< Isaya 26 >

1 Pazuva iro rwiyo urwu ruchaimbwa munyika yaJudha: Tine guta rakasimba; Mwari anoita kuti ruponeso ruve masvingo nenhare dzaro.
In that day this song will be sung in the land of Judah: We have a strong city; God has made salvation its walls and ramparts.
2 Zarurai masuo kuti rudzi rwakarurama rupinde, rudzi runochengeta kutenda.
Open the gates, that the righteous nation that keeps faith may enter in.
3 Muchachengeta murugare rwakakwana munhu ane mufungo wakasimba, nokuti anovimba nemi.
The mind that is stayed on you, you will keep him in perfect peace, for he trusts in you.
4 Vimba naJehovha nokusingaperi, nokuti Jehovha, iye Jehovha ndiye Dombo rokusingaperi.
Trust in Yahweh forever; for in Yah, Yahweh, is an everlasting rock.
5 Anoderedza avo vagere pakakwirira, anodzikisa pasi guta rapamusoro; anorideredza kusvikira pavhu uye anorikanda muguruva.
For he will bring down those who live proudly; the fortified city he will lay low, he will lay low to the ground; he will level it to the dust.
6 Tsoka dzicharitsikirira pasi, tsoka dzavakamanikidzwa, idzo tsoka dzavarombo.
It will be trampled down by the feet of the poor and the treading of the needy.
7 Nzira yavakarurama yakati chechetere; imi Akarurama, munoita kuti nzira yavakarurama iti chechetere.
The path of the righteous is level, Righteous One; the path of the righteous you make straight.
8 Hongu, Jehovha tichifamba munzira yomurayiro wenyu, tinokumirirai; zita renyu nemukurumbira wenyu ndizvo chishuwo chemwoyo yedu.
Yes, in the path of your judgments, Yahweh, we wait for you; your name and your reputation are our desire.
9 Mwoyo wangu unokushuvai pausiku; mangwanani, mweya wangu unokupangai. Kutonga kwenyu pakunouya panyika, vanhu vanogara panyika vanodzidza zvokururama.
I have longed for you in the night; yes, my spirit within me seeks you earnestly. For when your judgments come on the earth, the inhabitants of the world learn about righteousness.
10 Kunyange nyasha dzichiratidzwa kuna vakaipa, ivo havadzidzi kururama; kunyange munyika yokururama, vanongoramba vachiita zvakaipa, uye havana hanya noukuru hwaJehovha.
Let favor be shown to the wicked one, but he will not learn righteousness. In the land of uprightness he acts wickedly and does not see the majesty of Yahweh.
11 Haiwa Jehovha, ruoko rwenyu rwakasimudzirwa kumusoro, asi havaruoni. Ngavaone kushingaira kwenyu pamusoro pavanhu venyu vagonyadziswa; moto wakachengeterwa vavengi venyu ngauvaparadze.
Yahweh, your hand is lifted up, but they do not notice. But they will see your zeal for the people and be put to shame, because fire of your adversaries will devour them.
12 Jehovha, imi munotigadzirira rugare; zvose zvatakakwanisa ndimi makatiitira.
Yahweh, you will bring about peace for us; for indeed, you have also accomplished all our works for us.
13 Haiwa Jehovha Mwari wedu, mamwe madzishe kunze kwenyu akatitonga, asi zita renyu ndiro ratinokudza chete.
Yahweh our God, other masters besides you have ruled over us; but we praise your name alone.
14 Ivo vakafa zvino, havachararamizve; mweya yavakafa haimuki. Makavaranga mukavaparadza; makabvisa chirangaridzo chavo.
They are dead, they will not live; they are deceased, they will not arise. Indeed, you came in judgment and destroyed them, and made every memory of them to perish.
15 Makakurisa rudzi, imi Jehovha; makakurisa rudzi. Makazviwanira mukurumbira; mukakurisa miganhu yose yenyika.
You have increased the nation, Yahweh, you have increased the nation; you are honored; you have extended all the borders of the land.
16 Jehovha, vakauya kwamuri mumatambudziko avo; pamakavarova, havana kugona kuzevezera munyengetero.
Yahweh, in trouble have they looked to you; they whispered prayers when your discipline was on them.
17 Sezvinoita mukadzi ane mimba oda kusununguka, anomonyoroka mukurwadziwa kwake, agochema kwazvo, ndizvo zvatakanga takaita pamberi penyu, imi Jehovha.
As a pregnant woman nears the time for her to give birth, when she is in pain and cries out in her labor pains, so we have been before you, Lord.
18 Takanga tine mimba, tichimonyoroka mukurwadziwa, asi takabereka mhepo. Hatina kuvigira nyika ruponeso; hatina chatakaberekera vanhu venyika.
We have been pregnant, we have been in labor, but it is as if we have only given birth to wind. We have not brought salvation to the earth, and the inhabitants of the world have not fallen.
19 Asi vakafa venyu vachararama; miviri yavo ichamuka. Imi mugere muguruva, mukai mupembere. Dova renyu rakaita sedova ramangwanani; nyika ichabudisa vakafa vayo.
Your dead will live; their dead bodies will arise. Awake and sing for joy, you who live in the dust; for your dew is the dew of light, and the earth will bring forth its dead.
20 Chiendai, vanhu vangu, pindai mumakamuri enyu, mugopfiga mikova shure kwenyu; muvande kwechinguva kusvikira kutsamwa kwake kwapfuura.
Go, my people, enter into your rooms and shut your doors behind you; hide for a little while, until the indignation has passed by.
21 Tarirai, Jehovha ari kubuda muugaro hwake, kuti arange vanhu venyika nokuda kwezvivi zvavo. Nyika ichafukura ropa rakateurwa pamusoro payo; haichazovanzizve vakaurayiwa vayo.
For, look, Yahweh is about to come out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity; the earth will uncover her bloodshed, and will no longer conceal her slain.

< Isaya 26 >