< Yohannis 11 >

1 Namichi Alʼaazaar jedhamu kan Biitaaniyaa keessa jiraatu tokko dhukkubsatee ture. Biitaaniyaan ganda Maariyaamii fi obboleettiin ishee Maartaan keessa jiraatanii dha.
Now a man named Lazarus, of Bethany, was lying ill; he belonged to the same village as Mary and her sister Martha.
2 Maariyaam isheen obboleessi ishee Alʼaazaar dhukkubsate kun, isheedhuma Gooftaa shittoo dibdee rifeensa mataa isheetiin miilla isaa haqxee sanaa dha.
This Mary, whose brother Lazarus was ill, was the Mary who anointed the Master with perfume, and wiped his feet with her hair.
3 Kanaaf obboleettonni isaa, “Yaa Gooftaa, inni ati jaallattu kunoo dhukkubsatee jira” jedhanii Yesuusitti dhaaman.
The sisters, therefore, sent this message to Jesus – “Master, your friend is ill”;
4 Yesuusis yommuu waan kana dhagaʼetti, “Dhibeen kun akka Ilmi Waaqaa ittiin ulfaatuuf, ulfina Waaqaatiif dhufe malee duʼaan hin gaʼu” jedhe.
and, when Jesus heard it, he said, ‘This illness is not to end in death, but is to redound to the honour of God, in order that the Son of God may be honoured through it.’
5 Yesuusis Maartaa fi obboleettii ishee, Alʼaazaarinis ni jaallata ture.
Jesus loved Martha and her sister, and Lazarus.
6 Innis yommuu akka Alʼaazaar dhukkubsate dhagaʼetti guyyaa lama idduma jiru sana ture.
Yet, when he heard of the illness of Lazarus, he still stayed two days in the place where he was.
7 Innis ergasii barattoota isaatiin, “Kottaa Yihuudaatti deebinaa” jedhe.
Then, after that, he said to his disciples, ‘Let us go to Judea again.’
8 Barattoonni isaa immoo, “Yaa Barsiisaa, Yihuudoonni dhiʼeenya kana dhagaadhaan si tumuu barbaadaa turan; ati amma illee deebitee achi dhaqxaa?” jedhaniin.
‘Rabbi,’ they replied, ‘the authorities there were but just now seeking to stone you; and are you going there again?’
9 Yesuusis akkana jedhee deebiseef; “Guyyaan tokko saʼaatii kudha lama qaba mitii? Namni guyyaan deemu waan ifa addunyaa kanaatiin arguuf hin gufatu.
‘Are not there twelve hours in the day?’ answered Jesus. ‘If someone walks about in the daytime, they don’t stumble, because they can see the light of the sun;
10 Kan halkaniin deemu garuu sababii ifni isa keessa hin jirreef ni gufata.”
but, if they walk about at night, they stumble, because they have not the light.’
11 Innis erga waan kana dubbatee booddee, “Michuun keenya Alʼaazaar rafeera; ani garuu hirribaa isa kaasuu nan dhaqa” isaaniin jedhe.
And, when he had said this, he added, ‘Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep; but I am going so that I may wake him.’
12 Barattoonni isaas, “Yaa Gooftaa, yoo rafee jiraate ni fayya” jedhaniin.
‘If he has fallen asleep, Master, he will get well,’ said the disciples.
13 Yesuus waaʼee duʼa Alʼaazaar dubbate; barattoonni isaa garuu waan inni waaʼee rafiitii hirribaa dubbate seʼan.
But Jesus meant that he was dead; they, however, supposed that he was speaking of natural sleep.
14 Kanaafuu Yesuus akkana jedhee ifatti baasee isaanitti hime; “Alʼaazaar duʼeera;
Then he said to them plainly, ‘Lazarus is dead;
15 akka isin amantaniif ani waan achi hin turiniif waaʼee keessaniif nan gammada. Taʼus kottaa gara isaa dhaqnaa.”
and I am glad for your sakes that I was not there, so that you may learn to believe in me. But let us go to him.’
16 Toomaas inni Didimoos jedhamu immoo barattoota kaaniin, “Nus akka isa wajjin duunuuf kaʼaa ni dhaqnaa” jedhe.
At this, Thomas, who was called “The Twin,” said to his fellow disciples, ‘Let us go too, so that we may die with him.’
17 Yesuus yommuu achi gaʼetti Alʼaazaar erga awwaalamee guyyaa afur akka ture beeke.
When Jesus reached the place, he found that Lazarus had been four days in the tomb already.
18 Biitaaniyaan Yerusaalem irraa gara kiiloo meetira sadii fagaatti turte;
Bethany being only about two miles from Jerusalem,
19 Yihuudoonni baayʼeen Maartaa fi Maariyaamin sababii obboleessa isaaniitiif isaan jajjabeessuu dhaqanii turan.
a number of the people had come there to comfort Martha and Mary because of their brother’s death.
