< 2 Књига о царевима 4 >

1 А једна између жена синова пророчких повика к Јелисију говорећи: Слуга твој, муж мој, умре, и ти знаш да се слуга твој бојао Господа: па сада дође рукодавалац да ми узме два сина у робље.
Now a certain woman, the wife of one of the sons of the prophets, came crying to Elisha and said, Your servant my husband is dead; and to your knowledge he was a worshipper of the Lord; but now, the creditor has come to take my two children as servants in payment of his debt.
2 А Јелисије јој рече: Шта ћу ти? Кажи ми шта имаш у кући? А она рече: Слушкиња твоја нема у кући ништа до судић уља.
Then Elisha said to her, What am I to do for you? say now, what have you in the house? And she said, Your servant has nothing in the house but a pot of oil.
3 А он јој рече: Иди, ишти у наруч празних судова у свих суседа својих, немој мало да иштеш.
Then he said, Go out to all your neighbours and get vessels, a very great number of them.
4 Па отиди, и затвори се у кућу са синовима својим, па онда наливај у све судове, и кад се који напуни, кажи нека уклоне.
Then go in, and, shutting the door on yourself and your sons, put oil into all these vessels, putting on one side the full ones.
5 И она отиде од њега, и затвори се у кућу са синовима својим; они јој додаваху а она наливаше.
So she went away, and when the door was shut on her and her sons, they took the vessels to her and she put oil into them.
6 А кад се судови напунише, она рече сину свом: Дај још један суд. А он јој рече: Нема више. Тада стаде уље.
And when all the vessels were full, she said to her son, Get me another vessel. And he said, There are no more. And the flow of oil was stopped.
7 Потом она отиде и каза човеку Божијем; а он јој рече: Иди, продај уље, и одужи се; а шта претече, оним се храни са својим синовима.
So she came to the man of God and gave him word of what she had done. And he said, Go and get money for the oil and make payment of your debt, and let the rest be for the needs of yourself and your sons.
8 После тога једном иђаше Јелисије кроз Сунам, а онде беше богата жена, која га устави да једе хлеба; и отада кад год пролажаше, навраћаше се к њој да једе хлеба.
Now there came a day when Elisha went to Shunem, and there was a woman of high position living there, who made him come in and have a meal with her. And after that, every time he went by, he went into her house for a meal.
9 И она рече мужу свом: Гле, видим да је свет човек Божји овај што све пролази овуда.
And she said to her husband, Now I see that this is a holy man of God, who comes by day after day.
10 Да начинимо малу клет, и да му наместимо постељу и сто и столицу и свећњак, па кад дође к нама, нека се ту склони.
So let us make a little room on the wall; and put a bed there for him, and a table and a seat and a light; so that when he comes to us, he will be able to go in there.
11 Потом он дође једном онамо, и ушавши у клет почину онде.
Now one day, when he had gone there, he went into the little room and took his rest there.
12 И рече момку свом Гијезију: Зови Сунамку. Он је дозва; и она стаде пред њим.
And he said to Gehazi, his servant, Send for this Shunammite. So in answer to his voice she came before him.
13 И он рече Гијезију: Кажи јој: Ето стараш се за нас свакојако; шта хоћеш да ти учиним? Имаш ли шта да говорим цару или војводи? А она рече: Ја живим сред свог народа.
And he said to him, Now say to her, See, you have taken all this trouble for us; what is to be done for you? will you have any request made for you to the king or the captain of the army? But she said, I am living among my people.
14 А он рече: Шта бих јој дакле учинио? А Гијезије рече: Ето нема сина, а муж јој је стар.
So he said, What then is to be done for her? And Gehazi made answer, Still there is this, she has no son and her husband is old.
15 А он рече: Зови је. И он је дозва, и она стаде на вратима.
Then he said, Send for her. And in answer to his voice she took her place at the door.
16 А он рече: До године у ово доба грлићеш сина. А она рече: Немој господару мој, човече Божји, немој варати слушкиње своје.
And Elisha said, At this time in the coming year you will have a son in your arms. And she said, No, my lord, O man of God, do not say what is false to your servant.
17 И затрудне жена, и роди сина друге године у исто доба, као што јој рече Јелисије.
Then the woman became with child and gave birth to a son at the time named, in the year after, as Elisha had said to her.
18 И дете одрасте. И једном изађе к оцу свом к жетеоцима;
Now one day, when the child was older, he went out to his father to where the grain was being cut.
19 И рече оцу свом: Јаох глава, јаох глава! А он рече момку: Носи га матери.
And he said to his father, My head, my head! And the father said to a servant, Take him in to his mother.
20 И он га узе и однесе матери његовој, и лежа на крилу њеном до подне, па умре.
And he took him in to his mother, and she took him on her knees and kept him there till the middle of the day, when his life went from him.
21 Тада отиде она горе, и намести га у постељу човека Божјег, и затворивши га изађе.
Then she went up and put him on the bed of the man of God, shutting the door on him, and went out.
22 Потом викну мужа свог и рече му: Пошљи ми једног момка и једну магарицу да отрчим до човека Божјег и да се вратим.
And she said to her husband, Send me one of the servants and one of the asses so that I may go quickly to the man of God and come back again.
23 А он рече: Зашто данас хоћеш да идеш к њему? Нити је младина ни субота. А она рече: Не брини се.
And he said, Why are you going to him today? it is not a new moon or a Sabbath. But she said, It is well.
24 И она осамаривши магарицу рече момку свом: Води и иди и немој застајати мене ради на путу докле ти не кажем.
Then she made the ass ready and said to her servant, Keep driving on; do not make a stop without orders from me.
