< Исход 9 >

1 Рече же Господь к Моисею: вниди к фараону и речеши ему: сия глаголет Господь Бог Еврейский: отпусти люди Моя, да послужат Мне:
And the Lord said to Moses, Go in to Pharao, and you shall say to him, These things says the Lord God of the Hebrews; Send my people away that they may serve me.
2 аще убо не восхощеши отпустити людий Моих, но и еще их удержиши:
If however you will not send my people away, but yet detain them:
3 се, рука Господня будет на скоты твоя в полях и на кони, и на ослы и на велблюды, и на говяда и на овцы, смерть велика зело:
behold, the hand of the Lord shall be upon your cattle in the fields, both on the horses, and on the asses, and on the camels and oxen and sheep, a very great mortality.
4 и дивна сотворю Аз во время оно между скоты Египетскими и между скоты сынов Израилевых: и не умрет от всех скотов сынов Израилевых ни едино.
And I will make a marvelous distinction in that time between the cattle of the Egyptians, and the cattle of the children of Israel: nothing shall die of all that is of the children's of Israel.
5 И даде Бог предел глаголя: во утрие сотворит Господь глаголгол сей на земли.
And God fixed a limit, saying, To-morrow the Lord will do this thing on the land.
6 И сотвори Господь глаголгол сей на утрии, и измре весь скот Египетский: от скота же сынов Израилевых не умре ни едино.
And the Lord did this thing on the next day, and all the cattle of the Egyptians died, but of the cattle of the children of Israel there died not one.
7 Видев же фараон, яко не умре от всех скотов сынов Израилевых ни едино, отягчися сердце фараону, и не отпусти людий.
And when Pharao saw, that of all the cattle of the children of Israel there died not one, the heart of Pharao was hardened, and he did not let the people go.
8 Рече же Господь к Моисею и Аарону, глаголя: возмите вы полны руце пепела пещнаго, и да разсыплет Моисей к небеси пред фараоном и пред рабы его:
And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying, Take you handfuls of ashes of the furnace, and let Moses scatter it toward heaven before Pharao, and before his servants.
9 и да будет прах по всей земли Египетстей, и будут на человецех и на скотех гнойнии струпи, горящии на человецех и на скотех по всей земли Египетстей.
And let it become dust over all the land of Egypt, and there shall be upon men and upon beasts sore blains breaking forth both on men and on beasts, in all the land of Egypt.
10 И взя пепел пещный пред фараоном, и разсыпа его Моисей к небеси: и быша гнойнии струпи, горящии на человецех и на скотех,
So he took of the ashes of the furnace before Pharao, and Moses scattered it toward heaven, and it became sore blains breaking forth both on men and on beasts.
11 и не можаху волсви стояти пред Моисеом струпов ради: быша бо струпи на волсвех и на всей земли Египетстей.
And the sorcerers could not stand before Moses because of the sores, for the sores were on the sorcerers, and in all the land of Egypt.
12 Ожесточи же Господь сердце фараоново, и не послуша их, якоже повеле Господь Моисею.
And the Lord hardened Pharao's heart, and he listened not to them, as the Lord appointed.
13 И рече Господь к Моисею: востани заутра и стани пред фараоном, и рцы к нему: сице глаголет Господь Бог Еврейский: отпусти люди Моя, да послужат Мне:
And the Lord said to Moses, Rise up early in the morning, and stand before Pharao; and you shall say to him, These things says the Lord God of the Hebrews, Send away my people that they may serve me.
14 в сей бо час Аз испущу вся казни Моя в сердце твое и рабов твоих и людий твоих: да увеси, яко несть ин, якоже Аз, во всей земли:
For at this present time do I send forth all my plagues into your heart, and the heart of your servants and of your people; that you may know that there is not another such as I in all the earth.
15 ныне бо пустив руку Мою, поражу тя и люди твоя умерщвлю, и потребишися от земли:
For now I will stretch forth my hand and strike you and kill your people, and you shall be consumed from off the earth.
16 и сего ради пощаден еси доселе, да покажу на тебе крепость Мою, и яко да проповестся имя Мое по всей земли:
And for this purpose have you been preserved, that I might display in you my strength, and that my name might bepublished in all the earth.
17 еще ли убо ты востаеши на людий Моих, еже не отпустити их?
Do you then yet exert yourself to hinder my people, so as not to let them go?
