< 1 Књига Самуилова 3 >

1 А дете Самуило служаше Господу пред Илијем; и реч Господња беше ретка у оно време, и не јављаху се утваре.
Now the young Samuel was the servant of the Lord before Eli. In those days the Lord kept his word secret from men; there was no open vision.
2 Једном у то време Илије лежаше на свом месту; а очи му почињаху тамнети те не могаше видети.
And at that time, when Eli was resting in his place, (now his eyes were becoming clouded so that he was not able to see, )
3 И Самуило лежаше у дому Господњем где беше ковчег Божји, и жишци Господњи још не беху погашени.
And the light of God was still burning, while Samuel was sleeping in the Temple of the Lord where the ark of God was,
4 И викну Господ Самуила, а он рече: Ево ме.
The voice of the Lord said Samuel's name; and he said, Here am I.
5 И притрча к Илију, и рече му: Ево ме, што си ме звао? А он рече: Нисам те звао, иди лези. И он отиде и леже.
And running to Eli he said, Here am I, for you said my name. And Eli said, I did not say your name; go to your rest again. So he went back to his bed.
6 А Господ опет викну Самуила, и Самуило уста, и отиде к Илију, и рече: Ево ме, што си ме звао? А он рече: Нисам те звао, сине; иди лези.
And again the Lord said, Samuel. And Samuel got up and went to Eli and said, Here am I; for you certainly said my name. But he said in answer, I said nothing, my son; go to your rest again.
7 А Самуило још не познаваше Господа, и још му не беше јављена реч Господња.
Now at that time Samuel had no knowledge of the Lord, and the revelation of the word of the Lord had not come to him.
8 Тада опет викну Господ Самуила трећи пут, и он уста и отиде к Илију, и рече: Ево ме, што си ме звао? Тада разуме Илије да Господ зове дете.
And for the third time the Lord said Samuel's name. And he got up and went to Eli and said, Here am I; for you certainly said my name. Then it was clear to Eli that the voice which had said the child's name was the Lord's.
9 И рече Илије Самуилу: Иди лези; а ако те зовне, а ти реци: Говори Господе, чује слуга твој. И Самуило отиде, и леже на своје место.
So Eli said to Samuel, Go back: and if the voice comes again, let your answer be, Say on, Lord; for the ears of your servant are open. So Samuel went back to his bed.
10 А Господ дође и стаде; и зовну као пре: Самуило! Самуило! А Самуило рече: Говори, чује слуга твој.
Then the Lord came and said as before, Samuel, Samuel. Then Samuel made answer, Say on, Lord; for the ears of your servant are open.
11 И рече Господ Самуилу: Ево учинићу нешто у Израиљу да ће зујати оба уха свакоме ко чује.
And the Lord said to Samuel, See, I will do a thing in Israel at which the ears of everyone hearing of it will be burning.
12 У тај дан ћу учинити Илију све што сам говорио за кућу његову, од почетка до краја.
In that day I will do to Eli everything which I have said about his family, from first to last.
13 Јер сам му јавио да ћу судити дому његовом довека за неваљалство, за које је знао да њим навлаче на се проклетство синови његови, па им није забранио.
And you are to say to him that I will send punishment on his family for ever, for the sin which he had knowledge of; because his sons have been cursing God and he had no control over them.
14 Зато се заклех дому Илијевом да се неће очистити неваљалство дома Илијевог никаквом жртвом ни приносом довека.
So I have made an oath to the family of Eli that no offering of meat or of meal which they may make will ever take away the sin of his family.
15 И Самуило спава до јутра, па отвори врата дома Господњег. Али се бојаше Самуило казати Илију за утвару.
And Samuel kept where he was, not moving till the time came for opening the doors of the house of God in the morning. And fear kept him from giving Eli an account of his vision.
16 А Илије зовну Самуила и рече: Самуило, сине! А он рече: Ево ме.
Then Eli said, Samuel, my son. And Samuel answering said, Here am I.
17 А он рече: Какве су речи што ти је казао? Немој затајити од мене; тако ти учинио Бог и тако ти додао, ако затајиш од мене шта год ти је казао.
And he said, What did the Lord say to you? Do not keep it from me: may God's punishment be on you if you keep from me anything he said to you.
18 И Самуило му каза све, и ништа не затаји од њега. А он рече: Господ је, нека чини оно што Му је воља.
Then Samuel gave him an account of everything, keeping nothing back. And he said, It is the Lord; let him do what seems good to him.
19 А Самуило растијаше, и Господ беше с њим, и не пусти да падне на земљу ниједна реч његова.
And Samuel became older, and the Lord was with him and let not one of his words be without effect.
20 И сав Израиљ од Дана до Вирсавеје позна да је Самуило веран пророк Господњи.
And it was clear to all Israel from Dan to Beer-sheba that Samuel had been made a prophet of the Lord.
21 И Господ се стаде опет јављати у Силому, јер се Господ јављаше Самуилу у Силому речју Господњом.
And the Lord was seen again in Shiloh; for the Lord gave to Samuel in Shiloh the revelation of his word.

< 1 Књига Самуилова 3 >