20 Maartaan yommuu dhufaatii Yesuus dhageessetti isa simachuu gad baate; Maariyaam garuu mana teesse.
When Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went to meet him; but Mary sat quietly at home.
21 Maartaanis Yesuusiin akkana jette; “Yaa Gooftaa, utuu ati as jiraattee silaa obboleessi koo hin duʼu ture.
‘Master,’ Martha said to Jesus, ‘if you had been here, my brother would not have died.
22 Ammas taanaan akka waan ati Waaqa kadhattu hunda Waaqni siif kennu nan beeka.”
Even now, I know that God will grant you whatever you ask him.’
23 Yesuusis, “Obboleessi kee ni kaʼa” jedheen.
‘Your brother will rise to life,’ said Jesus.
24 Maartaanis deebiftee, “Akka inni duʼaa kaʼuu guyyaa dhumaa sanatti kaʼu anuu beeka” jetteen.
‘I know that he will,’ replied Martha, ‘in the resurrection at the Last day.’
25 Yesuus immoo akkana isheedhaan jedhe; “Duʼaa kaʼuu fi jireenyi ana. Namni natti amanu yoo duʼe iyyuu ni jiraata;
‘I am the resurrection and the life,’ said Jesus. ‘He who believes in me will live, though he die;
26 kan na keessa jiraatuu fi kan natti amanu hundinuu bara baraan hin duʼu. Kana ni amantaa ree?” (aiōn g165)
and he who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?’ (aiōn g165)
27 Isheenis, “Eeyyee yaa Gooftaa, akka ati Kiristoos Ilma Waaqaa kan gara addunyaa dhufu sana taate nan amana” jetteen.
‘Yes Master,’ she answered. ‘I have learned to believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who was to come into the world.’
28 Isheenis erga akkas jettee dhaqxee obboleettii ishee Maariyaamin kophaatti waamtee, “Barsiisaan dhufeera; si waamas” jetteen.
After saying this, Martha went and called her sister Mary, and whispered, ‘The teacher is here, and is asking for you.’
29 Maariyaamis yommuu waan kana dhageessetti ariitiin kaatee gara isaa dhaqxe.
As soon as Mary heard that, she got up quickly, and went to meet him.
30 Yesuus yeroo sana iddoo Maartaan itti isa simatte ture malee amma illee ganda sana hin seenne.
Jesus had not then come into the village, but was still at the place where Martha had met him.
31 Yihuudoonni Maariyaamin jajjabeessaa mana keessa ishee wajjin turanis yommuu akka isheen ariitiidhaan kaatee gad baate arganitti waan isheen achitti booʼuuf jettee gara awwaalaa dhaqxu seʼanii ishee duukaa buʼan.
So the people, who were in the house with Mary, comforting her, when they saw her get up quickly and go out, followed her, thinking that she was going to the tomb to weep there.
32 Maariyaamis yommuu iddoo Yesuus ture sana geessee isa argitetti, miilla isaa irratti kuftee, “Yaa Gooftaa utuu ati as jiraattee silaa obboleessi koo hin duʼu ture” jetteen.
When Mary came where Jesus was and saw him, she threw herself at his feet. ‘Master,’ she exclaimed, ‘if you had been here, my brother would not have died!’
33 Yesuusis yommuu booʼuu ishee, Yihuudoonni ishee wajjin dhufanis booʼuu isaanii argetti hafuuraan akka malee jeeqame; ni dhiphates.
When Jesus saw her weeping, and the people who had come with her weeping also, he groaned deeply, and was greatly distressed.
34 Innis, “Eessa isa keessan?” jedhee isaan gaafate. Isaanis, “Yaa Gooftaa, kottuu ilaali” jedhaniin.
‘Where have you buried him?’ he asked. ‘Come and see, Master,’ they answered.
35 Yesuusis imimmaan dhangalaase.
Jesus burst into tears.
36 Yihuudoonnis, “Inni hammam akka isa jaallatu mee ilaalaa!” jedhan.
‘How he must have loved him!’ the people exclaimed;
37 Isaan keessaa tokko tokko garuu, “Inni kan ija namicha jaamaa sanaa bane, akka namichi kunis hin duune gochuu hin dandaʼu turee?” jedhan.
but some of them said, ‘Could not this man, who gave sight to the blind man, have also prevented Lazarus from dying?’
38 Yesuus ammas akka malee jeeqamee gara awwaala sanaa dhaqe. Awwaalli sunis holqa balballi isaa dhagaadhaan cufame tokko ture.
Again groaning inwardly, Jesus came to the tomb. It was a cave, and a stone lay against the mouth of it.
