< Faarfannaa 39 >

1 Dura buʼaa faarfattootaatiif. Yeduutuuniif. Faarfannaa Daawit. Ani akkana nan jedhe; “Ani karaa koo nan eeggadha; arraba koos cubbuu irraa nan ittisa; hamma namni hamaan na bira jiruttis, afaan kootti luugama nan kaaʼadha.”
Unto the end, for Idithun himself, a canticle of David. I said: I will take heed to my ways: that I sin not with my tongue. I have set guard to my mouth, when the sinner stood against me.
2 Ani calʼisee akkuma duudaa nan taʼe; waan gaarii dubbachuu irraas of nan qusadhe; dhiphinni koo garuu ittuma caale;
I was dumb, and was humbled, and kept silence from good things: and my sorrow was renewed.
3 onneen koo na keessatti bulluqaa deeme; yeroo ani irra deddeebiʼee yaadettis ibiddi sun ni bobaʼe; anis arraba kootiin akkana jedheen dubbadhe:
My heart grew hot within me: and in my meditation a fire shall flame out.
4 Yaa Waaqayyo, ati dhuma jireenya kootii na argisiisi; dheerina umurii kootiis na barsiisi; jireenyi koo akkam dafee akka darbus na beeksisi.
I spoke with my tongue: O Lord, make me know my end. And what is the number of my days: that I may know what is wanting to me.
5 Kunoo, ati bara koo taakkuu tokkittii gooteerta; umuriin koos fuula kee duratti homaattuu hin hedamu; jireenyi nama hundumaas akkuma qilleensa shuf jedhee darbuu ti.
Behold thou hast made my days measurable: and my substance is as nothing before thee. And indeed all things are vanity: every man living.
6 Dhuguma iyyuu namni akkuma gaaddidduu deddeebiʼa; dhugumaan inni akkasumaan goolama; namni qabeenya ni kuusa; garuu eenyuuf akka walitti qabu hin beeku.
Surely man passeth as an image: yea, and he is disquieted in vain. He storeth up: and he knoweth not for whom he shall gather these things.
7 “Egaa amma yaa Gooftaa, ani maalin eeggadha? Abdiin koo suma irra jira.
And now what is my hope? is it not the Lord? and my substance is with thee.
8 Dogoggora koo hunda irraa na oolchi; nama gowwoonni itti kolfan na hin godhin.
Deliver thou me from all my iniquities: thou hast made me a reproach to the fool.
9 Ani duudaa dha; afaan koos hin saaqqadhu; kan waan kana godhe sumaatii.
I was dumb, and I opened not my mouth, because thou hast done it.
10 Ani rukuttaa harka keetiitiin dhumeeraatii; dhaʼicha kee narraa fuudhi.
Remove thy scourges from me. The strength of thy hand hath made me faint in rebukes:
11 Ati sababii cubbuu isaaniitiif namoota ifatta; ni adabdas; akkuma biliis qabeenya isaanii ni balleessita; dhugumaan namni hundinuu qilleensuma shuf jedhee darbuu dha.
Thou hast corrected man for iniquity. And thou hast made his soul to waste away like a spider: surely in vain is any man disquieted.
12 “Yaa Waaqayyo, kadhannaa koo naa dhagaʼi; iyya ani gargaarsa barbaachaaf iyyus dhaggeeffadhu; booʼicha koos calʼistee hin ilaalin. Ani akka alagaatti si bira nan jiraadhaatii; akkuma abbootii koo hundumaattis ani nama biyya ormaa ti.
Hear my prayer, O Lord, and my supplication: give ear to my tears. Be not silent: for I am a stranger with thee, and a sojourner as all my fathers were.
13 Utuun godaanee lafa irraa hin dhabamin dura akkan deebiʼee gammaduuf, ija kee narraa deebifadhu.”
O forgive me, that I may be refreshed, before I go hence, and be no more.

< Faarfannaa 39 >