< Números 33 >

1 Estas são as jornadas dos filhos de Israel, os quais saíram da terra do Egito por seus esquadrões, sob a condução de Moisés e Arão.
And these are the stages of the children of Israel, as they went out from the land of Egypt with their host by the hand of Moses and Aaron.
2 E Moisés escreveu suas saídas conforme suas jornadas por ordem do SENHOR. Estas, pois, são suas jornadas conforme suas partidas.
And Moses wrote their removals and their stages, by the word of the Lord: and these are the stages of their journeying.
3 De Ramessés partiram no mês primeiro, aos quinze dias do mês primeiro: no segundo dia da páscoa saíram os filhos de Israel com mão alta, à vista de todos os egípcios.
They departed from Ramesses in the first month, on the fifteenth day of the first month; on the day after the passover the children of Israel went forth with a high hand before all the Egyptians.
4 Estavam enterrando os egípcios os que o SENHOR havia matado deles, a todo primogênito; havendo o SENHOR feito também juízos em seus deuses.
And the Egyptians buried those that died of them, even all that the Lord struck, every firstborn in the land of Egypt; also the Lord executed vengeance on their gods.
5 Partiram, pois, os filhos de Israel de Ramessés, e assentaram acampamento em Sucote.
And the children of Israel departed from Ramesses, and encamped in Socchoth:
6 E partindo de Sucote, assentaram em Etã, que está ao extremo do deserto.
and they departed from Socchoth and encamped in Buthan, which is a part of the wilderness.
7 E partindo de Etã, voltaram sobre Pi-Hairote, que está diante de Baal-Zefom, e assentaram diante de Migdol.
And they departed from Buthan and encamped at the mouth of Iroth, which is opposite Beel-sepphon, and encamped opposite Magdol.
8 E partindo de Pi-Hairote, passaram por meio do mar ao deserto, e andaram caminho de três dias pelo deserto de Etã, e assentaram em Mara.
And they departed from before Iroth, and crossed the middle of the sea into the wilderness; and they went a journey of three days through the wilderness, and encamped in Picriae.
9 E partindo de Mara, vieram a Elim, de onde havia doze fontes de águas, e setenta palmeiras; e assentaram ali.
And they departed from Picriae, and came to Aelim; and in Aelim [were] twelve fountains of water, and seventy palm-trees, and they encamped there by the water.
10 E partidos de Elim, assentaram junto ao mar Vermelho.
And they departed from Aelim, and encamped by the Red Sea.
11 E partidos do mar Vermelho, assentaram no deserto de Sim.
And they departed from the Red Sea, and encamped in the wilderness of Sin.
12 E partidos do deserto de Sim, assentaram em Dofca.
And they departed from the wilderness of Sin, and encamped in Raphaca.
13 E partidos de Dofca, assentaram em Alus.
And they departed from Raphaca, and encamped in Aelus.
14 E partidos de Alus, assentaram em Refidim, onde o povo não teve águas para beber.
And they departed from Aelus, and encamped in Raphidin; and there was no water there for the people to drink.
15 E partidos de Refidim, assentaram no deserto de Sinai.
And they departed from Raphidin, and encamped in the wilderness of Sina.
16 E partidos do deserto de Sinai, assentaram em Quibrote-Taavá.
And they departed from the wilderness of Sina, and encamped at the Graves of Lust.
17 E partidos de Quibrote-Taavá, assentaram em Hazerote.
And they departed from the Graves of Lust, and encamped in Aseroth.
18 E partidos de Hazerote, assentaram em Ritmá.
And they departed from Aseroth, and encamped in Rathama.
19 E partidos de Ritmá, assentaram em Rimom-Perez.
And they departed from Rathama, and encamped in Remmon Phares.
20 E partidos de Rimom-Perez, assentaram em Libna.
And they departed from Remmon Phares, and encamped in Lebona.
21 E partidos de Libna, assentaram em Rissa.
And they departed from Lebona, and encamped in Ressan.
22 E partidos de Rissa, assentaram em Queelata,
And they departed from Ressan, and encamped in Makellath.
23 E partidos de Queelata, assentaram no monte de Séfer.
And they departed from Makellath, and encamped in Saphar.
24 E partidos do monte de Séfer, assentaram em Harada.
And they departed from Saphar, and encamped in Charadath.
25 E partidos de Harada, assentaram em Maquelote.
And they departed from Charadath, and encamped in Makeloth.
26 E partidos de Maquelote, assentaram em Taate.
And they departed from Makeloth, and encamped in Kataath.
27 E partidos de Taate, assentaram em Tera.
And they departed from Kataath, and encamped in Tarath.
28 E partidos de Tera, assentaram em Mitca.
And they departed from Tarath, and encamped in Mathecca.
29 E partidos de Mitca, assentaram em Hasmona.
And they departed from Mathecca, and encamped in Selmona.
30 E partidos de Hasmona, assentaram em Moserote.
And they departed from Selmona, and encamped in Masuruth.
31 E partidos de Moserote, assentaram em Bene-Jaacã.
And they departed from Masuruth, and encamped in Banaea.
32 E partidos de Bene-Jaacã, assentaram em Hor-Gidgade.
And they departed from Banaea, and encamped in the mountain Gadgad.
