< Послание к Галатам 5 >

1 Свободою убо, еюже Христос нас свободи, стойте, и не паки под игом работы держитеся.
It is for freedom that Christ set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not again be held under the yoke of slavery.
2 Се аз Павел глаголю вам, яко аще обрезаетеся, Христос вас ничтоже пользует.
Understand that I, Paul, myself tell you that if you allow yourselves to be circumcised, Christ will avail you nothing.
3 Свидетельствую же паки всякому человеку обрезающемуся, яко должен есть весь закон творити.
I again declare to everyone who receives circumcision, that he binds himself to obey the whole Law.
4 Упразднистеся от Христа, иже законом оправдаетеся, от благодати отпадосте:
You have severed yourselves from Christ – you who are seeking to be pronounced righteous through Law; you have fallen away from love.
5 мы бо духом от веры упования правды ждем.
For we, by the help of the Spirit, are eagerly waiting for the fulfilment of our hope – that we may be pronounced righteous as the result of faith.
6 О Христе бо Иисусе ни обрезание что может, ни необрезание, но вера любовию поспешествуема.
If we are in union with Christ Jesus, neither is circumcision nor the omission of it anything, but faith, working through love, is everything.
7 Течасте добре: кто вам возбрани не покарятися истине?
You were once making good progress! Who has hindered you from obeying the truth?
8 Препрение не от Призвавшаго вы.
The persuasion brought to bear on you does not come from him who calls you.
9 Мал квас все смешение квасит.
A little yeast leavens all the dough.
10 Аз надеюся о вас в Господе, яко ничтоже ино разумети будете: смущаяй же вас понесет грех, кто бы ни был.
I, through my union with the Lord, am persuaded that you will learn to think with me. But the man who is disturbing your minds will have to bear his punishment, whoever he may be.
11 Аз же, братие, аще обрезание еще проповедую, почто еще гонимь есмь? Убо упразднися соблазн креста.
If I, friends, am still proclaiming circumcision, why am I still persecuted? It seems that the cross has ceased to be an obstacle!
12 О, дабы отсечени были развращающии вас.
I could even wish that the people who are unsettling you would go further still and mutilate themselves.
13 Вы бо на свободу звани бысте, братие: точию да не свобода ваша в вину плоти, но любовию работайте друг другу.
Remember, friends, to you the call came to give you freedom. Only, do not make your freedom an opportunity for self-indulgence but serve one another in a loving spirit.
14 Ибо весь закон в единем словеси исполняется, во еже: возлюбиши ближняго твоего якоже себе.
Indeed, the whole Law has been summed up in this one precept – “You must love your neighbour as you love yourself.”
15 Аще же друг друга угрызаете и снедаете, блюдитеся, да не друг от друга истреблени будете.
But, if you are continually wounding and preying on one another, take care that you are not destroyed by one another.
16 Глаголю же: духом ходите, и похоти плотския не совершайте:
This is what I have to say – Let your steps be guided by the Spirit, and then you will never gratify the cravings of your earthly nature.
17 плоть бо похотствует на духа, дух же на плоть: сия же друг другу противятся, да не яже хощете, сия творите.
For these cravings of our earthly nature conflict with the Spirit, and the Spirit with our earthly nature – they are two contrary principles – so that you cannot do what you wish.
18 Аще ли духом водими есте, несте под законом.
But, if you follow the guidance of the Spirit, you are not subject to Law.
19 Явлена же суть дела плотская, яже суть прелюбодеяние, блуд, нечистота, студодеяние,
The sins of our earthly nature are unmistakable. They are sins like these – sexual immorality, impurity, indecency,
20 идолослужение, чародеяния, вражды, рвения, завиды, ярости, разжжения, распри, соблазны, ереси,
idolatry, sorcery, quarrels, strife, jealousy, outbursts of passion, rivalries, dissensions, divisions,
21 зависти, убийства, пиянства, безчинни кличи и подобная сим: яже предглаголю вам, якоже и предрекох, яко таковая творящии Царствия Божия не наследят.
feelings of envy, drunkenness, revelry, and the like. And I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who indulge in such things will have no place in the kingdom of God.
22 Плод же духовный есть любы, радость, мир, долготерпение, благость, милосердие, вера,
But the fruit produced by the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindliness, generosity, trustfulness, gentleness, self-control.
23 кротость, воздержание: на таковых несть закона.
Against such things there is no law!
24 А иже Христовы суть, плоть распяша со страстьми и похотьми.
And those who belong to Jesus, the Christ, have already crucified their earthly nature, with its passions and its cravings.
25 Аще живем духом, духом и да ходим.
Since our life is due to the Spirit, let us rule our conduct also by the Spirit.
26 Не бываим тщеславни, друг друга раздражающе, друг другу завидяще.
Do not let us grow vain, and provoke or envy one another.

< Послание к Галатам 5 >