< प्रेरिताः 17 >

1 पौलसीलौ आम्फिपल्यापल्लोनियानगराभ्यां गत्वा यत्र यिहूदीयानां भजनभवनमेकम् आस्ते तत्र थिषलनीकीनगर उपस्थितौ।
Now after passing through Amphipolis and Apollonia, they came to Thessalonica where there was a synagogue of the Jews.
2 तदा पौलः स्वाचारानुसारेण तेषां समीपं गत्वा विश्रामवारत्रये तैः सार्द्धं धर्म्मपुस्तकीयकथाया विचारं कृतवान्।
And according to Paul's custom, he went in to them, and for three sabbaths he discoursed with them from the scriptures,
3 फलतः ख्रीष्टेन दुःखभोगः कर्त्तव्यः श्मशानदुत्थानञ्च कर्त्तव्यं युष्माकं सन्निधौ यस्य यीशोः प्रस्तावं करोमि स ईश्वरेणाभिषिक्तः स एताः कथाः प्रकाश्य प्रमाणं दत्वा स्थिरीकृतवान्।
explaining and pointing out that it was necessary for the Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead, and, This Jesus, whom I proclaim to you, is the Christ.
4 तस्मात् तेषां कतिपयजना अन्यदेशीया बहवो भक्तलोका बह्यः प्रधाननार्य्यश्च विश्वस्य पौलसीलयोः पश्चाद्गामिनो जाताः।
And some of them were persuaded, and joined with Paul and Silas, and of the devout Greeks a great quantity, and of the prominent women not a few.
5 किन्तु विश्वासहीना यिहूदीयलोका ईर्ष्यया परिपूर्णाः सन्तो हटट्स्य कतिनयलम्पटलोकान् सङ्गिनः कृत्वा जनतया नगरमध्ये महाकलहं कृत्वा यासोनो गृहम् आक्रम्य प्रेरितान् धृत्वा लोकनिवहस्य समीपम् आनेतुं चेष्टितवन्तः।
But the disobedient Jews having taken along certain evil men of the marketplaces, and having gathered a mob, were rioting the city. And having stood by the house of Jason, they sought to bring them out to the populace.
6 तेषामुद्देशम् अप्राप्य च यासोनं कतिपयान् भ्रातृंश्च धृत्वा नगराधिपतीनां निकटमानीय प्रोच्चैः कथितवन्तो ये मनुष्या जगदुद्वाटितवन्तस्ते ऽत्राप्युपस्थिताः सन्ति,
And not having found them, they dragged Jason and some brothers to the city rulers, shouting, The men who have agitated the world, these are present here also,
7 एष यासोन् आतिथ्यं कृत्वा तान् गृहीतवान्। यीशुनामक एको राजस्तीति कथयन्तस्ते कैसरस्याज्ञाविरुद्धं कर्म्म कुर्व्वति।
whom Jason has received. And all these men are acting against the decrees of Caesar, asserting another man to be king, Jesus.
8 तेषां कथामिमां श्रुत्वा लोकनिवहो नगराधिपतयश्च समुद्विग्ना अभवन्।
And they disturbed the multitude and the city rulers when they heard these things.
9 तदा यासोनस्तदन्येषाञ्च धनदण्डं गृहीत्वा तान् परित्यक्तवन्तः।
And after taking bond from Jason and the other men, they released them.
10 ततः परं भ्रातृगणो रजन्यां पौलसीलौ शीघ्रं बिरयानगरं प्रेषितवान् तौ तत्रोपस्थाय यिहूदीयानां भजनभवनं गतवन्तौ।
And the brothers straightaway sent both Paul and Silas away through the night to Berea, who, when they arrived, went into the synagogue of the Jews.
11 तत्रस्था लोकाः थिषलनीकीस्थलोकेभ्यो महात्मान आसन् यत इत्थं भवति न वेति ज्ञातुं दिने दिने धर्म्मग्रन्थस्यालोचनां कृत्वा स्वैरं कथाम् अगृह्लन्।
But these were more noble than those in Thessalonica, who received the word with all willingness, examining the scriptures daily, if it has these things this way.
