< Yohani 18 >

1 Yesu pakamaliliti kuluwa, kagenditi kumwambu kulushemba Kedironi, pamuhera na wafundwa wakuwi. Pahala panu paweriti na shiwunga sha mitera, Yesu kingira amu pamuhera na wafundwa wakuwi.
When Jesus had spoken these words, he went out with his disciples over the brook Kidron, where there was a garden, into which he and his disciples entered.
2 Yuda, kamgalambukiti Yesu, pakamaniti pahala panu kwani mala zivuwa Yesu kaliwoniti na wafundwa wakuwi pahala palii.
Now Judas, who betrayed him, also knew the place, for Jesus often met there with his disciples.
3 Yuda katoriti shipinga sha wanjagila kulawa kwa watambika wakulu wa Numba ya Mlungu na Mafalisayu, su kiza nawu mushiwunga womberi waweriti na limbamba lya motu na vimagi.
Judas then, having taken a detachment of soldiers and officers from the chief priests and the Pharisees, came there with lanterns, torches, and weapons.
4 Yesu, kavimana goseri gagafira kumpata, kalawira, kawakosiya, “Mwankumsakula gaa?”
Jesus therefore, knowing all the things that were happening to him, went out and said to them, “Who are you looking for?”
5 Nawomberi wankula, “Yesu gwa Nazareti!” Yesu kawagambira, “Neni ndo mweni.” Yuda yakaweriti kamgalambukiti kagoloka pamuhera nawomberi.
They answered him, “Jesus of Nazareth.” Jesus said to them, “I am he.” Judas also, who betrayed him, was standing with them.
6 Yesu pakawagambiriti, “Neni ndo mweni,” Wawuya kumbeli, waguwa pasi.
When therefore he said to them, “I am he,” they went backward and fell to the ground.
7 Yesu kawakosiya kayi, “Mwankumsakula gaa?” Wamwankula, “Yesu gwa Nazareti!”
Again therefore he asked them, “Who are you looking for?” They said, “Jesus of Nazareth.”
8 Yesu kawagambira, “Nuwagambireni kala neni ndo mweni. Su, payiwera mwankunsakula neni, muwaleki awa wagendi zyawu.”
Jesus answered, “I told you that I am he. If therefore you seek me, let these go their way,”
9 Katakula aga su gapati kutimiya galii ganakaka gagatakulitwi, “Walii yagunupiti Tati, numwasa ndiri ata yumu.”
that the word might be fulfilled which he spoke, “Of those whom you have given me, I have lost none.”
10 Simoni Peteru kaweriti na upanga, su, kuwulaviya kalidumura likutu lya kumliwu lya ntumintumi gwa Mtambika Mkulu. Ntumintumi ayu wamshema Malikusi.
Simon Peter therefore, having a sword, drew it, struck the high priest’s servant, and cut off his right ear. The servant’s name was Malchus.
11 Su, Yesu kamgambira Peteru, “Guwuzii upanga waku mumuhaku. Hashi, gulihola handa nandi ndiri shikombi sha ndabiri shakanupiti Tati gwangu?”
Jesus therefore said to Peter, “Put the sword into its sheath. The cup which the Father has given me, shall I not surely drink it?”
12 Shikundi sha wanjagila wa Rumi na Mnjagira mkulu na walolera wa Wayawudi wamkamuliti Yesu, wamtawa,
So the detachment, the commanding officer, and the officers of the Jews seized Jesus and bound him,
13 na kumjega kwanja kwa Anasi. Anasi kaweriti mganafu gwa Kayafa ndo mweni kaweriti Mtambika mkulu gwa shinja shilii.
and led him to Annas first, for he was father-in-law to Caiaphas, who was high priest that year.
14 Kayafa ayu ndo ulii yakaweriti kawagambiriti Wayawudi, membaka muntu yumu kahowi kwajili ya wantu wavuwa.
Now it was Caiaphas who advised the Jews that it was expedient that one man should perish for the people.
