе самаго, добре творите:
But if you keep the greatest law of all, as it is given in the holy Writings, Have love for your neighbour as for yourself, you do well:
9 аще же на лица зрите, то грех содеваете, обличаеми от закона якоже преступницы.
But if you take a man's position into account, you do evil, and are judged as evil-doers by the law.
10 Иже бо весь закон соблюдет, согрешит же во единем, бысть всем повинен.
For anyone who keeps all the law, but makes a slip in one point, is judged to have gone against it all.
11 Рекий бо: не прелюбы сотвориши, рекл есть и: не убиеши. Аще же не прелюбы сотвориши, убиеши же, был еси преступник закона.
For he who said, Do not be untrue in married life, is the same who said, Put no man to death. Now if you are not untrue in married life, but you put a man to death, the law is broken.
12 Тако глаголите и тако творите, яко законом свободным имущии суд прияти.
Let your words and your acts be those of men who are to be judged by the law which makes free.
13 Суд бо без милости не сотворшему милости: и хвалится милость на суде.
For the man who has had no mercy will be judged without mercy, but mercy takes pride in overcoming judging.
14 Кая польза, братие моя, аще веру глаголет кто имети, дел же не имать? Еда может вера спасти его?
What use is it, my brothers, for a man to say that he has faith, if he does nothing? will such a faith give him salvation?
15 Аще же брат или сестра нага будета и лишена будета дневныя пищи,
If a brother or a sister is without clothing and in need of the day's food,
16 речет же има кто от вас: идита с миром, грейтася и насыщайтася? Не даст же има требования телеснаго: кая польза?
And one of you says to them, Go in peace, be warm and full of food; but you do not give them the things of which their bodies have need, what profit is there in this?
17 Такожде и вера, аще дел не имать, мертва есть о себе.
Even so faith without works is dead.
18 Но речет кто: ты веру имаши, аз же дела имам: покажи ми веру твою от дел твоих, и аз тебе покажу от дел моих веру мою.
But a man may say, You have faith and I have works; let me see your faith without your works, and I will make my faith clear to you by my works.
19 Ты веруеши, яко Бог един есть: добре твориши: и беси веруют, и трепещут.
You have the belief that God is one, and you do well: the evil spirits have the same belief, shaking with fear.
20 Хощеши же ли разумети, о, человече суетне, яко вера без дел мертва есть?
Do you not see, O foolish man, that faith without works is of no use?
21 Авраам отец наш не от дел ли оправдася, вознес Исаака сына своего на жертвенник?
Was not the righteousness of Abraham our father judged by his works, when he made an offering of Isaac his son on the altar?
22 Видиши ли, яко вера поспешествоваше делом его, и от дел совершися вера?
You see that his faith was helping his works and was made complete by them;
23 И совершися Писание глаголющее: верова же Авраам Богови, и вменися ему в правду, и друг Божий наречеся.
And the holy Writings were put into effect which said, And Abraham had faith in God and it was put to his account as righteousness; and he was named the friend of God.
24 Зрите ли убо, яко от дел оправдается человек, а не от веры единыя?
You see that a man's righteousness is judged by his works and not by his faith only.
25 Такожде же и Раав блудница не от дел ли оправдася, приемши сходники и иным путем изведши их?
And in the same way, was not the righteousness of Rahab, the loose woman, judged by her works, when she took into her house those who were sent and let them go out by another way?
26 Якоже бо тело без духа мертво есть, тако и вера без дел мертва есть.
For as the body without the spirit is dead even so faith without works is dead.

< Послание Иакова 2 >