33 E partidos de Hor-Gidgade, assentaram em Jotbatá.
And they departed from the mountain Gadgad, and encamped in Etebatha.
34 E partidos de Jotbatá, assentaram em Abrona.
And they departed from Etebatha, and encamped in Ebrona.
35 E partidos de Abrona, assentaram em Eziom-Geber.
And they departed from Ebrona, and encamped in Gesion Gaber.
36 E partidos de Eziom-Geber, assentaram no deserto de Zim, que é Cades.
And they departed from Gesion Gaber, and encamped in the wilderness of Sin; and they departed from the wilderness of Sin, and encamped in the wilderness of Pharan; this is Cades.
37 E partidos de Cades, assentaram no monte de Hor, na extremidade da terra de Edom.
And they departed from Cades, and encamped in mount Or near the land of Edom.
38 E subiu Arão o sacerdote ao monte de Hor, conforme o dito do SENHOR, e ali morreu aos quarenta anos da saída dos filhos de Israel da terra do Egito, no mês quinto, no primeiro dia do mês.
And Aaron the priest went up by the command of the Lord, and died there in the forties year of the departure of the children of Israel from the land of Egypt, in the fifth month, on the first [day] of the month.
39 E era Arão de idade de cento e vinte e três anos, quando morreu no monte de Hor.
And Aaron was a hundred and twenty-three years old, when he died in mount Or.
40 E o cananeu, rei de Arade, que habitava ao sul na terra de Canaã, ouviu como haviam vindo os filhos de Israel.
And Arad the Chananitish king (he too lived in the land of Chanaan) having heard when the children of Israel were entering [the land]—
41 E partidos do monte de Hor, assentaram em Zalmona.
then they departed from mount Or, and encamped in Selmona.
42 E partidos de Zalmona, assentaram em Punom.
And they departed from Selmona, and encamped in Phino.
43 E partidos de Punom, assentaram em Obote.
And they departed from Phino, and encamped in Oboth.
44 E partidos de Obote, assentaram em Ijé-Abarim; no termo de Moabe.
And they departed from Oboth, and encamped in Gai, on the other side [Jordan] on the borders of Moab.
45 E partidos de Ijé-Abarim, assentaram em Dibom-Gade.
And they departed from Gai, and encamped in Daebon Gad.
46 E partidos de Dibom-Gade, assentaram em Almom-Diblataim.
And they departed from Daebon Gad, and encamped in Gelmon Deblathaim.
47 E partidos de Almom-Diblataim, assentaram nos montes de Abarim, diante de Nebo.
And they departed from Gelmon Deblathaim, and encamped on the mountains of Abarim, over against Nabau.
48 E partidos dos montes de Abarim, assentaram nos campos de Moabe, junto ao Jordão de Jericó.
And they departed from the mountains of Abarim, and encamped on the west of Moab, at Jordan by Jericho.
49 Finalmente assentaram junto ao Jordão, desde Bete-Jesimote até Abel-Sitim, nos campos de Moabe.
And they encamped by Jordan between Aesimoth, as far as Belsa to the west of Moab.
50 E falou o SENHOR a Moisés nos campos de Moabe junto ao Jordão de Jericó, dizendo:
And the Lord spoke to Moses at the west of Moab by Jordan at Jericho, saying,
51 Fala aos filhos de Israel, e dize-lhes: Quando houverdes passado o Jordão à terra de Canaã,
Speak to the children of Israel, and you shall say to them, You are to pass over Jordan into the land of Chanaan.
52 Expulsareis a todos os moradores daquela terra de diante de vós, e destruireis todas suas imagens esculpidas, e todas as suas imagens de fundição, e arruinareis todos os seus altares pagãos;
And you shall destroy all that dwell in the land before your face, and you shall abolish their high places, and all their molten images you shall destroy, and you shall demolish all their pillars.
53 E expulsareis os moradores da terra, e habitareis nela; porque eu a dei a vós para que a possuais.
And you shall destroy all the inhabitants of the land, and you shall dwell in it, for I have given their land to you for an inheritance.
54 E herdareis a terra por sortes por vossas famílias: aos muitos dareis muito por sua herança, e aos poucos dareis menos por herança sua: onde lhe sair a sorte, ali a terá cada um: pelas tribos de vossos pais herdareis.
And you shall inherit their land according to your tribes; to the greater number you shall give the larger possession, and to the smaller you shall give the less possession; to whatever [part] a man's name shall go forth [by lot], there shall be his [property]: you shall inherit according to the tribes of your families.
55 E se não expulsardes os moradores daquela terra de diante de vós, sucederá que os que deixardes deles serão por aguilhões em vossos olhos, e por espinhos em vossos lados, e vos afligirão sobre a terra em que vós habitardes.
But if you will not destroy the dwellers in the land from before you, then it shall come to pass that whoever of them you shall leave shall be thorns in your eyes, and darts in your sides, and they shall be enemies to you on the land on which you shall dwell;
56 Será também, que farei a vós como eu pensei fazer a eles.
and it shall come to pass that as I had determined to do to them, so I will do to you.

< Números 33 >