15 Simoni Peteru pamuhera na mfundwa gwingi wamfatiti Yesu. Toziya mfundwa yumonga ayu kaweriti kamanikana nentu kwa Mtambika Mkulu, hangu kagenda pamuhera na Yesu pakati pamdamu pa Mtambika Mkulu
Simon Peter followed Jesus, as did another disciple. Now that disciple was known to the high priest, and entered in with Jesus into the court of the high priest;
16 Peteru pakaweriti kagoloka pamlyangu. Su, mfundwa gwingi yakamanikaniti na Mtambika mkulu kalawiti kunja, katakula na mdala yakaweriti pamlyangu na kumjega Peteru mungati.
but Peter was standing at the door outside. So the other disciple, who was known to the high priest, went out and spoke to her who kept the door, and brought in Peter.
17 Mnjagira mhinja ayu gwapamlyangu kamkosiya Peteru, “Hashi nagwenga viraa yumu gwa wafundwa wa muntu ayu?” Peteru kamgambira, “Ndala, neni ndiri!”
Then the maid who kept the door said to Peter, “Are you also one of this man’s disciples?” He said, “I am not.”
18 Wantumintumi na wawanjagila waweriti wakoziya motu toziya kuweriti na mpepu, waweriti wanguyotera motu. Peteru kaweriti kagoloka pamuhera nawomberi kakwotera motu.
Now the servants and the officers were standing there, having made a fire of coals, for it was cold. They were warming themselves. Peter was with them, standing and warming himself.
19 Mtambika Mkulu kamkosiya Yesu kuusu wafundwa wakuwi na mafundu gakuwi.
The high priest therefore asked Jesus about his disciples and about his teaching.
20 Yesu kamwankula, “Ntakula na kila muntu mashaka goseri pawonikaniti. Kila mala nfunda munumba za Mlungu na Mnumba nkulu ya Mlungu, pahala pawalyonaga Wayawudi woseri na wala ntakula ndiri shoseri kwa kufifa.
Jesus answered him, “I spoke openly to the world. I always taught in synagogues and in the temple, where the Jews always meet. I said nothing in secret.
21 Hashi gunkosiya neni? Guwakosiyi wantu yawampikinira neni. Womberi wavimana vyanuwagambiriti, wavimana shintu shantakuliti.”
Why do you ask me? Ask those who have heard me what I said to them. Behold, they know the things which I said.”
22 Pakamaliliti kutakula aga yumu gwa wanjagila kamkomiti Yesu likofi pakalonga, “Gumwankula ntambu ayi Mtambika Mkulu?”
When he had said this, one of the officers standing by slapped Jesus with his hand, saying, “Do you answer the high priest like that?”
23 Yesu kankula, “Handa ntakula weri ndiri, gumugambiri kila muntu ka panu iweriti hashi, kumbiti handa ntakula weri, iwera hashi gunkoma?”
Jesus answered him, “If I have spoken evil, testify of the evil; but if well, why do you beat me?”
24 Su, Anasi kamjega Yesu kwa Mtambika Mkulu Kayafa pawamtawa.
Annas sent him bound to Caiaphas, the high priest.
25 Simoni Peteru kaweriti panu kanguyotera motu. Su, wamkosiya, “Hashi, nagwenga viraa yumu gwa wafundwa wakuwi muntu ayu?” Yomberi kaberiti na kutakula, “Neni ndiri”.
Now Simon Peter was standing and warming himself. They said therefore to him, “You aren’t also one of his disciples, are you?” He denied it and said, “I am not.”
26 Yumu gwa wantumintumi wa Mtambika Mkulu, nayomberi kaweriti mlongu gwa ulii yakadumulitwi likutu na Peteru katakula nukuwoniti pamuhera na Yesu mushiwunga sha mitera.
One of the servants of the high priest, being a relative of him whose ear Peter had cut off, said, “Didn’t I see you in the garden with him?”
27 Peteru kamlema kayi, palaa paliya njogolu kawika.
Peter therefore denied it again, and immediately the rooster crowed.
28 Mandawila putiputi Yesu wamtola kwa Kayafa, wamjega mpaka kwa Liwali, wakulu awa wa Shiyawudi wingira ndiri amu, wafiriti ndiri kuwera wahumba, toziya wafiriti wawezi kuliya shiboga sha Pasaka.
