< Вторая книга Паралипоменон 32 >

1 И по словесех сих и по истине сей, прииде Сеннахирим царь Ассирийский, и прииде на Иудею, и ополчися на грады крепкия хотя взяти их.
And after these things and this faithful dealing, came Sennacherim king of the Assyrians, and he came to Juda, and encamped against the fortified cities, and intended to take them for himself.
2 И виде Езекиа, яко прииде Сеннахирим, и лице его воевати на Иерусалим:
And Ezekias saw that Sennacherim was come, and [that] his face [was set] to fight against Jerusalem.
3 и советова со старейшины своими и с сильными, да заключат воды источников, иже беша вне града: и соизволиша ему.
And he took counsel with his elders and his mighty [men] to stop the wells of water which were without the city: and they helped him.
4 И собра много людий, и заключи воды источников и поток текущь посреде града, глаголя: да не приидет царь Ассирийский, и обрящет вод много, и укрепится.
And he collected many people, and stopped the wells of water, and the river that flowed through the city, saying, Lest the king of Assyria come, and find much water, and strengthen [himself].
5 И укрепися Езекиа, и созда вся стены, яже быша разсыпаны, и столпы, и отвне предстение ино, и укрепи разрушенная града Давидова, и уготова оружия многа:
And Ezekias strengthened [himself], and built all the wall that had been pulled down, and the towers, and another wall in front without, and fortified the strong place of the city of David, and prepared arms in abundance.
6 и постави началники бранем над людьми, и собрашася к нему на площадь врат дебри, и глагола в сердца их глаголя:
And he appointed captains of war over the people, and they were gathered to [meet] him to the open place of the gate of the valley, and he encouraged them, saying,
7 укрепитеся и мужайтеся и не устрашайтеся, ниже ужасайтеся от лица царя Ассирийска и от лица всего множества, еже с ним: яко множайшии с нами суть неже с ним:
Be strong and courageous, and fear not, neither be dismayed before the King of Assyria, and before all the nation that [is] with him: for [there are] more with us than with him.
8 с ним мышца плотская, с нами же Господь Бог наш, еже спасати и поборати на брани нашей. И укрепишася людие словесы Езекии царя Иудина.
With him [are] arms of flesh; but with us [is] the Lord our God to save [us], and to fight our battle. And the people were encouraged at the words of Ezekias king of Juda.
9 И по сих посла Сеннахирим царь Ассирийский рабы своя во Иерусалим, сам же со всеми вои своими обстояше Лахис, и посла ко Езекии царю Иудину и ко всему Иуде, иже во Иерусалиме, глаголя:
And afterward Sennacherim king of the Assyrians sent his servants to Jerusalem; and [he went] himself against Lachis, and all his army with him, and sent to Ezekias king of Juda, and to all Juda that [was] in Jerusalem, saying,
10 сия глаголет Сеннахирим царь Ассирийский: на что вы уповаете и седите во обстоянии во Иерусалиме?
Thus says Sennacherim king of the Assyrians, On what do ye trust, that ye will remain in the siege in Jerusalem?
11 Ни ли Езекиа прельщает вас, да предаст вы в смерть и в глад и жажду, глаголя: Господь Бог наш спасет нас от руки царя Ассирийска?
Does not Ezekias deceive you, to deliver you to death and famine and thirst, saying, The Lord our God will deliver us out of the hand of the king of Assyria?
12 Не сей ли есть Езекиа, иже разори олтари Его и вышняя Его, и повеле Иуде и живущым во Иерусалиме, глаголя: олтарем пред олтарем сим покланяйтеся и в нем кадите фимиам?
Is not this Ezekias who has taken down his altars and his high places and has spoken to Juda and the dwellers in Jerusalem, saying, Ye shall worship before this altar and burn incense upon it?
13 Или не весте сего, что аз сотворих и отцы мои всем людем земли? Еда могуще возмогоша бози языков всея земли избавити люди своя от руки моея?
Know ye not what I and my fathers have done to all the nations of the countries? Could the gods of the nations of all the earth at all rescue their people out of my hand?
14 Кто во всех бозех языков сих, ихже искорениша отцы мои? Еда возмогоша избавити люди своя от руки моея, и како может Бог ваш избавити вас от руки моея?
Who is there among all the gods of those nations whom my fathers utterly destroyed, [worthy of trust]? Could they deliver their people out of my hand, that your God should deliver you out of my hand?
15 Ныне убо да не прельщает вас Езекиа и да не творит вас уповати по сему, и не веруйте ему: аще бо ни един бог всякаго языка и царства возможе избавити люди своя от руки моея и от руку отец моих, то ниже Бог ваш возможет избавити вас от руки моея.
Now then, let not Ezekias deceive you, and let him not make you thus confident, and believe him not: for no god of any kingdom or nation is at all able to deliver his people out of my hand, or the hand of my fathers: therefore your God shall not deliver you out of my hand.
16 И ина (многа) глаголаша раби его противу Господа Бога и противу Езекии раба Его.
And his servants continued to speak against the Lord God, and against his servant Ezekias.
17 И послания написа поношая Господа Бога Израилева, и рече Нань, глаголя: якоже бози язык земли не могоша избавити людий своих от руки моея, тако ниже Бог Езекиин избавит люди Своя от руки моея.