12 तस्माद् अनेके यिहूदीया अन्यदेशीयानां मान्या स्त्रियः पुरुषाश्चानेके व्यश्वसन्।
Indeed therefore many of them believed, also of the prominent Greek women, and of men, not a few.
13 किन्तु बिरयानगरे पौलेनेश्वरीया कथा प्रचार्य्यत इति थिषलनीकीस्था यिहूदीया ज्ञात्वा तत्स्थानमप्यागत्य लोकानां कुप्रवृत्तिम् अजनयन्।
But when the Jews of Thessalonica also learned that the word of God was proclaimed by Paul at Berea, they came there also, agitating the crowds.
14 अतएव तस्मात् स्थानात् समुद्रेण यान्तीति दर्शयित्वा भ्रातरः क्षिप्रं पौलं प्राहिण्वन् किन्तु सीलतीमथियौ तत्र स्थितवन्तौ।
But then straightaway the brothers sent Paul away to go as far as to the sea, but both Silas and Timothy remained there.
15 ततः परं पौलस्य मार्गदर्शकास्तम् आथीनीनगर उपस्थापयन् पश्चाद् युवां तूर्णम् एतत् स्थानं आगमिष्यथः सीलतीमथियौ प्रतीमाम् आज्ञां प्राप्य ते प्रत्यागताः।
And those who brought Paul led him as far as Athens. And after taking a command for Silas and Timothy, that they should come to him quickly, they departed.
16 पौल आथीनीनगरे तावपेक्ष्य तिष्ठन् तन्नगरं प्रतिमाभिः परिपूर्णं दृष्ट्वा सन्तप्तहृदयो ऽभवत्।
But while Paul waited for them in Athens, his spirit was aroused within him, seeing the city being completely idolatrous.
17 ततः स भजनभवने यान् यिहूदीयान् भक्तलोकांश्च हट्टे च यान् अपश्यत् तैः सह प्रतिदिनं विचारितवान्।
Indeed therefore he was discoursing in the synagogue with the Jews, and with those who worship, and in the marketplace every day with those who happened by.
18 किन्त्विपिकूरीयमतग्रहिणः स्तोयिकीयमतग्राहिणश्च कियन्तो जनास्तेन सार्द्धं व्यवदन्त। तत्र केचिद् अकथयन् एष वाचालः किं वक्तुम् इच्छति? अपरे केचिद् एष जनः केषाञ्चिद् विदेशीयदेवानां प्रचारक इत्यनुमीयते यतः स यीशुम् उत्थितिञ्च प्रचारयत्।
And also some of the Epicurean and Stoic philosophers encountered him. And some said, Whatever does this babbler want to say? But others, He seems to be a proclaimer of strange deities, because he brought the good news-Jesus and the resurrection.
19 ते तम् अरेयपागनाम विचारस्थानम् आनीय प्रावोचन् इदं यन्नवीनं मतं त्वं प्राचीकश इदं कीदृशं एतद् अस्मान् श्रावय;
And having taken him, they brought him to the Areopagus, saying, Can we understand what this new doctrine is, being spoken by thee?
20 यामिमाम् असम्भवकथाम् अस्माकं कर्णगोचरीकृतवान् अस्या भावार्थः क इति वयं ज्ञातुम् इच्छामः।
For thou bring some surprising things to our ears. Therefore, we want to know whatever these things aim to be.
21 तदाथीनीनिवासिनस्तन्नगरप्रवासिनश्च केवलं कस्याश्चन नवीनकथायाः श्रवणेन प्रचारणेन च कालम् अयापयन्।
Now all the Athenians, and the foreigners who dwell alien there, were at leisure in nothing else, than to tell or to hear something new.
22 पौलोऽरेयपागस्य मध्ये तिष्ठन् एतां कथां प्रचारितवान्, हे आथीनीयलोका यूयं सर्व्वथा देवपूजायाम् आसक्ता इत्यह प्रत्यक्षं पश्यामि।
And having stood in the middle of the Areopagus, Paul said, Athenian men, I perceive you as deity-fearing in all things.
