< Faarfannaa 91 >

1 Namni daʼoo Waaqa Waan Hundaa Olii keessa jiraatu, gaaddisa Waaqa Waan Hunda Dandaʼu sanaa jala boqota.
He that dwellith in the help of the hiyeste God; schal dwelle in the proteccioun of God of heuene.
2 Anis Waaqayyoon, “Inni iddoo ani itti kooluu galuu fi daʼannoo koo ti; Waaqa koo kan ani amanadhuu dha” nan jedha.
He schal seie to the Lord, Thou art myn vptaker, and my refuit; my God, Y schal hope in him.
3 Inni dhugumaan kiyyoo adamsaa jalaa, dhukkuba nama fixu jalaas si baasa.
For he delyuered me fro the snare of hunteris; and fro a scharp word.
4 Inni baallee isaatiin si dhoksa; atis qoochoo isaa jalatti kooluu ni galta; amanamummaan isaa gaachanaa fi dallaa eegumsaa siif taʼa.
With hise schuldris he schal make schadowe to thee; and thou schalt haue hope vnder hise fetheris.
5 Atis naasuu halkanii, yookaan xiyya guyyaan futtaafamu hin sodaattu;
His treuthe schal cumpasse thee with a scheld; thou schalt not drede of nyytis drede.
6 golfaa dukkana keessa deemu, yookaan dhaʼicha guyyaa saafaan nama balleessu hin sodaannu.
Of an arowe fliynge in the dai, of a gobelyn goynge in derknessis; of asailing, and a myddai feend.
7 Kumni tokko si cinatti, kumni kudhan immoo mirga keetti ni kufa; garuu sitti hin dhiʼaatu.
A thousynde schulen falle doun fro thi side, and ten thousynde fro thi riytside; forsothe it schal not neiye to thee.
8 Ati ijuma kee qofaan ilaalta; adaba hamootatti dhufus ni argita.
Netheles thou schalt biholde with thin iyen; and thou schalt se the yelding of synneris.
9 Ati waan Waaqayyoon iddoo kooluu itti galtu, Waaqa Waan Hundaa Olii iddoo jireenya keetii godhatteef,
For thou, Lord, art myn hope; thou hast set thin help altherhiyeste.
10 wanni hamaan si hin tuqu; dhaʼichis dunkaana keetti hin dhiʼaatu.
Yuel schal not come to thee; and a scourge schal not neiye to thi tabernacle.
11 Inni akka isaan karaa kee hunda irratti si eeganiif, ergamoota isaa siif ni ajaja;
For God hath comaundid to hise aungels of thee; that thei kepe thee in alle thi weies.
12 isaanis akka miilla keetiin dhagaatti hin buuneef harka isaaniitiin ol si fuudhu.
Thei schulen beere thee in the hondis; leste perauenture thou hirte thi foot at a stoon.
13 Ati leencaa fi buutii irra ejjetta; leenca saafelaa fi jawwee ni dhidhiitta.
Thou schalt go on a snake, and a cocatrice; and thou schalt defoule a lioun and a dragoun.
14 Waaqayyos akkana jedha; “Sababii inni na jaallatuuf, ani isa nan oolcha; waan inni maqaa koo beekuuf isa nan eega.
For he hopide in me, Y schal delyuere hym; Y schal defende him, for he knew my name.
15 Inni na waammata; anis nan deebisaaf; rakkina keessatti ani isa wajjin nan taʼa; isa nan oolcha; ulfinas nan kennaaf.
He criede to me, and Y schal here him, Y am with him in tribulacioun; Y schal delyuere him, and Y schal glorifie hym.
16 Ani umurii dheeraa isa nan quufsa; fayyisuu koos isatti argisiisa.”
I schal fille hym with the lengthe of daies; and Y schal schewe myn helthe to him.

< Faarfannaa 91 >