And he wrote a letter to reproach the Lord God of Israel, and spoke concerning him, saying, As the gods of the nations of the earth have not delivered their people out of my hand, so the God of Ezekias shall by no means deliver his people out of my hand.
18 И возопи воплем великим языком Иудейским к людем, иже седяху на стенах Иерусалимлих, да устрашит их и ужасит, и возмет град:
And he cried with a loud voice in the Jews' language to the people of Jerusalem on the wall, [calling them] to assist them, and pull down [the walls], that they might take the city.
19 и глагола на Бога Иерусалимля, якоже и на богов людий земли, дела рук человеческих.
And he spoke against the God of Jerusalem, even as against the gods of the nations of the earth, the works of the hands of men.
20 И помолися Езекиа царь и Исаиа сын Амосов пророк о сих, и возопиша на небо.
And king Ezekias and Esaias the prophet the son of Amos prayed concerning these things, and they cried to heaven.
21 И посла Господь Ангела, и порази всех мужей храбрых и бранников, и началников и воевод в полцех царя Ассирийска: и возврати лице его со стыдом на землю его, и прииде в дом бога своего, и сынове его изшедшии из чрева его погубиша его мечем.
And the Lord sent an angel, and he destroyed every mighty man and warrior, and leader and captain in the camp of the king of Assyria: and he returned with shame of face to his own land and came into the house of his god: and [some] of them that came out of his bowels slew him with the sword.
22 И спасе Господь Езекию и обитающих во Иерусалиме от руки Сеннахирима царя Ассирийска и от руку всех, и подаде им покой окрест.
So the Lord delivered Ezekias and the dwellers in Jerusalem out of the hand of Sennacherim King of Assyria, and out of the hand of all [his enemies], and gave them rest round about.
23 И мнози приношаху дары Господу во Иерусалим и даяния Езекии царю Иудину, и возвышен бысть пред очесы всех языков по сих.
And many brought gifts to the Lord to Jerusalem, and presents to Ezekias king of Juda; and he was exalted in the eyes of all the nations after these things.
24 Во днех оных разболеся Езекиа даже до смерти и помолися ко Господу: и услыша его и даде ему знамение.
In those days Ezekias was sick even to death, and prayed to the Lord: and he hearkened to him, and gave him a sign.
25 И не по воздаянию, еже даде ему, воздаде Езекиа, но вознесеся сердце его, и бысть на него гнев и на Иуду и на Иерусалим.
But Ezekias did not recompense the Lord according to the return which he made him, but his heart was lifted up: and wrath came upon him, and upon Juda and Jerusalem.
26 И смирися Езекиа от высоты сердца своего сам и живущии во Иерусалиме, и не прииде на них гнев Господень во дни Езекиины.
And Ezekias humbled himself after the exaltation of his heart, he and the dwellers in Jerusalem; and the wrath of the Lord did not come upon them in the days of Ezekias.
27 И бысть Езекиеви богатство и слава многа зело: и сокровища себе собра сребра и злата и камения честнаго, и ароматы, и оружия хранилницы, и сосуды драгоценны,
And Ezekias had wealth and very great glory: and he made for himself treasuries of gold, and silver, and precious stones, also for spices, and stores for arms, and for precious vessels;
28 и житницы жит, пшеницы и вина и елеа, и села, и ясли всякому скоту, и ограды стадом,
and cities for the produce of corn, and wine, and oil; and stalls and mangers for every [kind of] cattle, and folds for flocks;
29 и грады, яже созда себе, и строения овцам и волом множество: зане даде ему Господь собрания многа зело.
and cities which he built for himself, and store of sheep and oxen in abundance, for the Lord gave him a very great store.
30 Той Езекиа загради исход воды Геона вышняго и проведе ю в низ к полудню града Давидова. И преуспе Езекиа во всех делех своих.
The same Ezekias stopped up the course of the water of Gion above, and brought the water down straight south of the city of David. And Ezekias prospered in all his works.
31 И тако послом князей от Вавилона, иже послани бяху к нему, да вопросят его о чудеси, еже случися на земли, остави его Господь, да искусит его уведати, яже в сердцы его.
Notwithstanding, in regard to the ambassadors of the princes of Babylon, who were sent to him to enquire of him [concerning] the prodigy which came upon the land, the Lord left him, to try him, to know what was in his heart.
32 Прочая же словес Езекииных, и щедроты его, се, писана суть в пророчестве Исаии пророка сына Амосова и в книзе царей Иудиных и Израилевых.
And the rest of the acts of Ezekias, and his kindness, behold, they are written in the prophecy of Esaias the son of Amos the prophet, and in the book of the kings of Juda and Israel.
33 И успе Езекиа со отцы своими, и погребоша его на восходех гробов сынов Давидовых: и славу и честь даша ему в смерти его весь Иуда и живущии во Иерусалиме. И воцарися Манассиа сын его вместо его.
And Ezekias slept with his fathers, and they buried him in a high place among the sepulchres of the sons of David: and all Juda and the dwellers in Jerusalem gave him glory and honour at his death. And Manasses his son reigned in his stead.

< Вторая книга Паралипоменон 32 >