18 Се, Аз одождю в сей же час заутра град мног зело, яков не бяше во Египте, от негоже дне создася, даже до дне сего:
Behold, to-morrow at this hour I will rain a very great hail, such as has not been in Egypt, from the time it was created until this day.
19 ныне убо потщися собрати скот твой, и елика ти суть на поли: вси бо человецы и скоти, елицы аще обрящутся на полях и не внидут в дом, падет же на ня град, измрут.
Now then hasten to gather your cattle, and all that you have in the fields; for all the men and cattle as many as shall be found in the fields, and shall not enter into a house, (but the hail shall fall upon them, ) shall die.
20 Иже убояся слова Господня от рабов фараоновых, собра скоты своя в домы:
He of the servants of Pharao that feared the word of the Lord, gathered his cattle into the houses.
21 а иже не вня мыслию слову Господню, остави скоты на полях.
And he that did not attend in his mind to the word of the Lord, left the cattle in the fields.
22 Рече же Господь к Моисею: простри руку твою на небо, и будет град по всей земли Египетстей, на человеки и на скоты и на всю траву земную.
And the Lord said to Moses, Stretch out your hand to heaven, and there shall be hail on all the land of Egypt, both on the men and on the cattle, and on all the herbage on the land.
23 Простре же Моисей руку на небо, и Господь даде громы и град, и течаше огнь по земли, и одожди Господь град по всей земли Египетстей:
And Moses stretched forth his hand to heaven, and the Lord sent thunderings and hail; and the fire ran along upon the ground, and the Lord rained hail on all the land of Egypt.
24 бяше же град и огнь горящь со градом, град же мног зело зело, яков не бысть во Египте, отнележе быша люди в нем.
So there was hail and flaming fire mingled with hail; and the hail was very great, such as was not in Egypt, from the time there was a nation upon it.
25 Порази же град во всей земли Египетстей от человека до скота, и всяку траву яже на поли порази град, и вся древа яже на полях сотре град:
And the hail struck in all the land of Egypt both man and beast, and the hail struck all the grass in the field, and the hail broke in pieces all the trees in the field.
26 токмо в земли Гесемстей, идеже бяху сынове Израилевы, не бысть град.
Only in the land of Gesem where the children of Israel were, the hail was not.
27 Послав же фараон, призва Моисеа и Аарона и рече им: согреших ныне: Господь праведен аз же и людие мои нечестиви:
And Pharao sent and called Moses and Aaron, and said to them, I have sinned this time: the Lord [is] righteous, and I and my people are wicked.
28 помолитеся убо о мне ко Господу, и да престанут быти громи Божии и град и огнь на земли, и отпущу вы, и ктому не приложите медлити.
Pray then for me to the Lord, and let him cause the thunderings of God to cease, and the hail and the fire, and I will send you forth and you shall remain no longer.
29 Рече же ему Моисей: егда изыду из града, простру руце мои на небо ко Господу, и громи престанут, и град и дождь не будет ктому, да увеси, яко Господня есть земля:
And Moses said to him, When I shall have departed from the city, I will stretch out my hands to the Lord, and the thunderings shall cease, and the hail and the rain shall be no longer, that you may know that the earth [is] the Lord's.
30 ты же и раби твои, вем, яко еще не убоястеся Господа.
But as for you and your servants, I know that you have not yet feared the Lord.
31 Лен же и ячмень побит есть, ячмень бо испущаше класы, а лен семя:
And the flax and the barley were struck, for the barley was advanced, and the flax was seeding.
32 пшеница же и жито не побиты, поздны бо бяху.
But the wheat and the rye were not struck, for they were late.
33 Изыде же Моисей от фараона из града и простре руце свои ко Господу, и громове престаша, и град и дождь не укану на землю ктому.
And Moses went forth from Pharao out of the city, and stretched out his hands to the Lord, and the thunders ceased and the hail, and the rain did not drop on the earth.
34 Видев же фараон, яко преста дождь и град и громи, приложи согрешати еще, и отягчи сердце свое и рабов своих:
And when Pharao saw that the rain and the hail and the thunders ceased, he continued to sin; and [he] hardened his heart, and the heart of his servants.
35 и ожесточися сердце фараоново и рабов его, и не отпусти сынов Израилевых, якоже глагола Господь к Моисею.
And the heart of Pharao was hardened, and he did not send forth the children of Israel, as the Lord said to Moses.

< Исход 9 >