23 यतः पर्य्यटनकाले युष्माकं पूजनीयानि पश्यन् ‘अविज्ञातेश्वराय’ एतल्लिपियुक्तां यज्ञवेदीमेकां दृष्टवान्; अतो न विदित्वा यं पूजयध्वे तस्यैव तत्वं युष्मान् प्रति प्रचारयामि।
For, passing through and examining your religious objects, I also found an altar on which had been engraved, TO AN UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore ye worship unknowingly, him I proclaim to you.
24 जगतो जगत्स्थानां सर्व्ववस्तूनाञ्च स्रष्टा य ईश्वरः स स्वर्गपृथिव्योरेकाधिपतिः सन् करनिर्म्मितमन्दिरेषु न निवसति;
The God who made the world and all things in it, he, being Lord of heaven and earth, dwells not in temples made with hands,
25 स एव सर्व्वेभ्यो जीवनं प्राणान् सर्व्वसामग्रीश्च प्रददाति; अतएव स कस्याश्चित् सामग्य्रा अभावहेतो र्मनुष्याणां हस्तैः सेवितो भवतीति न।
nor is he served by the hands of men, as needing anything, since he himself gives to all life, and breath, with all things.
26 स भूमण्डले निवासार्थम् एकस्मात् शोणितात् सर्व्वान् मनुष्यान् सृष्ट्वा तेषां पूर्व्वनिरूपितसमयं वसतिसीमाञ्च निरचिनोत्;
And he made from one blood every nation of men to dwell upon all the face of the earth, having determined prescribed times, and the limits of their occupancy,
27 तस्मात् लोकैः केनापि प्रकारेण मृगयित्वा परमेश्वरस्य तत्वं प्राप्तुं तस्य गवेषणं करणीयम्।
to search for the Lord, if indeed perhaps they might grope for him and find him, although being not far from each one of us.
28 किन्तु सोऽस्माकं कस्माच्चिदपि दूरे तिष्ठतीति नहि, वयं तेन निश्वसनप्रश्वसनगमनागमनप्राणधारणानि कुर्म्मः, पुुनश्च युष्माकमेव कतिपयाः कवयः कथयन्ति ‘तस्य वंशा वयं स्मो हि’ इति।
For in him we live, and move, and exist, as also some of the performers from you have said, For of him we are also offspring.
29 अतएव यदि वयम् ईश्वरस्य वंशा भवामस्तर्हि मनुष्यै र्विद्यया कौशलेन च तक्षितं स्वर्णं रूप्यं दृषद् वैतेषामीश्वरत्वम् अस्माभि र्न ज्ञातव्यं।
Being therefore offspring of God, we ought not think the Divine to be like gold, or silver, or stone handiwork of the skill and thought of man.
30 तेषां पूर्व्वीयलोकानाम् अज्ञानतां प्रतीश्वरो यद्यपि नावाधत्त तथापीदानीं सर्व्वत्र सर्व्वान् मनः परिवर्त्तयितुम् आज्ञापयति,
Indeed therefore having overlooked the times of ignorance, God now commands for all men everywhere to repent.
31 यतः स्वनियुक्तेन पुरुषेण यदा स पृथिवीस्थानां सर्व्वलोकानां विचारं करिष्यति तद्दिनं न्यरूपयत्; तस्य श्मशानोत्थापनेन तस्मिन् सर्व्वेभ्यः प्रमाणं प्रादात्।
Because he appointed a day during which he is going to judge the world in righteousness by a man whom he appointed, having provided assurance to all men because he raised him from the dead.
32 तदा श्मशानाद् उत्थानस्य कथां श्रुत्वा केचिद् उपाहमन्, केचिदवदन् एनां कथां पुनरपि त्वत्तः श्रोष्यामः।
But when they heard the resurrection of the dead, of course they mocked, but others said, We will hear thee again about this.
33 ततः पौलस्तेषां समीपात् प्रस्थिातवान्।
And so Paul departed from among them.
34 तथापि केचिल्लोकास्तेन सार्द्धं मिलित्वा व्यश्वसन् तेषां मध्ये ऽरेयपागीयदियनुसियो दामारीनामा काचिन्नारी कियन्तो नराश्चासन्।
But some men, having joined with him, believed, among whom was also Dionysius the Areopagite, and a woman named Damaris, and others with them.

< प्रेरिताः 17 >