25 Тако пошавши дође човеку Божјем на гору кармилску. А кад је човек Божји угледа где иде к њему, рече Гијезију слузи свом: Ево Сунамке.
So she went, and came to Mount Carmel, to the man of God. And when the man of God saw her coming in his direction, he said to Gehazi, his servant, See, there is the Shunammite;
26 Трчи сад пред њу и реци јој: Јеси ли здраво? Је ли здраво муж твој? Је ли здраво син твој? А она рече: Здраво смо.
Go quickly to her, and on meeting her say to her, Are you well? and your husband and the child, are they well? And she said in answer, All is well.
27 А кад дође к човеку Божјем на гору, загрли му ноге, а Гијезије приступи да је отера; али човек Божји рече: Остави је, јер јој је душа у јаду, а Господ сакри од мене и не јави ми.
And when she came to where the man of God was on the hill, she put her hands round his feet; and Gehazi came near with the purpose of pushing her away; but the man of God said, Let her be, for her soul is bitter in her; and the Lord has kept it secret from me, and has not given me word of it.
28 А она рече: Јесам ли искала сина од господара свог? Нисам ли казала: Немој ме варати?
Then she said, Did I make a request to my lord for a son? did I not say, Do not give me false words?
29 А он рече Гијезију: Опаши се и узми штап мој у руку, па иди; ако сретнеш кога, немој га поздрављати, и ако те ко поздрави, немој му одговарати, и метни мој штап на лице детету.
Then he said to Gehazi, Make yourself ready, and take my stick in your hand, and go: if you come across anyone on the way, give him no blessing, and if anyone gives you a blessing, give him no answer. And put my stick on the child's face.
30 А мати детиња рече: Тако да је жив Господ и тако да је жива душа твоја, нећу те се оставити. Тада он уста и пође за њом.
But the mother of the child said, As the Lord is living and as your soul is living, I will not go back without you. So he got up and went with her.
31 А Гијезије отиде напред и метну штап на лице детету, али не би гласа ни осећаја. Тада се врати преда њ, и јави му говорећи: Не пробуди се дете.
And Gehazi went on before them and put the stick on the child's face; but there was no voice, and no one gave attention. So he went back, and meeting him gave him the news, saying, The child is not awake.
32 И Јелисије уђе у кућу, и гле, дете мртво лежи на његовој постељи.
And when Elisha came into the house he saw the child dead, stretched on his bed.
33 И ушавши затвори се с дететом, и помоли се Господу.
So he went in, and shutting the door on the two of them, made prayer to the Lord.
34 Потом стаде на постељу и леже на дете метнув уста своја на уста детету, и очи своје на очи његове, и дланове своје на његове дланове, и пружи се над њим, те се загреја тело детету.
Then he got up on the bed, stretching himself out on the child, and put his mouth on the child's mouth, his eyes on his eyes and his hands on his hands; and the child's body became warm.
35 Потом уста, и пређе по кући једном тамо и једном амо, потом отиде опет и пружи се над дететом. И кихну дете седам пута, и отвори дете очи своје.
Then he came back, and after walking once through the house and back, he went up, stretching himself out on the child seven times; and the child's eyes became open.
36 Тада дозва Гијезија и рече му: Зови Сунамку. И он је дозва, те дође к њему. И он јој рече: Узми сина свог.
And he gave orders to Gehazi, and said, Send for the Shunammite. And she came in answer to his voice. And he said, Take up your son.
37 И она ушавши паде к ногама његовим, и поклони му се до земље, и узевши сина свог отиде.
And she came in, and went down on her face to the earth at his feet; then she took her son in her arms and went out.
38 Потом врати се Јелисије у Галгал. А беше глад у оној земљи, и синови пророчки сеђаху пред њим; а он рече момку свом: Пристави велики лонац и скувај зеља синовима пророчким.
And Elisha went back to Gilgal, now there was very little food in the land; and the sons of the prophets were seated before him. And he said to his servant, Put the great pot on the fire, and make soup for the sons of the prophets.
39 А један отиде у поље да набере зеља, и нађе дивљу лозу и набра с ње дивљих тиквица пун плашт, и дошавши сасече их у лонац где беше зеље, јер их не познаваху.
And one went out into the field to get green plants and saw a vine of the field, and pulling off the fruit of it till the fold of his robe was full, he came back and put the fruit, cut up small, into the pot of soup, having no idea what it was.
40 И усуше људима да једу; а кад стадоше јести оног зеља, повикаше говорећи: Смрт је у лонцу, човече Божји! И не могаху јести.
Then they gave the men soup from the pot. And while they were drinking the soup, they gave a cry, and said, O man of God, there is death in the pot; and they were not able to take any more food.
41 А он рече: Донесите брашна. И сасу брашно у лонац, и рече: Успи људима нека једу. И не би више никаквог зла у лонцу.
But he said, Get some meal. And he put it into the pot, and said, Now give it to the people so that they may have food. And there was nothing bad in the pot.
42 А дође неко из Вал-Салисе, и донесе човеку Божјем хлеба од првина, двадесет хлебова јечмених, и нових зрна у класу. А он рече: Постави народу, нека једу.
Now a man came from Baal-shalishah with an offering of first-fruits for the man of God, twenty barley cakes and garden fruit in his bag. And he said, Give these to the people for food.
43 А слуга му рече: Како ћу то поставити пред сто људи? Опет рече: Постави народу, нека једу; јер је тако казао Господ: Јешће, и претећи ће.
But his servant said, How am I to put this before a hundred men? But he said, Give it to the people for food; for the Lord says, There will be food for them and some over.
44 А он им постави, те једоше; и претече по речи Господњој.
So he put it before them, and they had a meal and there was more than enough, as the Lord had said.

< 2 Књига о царевима 4 >