< 2-я Паралипоменон 14 >

1 И почил Авия с отцами своими, и похоронили его в городе Давидовом. И воцарился Аса, сын его, вместо него. Во дни его покоилась земля десять лет.
So Abijah went to rest with his fathers, and they put him into the earth in the town of David, and Asa his son became king in his place; in his time the land was quiet for ten years.
2 И делал Аса доброе и угодное в очах Господа Бога своего:
And Asa did what was good and right in the eyes of the Lord his God;
3 и отверг он жертвенники богов чужих и высоты, и разбил статуи, и вырубил посвященные дерева;
For he took away the altars of strange gods and the high places, and had the upright stones broken and the wood pillars cut down;
4 и повелел Иудеям взыскать Господа Бога отцов своих, и исполнять закон Его и заповеди;
And he made Judah go after the Lord, the God of their fathers, and keep his laws and his orders.
5 и отменил он во всех городах Иудиных высоты и статуи солнца. И спокойно было при нем царство.
And he took away the high places and the sun-images from all the towns of Judah; and the kingdom was quiet under his rule.
6 И построил он укрепленные города в Иудее, ибо спокойна была земля, и не было у него войны в те годы, так как Господь дал покой ему.
He made walled towns in Judah, for the land was quiet and there were no wars in those years, because the Lord had given him rest.
7 И сказал он Иудеям: построим города сии и обнесем их стенами с башнями, с воротами и запорами. Земля еще наша, потому что мы взыскали Господа Бога нашего: мы взыскали Его, - и Он дал нам покой со всех сторон. И стали строить, и имели успех.
He said to Judah, Let us make these towns, building walls round them with towers and doors and locks. The land is still ours, because we have been true to the Lord our God; we have been true to him and he has given us rest on every side. So they went on building and all went well for them.
8 И было у Асы военной силы: вооруженных щитом и копьем из колена Иудина триста тысяч, и из колена Вениаминова вооруженных щитом и стрелявших из лука двести восемьдесят тысяч, людей храбрых.
And Asa had an army of three hundred thousand men of Judah armed with body-covers and spears, and two hundred and eighty thousand of Benjamin armed with body-covers and bows; all these were men of war.
9 И вышел на них Зарай Ефиоплянин с войском в тысячу тысяч и с тремястами колесниц и дошел до Мареши.
And Zerah the Ethiopian, with an army of a million, and three hundred war-carriages, came out against them to Mareshah.
10 И выступил Аса против него, и построились к сражению на долине Цефата у Мареши.
And Asa went out against him, and they put their forces in position in the valley north of Mareshah.
11 И воззвал Аса к Господу Богу своему, и сказал: Господи! не в Твоей ли силе помочь сильному или бессильному? помоги же нам, Господи Боже наш: ибо мы на Тебя уповаем и во Имя Твое вышли мы против множества сего. Господи! Ты Бог наш: да не превозможет Тебя человек.
And Asa made prayer to the Lord his God and said, Lord, you only are able to give help against the strong to him who has no strength; come to our help, O Lord our God, for our hope is in you, and in your name we have come out against this great army. O Lord, you are our God; let not man's power be greater than yours.
12 И поразил Господь Ефиоплян пред лицем Асы и пред лицем Иуды, и побежали Ефиопляне.
So the Lord sent fear on the Ethiopians before Asa and Judah; and the Ethiopians went in flight.
13 И преследовал их Аса и народ, бывший с ним, до Герара, и пали Ефиопляне, так что у них никого не осталось в живых, потому что они поражены были пред Господом и пред воинством Его. И набрали добычи великое множество.
And Asa and the people who were with him went after them as far as Gerar; and so great was the destruction among the Ethiopians that they were not able to get their army together again, for they were broken before the Lord and before his army; and they took away a great amount of their goods.
14 И разрушили все города вокруг Герара, потому что напал на них ужас от Господа; и разграбили все города и вынесли из них весьма много добычи.
And they overcame all the towns round Gerar, because the Lord sent fear on them; and they took away their goods from the towns, for there were stores of wealth in them.
15 Также и пастушеские шалаши разорили и угнали множество стад мелкого скота и верблюдов и возвратились в Иерусалим.
And they made an attack on the tents of the owners of the cattle, and took away great numbers of sheep and camels and went back to Jerusalem.

< 2-я Паралипоменон 14 >