They led Jesus therefore from Caiaphas into the Praetorium. It was early, and they themselves didn’t enter into the Praetorium, that they might not be defiled, but might eat the Passover.
29 Su Pilatu kawagendiriti kulaa kunja, kawakosiya, “Muntu ayu katenda vintu gaa vidoda?”
Pilate therefore went out to them and said, “What accusation do you bring against this man?”
30 Wamwankuliti, “Handa ayu kangaweriti muntu yakatenda gaherepa twangamjegiti ndiri kwagwenga.”
They answered him, “If this man weren’t an evildoer, we wouldn’t have delivered him up to you.”
31 Pilatu kawagambira, “Mumutoli maweni muntu ayu, mumutozi kulawirana na malagaliru genu maweni.” Wayawudi wamwankula, “Twenga twahera uwezu wa kumtoza muntu yoseri kahowi.”
Pilate therefore said to them, “Take him yourselves, and judge him according to your law.” Therefore the Jews said to him, “It is illegal for us to put anyone to death,”
32 Vilawiriti avi su viweri nakaka visoweru vyakatakuliti Yesu kulanguziya kuhowa na ntambu hakahowi.
that the word of Jesus might be fulfilled, which he spoke, signifying by what kind of death he should die.
33 Pilatu kawuya kayi mu liboma na kamshema Yesu, kamkosiya, “Eti, gwenga gwa mfalumi gwa Wayawudi?”
Pilate therefore entered again into the Praetorium, called Jesus, and said to him, “Are you the King of the Jews?”
34 Yesu kamwankula, “Hashi, gunkosiya hangu gumweni gwenga ama kwana wamonga wakugambira visoweru vyaneni?”
Jesus answered him, “Do you say this by yourself, or did others tell you about me?”
35 Pilatu kamwankula, “Hashi, gulihola Namyawudi neni? Wantu waku na watambika wakulu wakujega kwaneni. Gutenda shishi?”
Pilate answered, “I’m not a Jew, am I? Your own nation and the chief priests delivered you to me. What have you done?”
36 Yesu katakula, “Utuwa waneni wa pasipanu ndiri, handa Utuwa waneni megaweri wa pasipanu, wantumintumi wa neni mewankomi ndiri, naniza kubatwa na Wayawudi, kumbiti Ufalumi wa neni wa pasipanu ndiri!”
Jesus answered, “My Kingdom is not of this world. If my Kingdom were of this world, then my servants would fight, that I wouldn’t be delivered to the Jews. But now my Kingdom is not from here.”
37 Pilatu kamkosiya, “Gwenga gwa mtuwa?” Yesu kankula, “Gwenga gutakula neni na mtuwa. Neni nyiwukiti na kwiza pasipanu kwa shintu shimu, gutakula nakaka. Kwa ntambu ayi niza na unakaka. Kila yakawera na unakaka awu hakampikiniri.”
Pilate therefore said to him, “Are you a king then?” Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. For this reason I have been born, and for this reason I have come into the world, that I should testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.”
38 Pilatu kamkosiya, “Unakaka ndo shintu gaa?” Pilatu kawagendiriti kayi Wayawudi kunja na kawagambira, “Neni mona ndiri shidoda shoseri kwakuwi shakumtozera.
Pilate said to him, “What is truth?” When he had said this, he went out again to the Jews, and said to them, “I find no basis for a charge against him.
39 Kumbiti, kwa mwenga kwana shitiba sha neni kumvugulira muntu yumu mushibetubetu shipindi sha Pasaka, mfira numulekeziyani mfalumi gwa Wayawudi?”
But you have a custom that I should release someone to you at the Passover. Therefore, do you want me to release to you the King of the Jews?”
40 Wamwankula pawabota, “Ndala, ayu ndiri, tumfira Baraba!” Baraba yakaweriti mpokaji kwa wantu.
Then they all shouted again, saying, “Not this man, but Barabbas!” Now Barabbas was a robber.

< Yohani 18 >