39 Yesuusis, “Dhagaa kana achi irraa fuudhaa!” jedhe. Maartaan obboleettiin isa duʼe sanaa garuu, “Yaa Gooftaa, inni erga awwaalamee waan guyyaa afur tureef yoona ni ajaaʼa” jetteen.
‘Move the stone away,’ said Jesus. ‘Master,’ said Martha, the sister of the dead man, ‘by this time the smell must be offensive, for this is the fourth day since his death.’
40 Yesuus immoo, “Ati yoo amante akka ulfina Waaqaa argitu ani sitti hin himnee?” jedheen.
‘Didn’t I tell you,’ replied Jesus, ‘that, if you would believe in me, you should see the glory of God?’
41 Kanaafuu isaan dhagicha irraa kaasan. Yesuusis ol ilaalee akkana jedhe; “Yaa Abbaa, waan ati na dhageesseef sin galateeffadha.
So they moved the stone away; and Jesus, with uplifted eyes, said, ‘Father, I thank you that you have heard my prayer;
42 Akka ati yeroo hunda na dhageessu ani beekeera; garuu akka namoonni as dhadhaabatan kunneen akka ati na ergite amananiif ani isaaniif jedheen waan kana dubbadhe.”
I know that you always hear me; but I say this for the sake of the people standing near, so that they may believe that you has sent me as your messenger.’
43 Yesuusis waan kana dubbatee, “Alʼaazaar, as baʼi!” jedhee sagalee guddaadhaan iyye.
Then, after saying this, Jesus called in a loud voice, ‘Lazarus! Come out!’
44 Namichi duʼe sunis akkuma harki isaatii fi miilli isaa huccuudhaan kafanamee, fuulli isaas wayyaadhaan marametti gad baʼe. Yesuusis, “Isa hiikaa, haa deemu” isaaniin jedhe.
The dead man came out, wrapped hand and foot in a winding-sheet; his face, too, had been wrapped in a cloth. ‘Set him free,’ said Jesus, ‘and let him go.’
45 Kanaafuu Yihuudoota gara Maariyaam dhufanii waan Yesuus hojjete argan keessaa hedduun isatti amanan.
In consequence of this, many of the people, who had come to visit Mary and had seen what Jesus did, put their faith in him.
46 Isaan keessaa tokko tokko garuu Fariisota bira dhaqanii waan Yesuus hojjete itti himan.
Some of them, however, went to the Pharisees, and told them what he had done.
47 Kana irratti luboonni hangafoonnii fi Fariisonni yaaʼii Yihuudootaa waaman. Isaanis akkana jedhanii gaafatan; “Namichi kun mallattoo baayʼee argisiisaa jira. Maal haa goonu?
The chief priests and the Pharisees called a meeting of the High Council, and said, ‘What are we to do, now that this man is giving so many signs?
48 Yoo akkasumatti isa dhiifne namni hundi isatti amana; warri Roomaas dhufanii iddoo keenyaa fi saba keenya nurraa fudhatu.”
If we allow him to continue as we are doing, everyone will believe in him; and the Romans will come and will take from us both our Temple and our nation.’
49 Isaan keessaas namichi Qayyaaffaa jedhamu kan bara sana luba ol aanaa ture tokko akkana isaaniin jedhe; “Isin waan tokko illee hin beektan!
One of them, however, Caiaphas, who was high priest that year, said to them,
50 Sabni guutummaatti dhumuu irra namni tokko sabaaf duʼuun akka isinii wayyu hin hubattan.”
‘You are utterly mistaken. You do not consider that it is better for you that one person should die for the people, rather than the whole nation should be destroyed.’
51 Inni bara sana waan luba ol aanaa tureef, akka Yesuus saba sanaaf duʼu raajii dubbachuu isaati malee dubbii kana of keessaa fuudhee hin dubbanne;
Now he did not say this of his own accord; but, as high priest that year, he prophesied that Jesus was to die for the nation –
52 kunis ijoollee Waaqaa kanneen bittinnaaʼan walitti qabee tokko gochuuf malee saba sana qofaaf miti.
And not for the nation only, but also that he might unite in one body the children of God now scattered far and wide.
53 Kanaafuu isaan gaafasii jalqabanii isa ajjeesuuf malachaa turan.
So from that day they plotted to put Jesus to death.
54 Kanaafuu Yesuus ifatti baʼee Yihuudoota gidduu hin deddeebine. Achii kaʼee gara magaalaa Efreem jedhamu kan gammoojjiitti dhiʼaatu tokkoo dhaqe; barattoota isaa wajjinis achi ture.
In consequence of this, Jesus did not go about publicly among the people any more, but left and went into the country bordering on the wilderness, to a town called Ephraim, where he stayed with his disciples.
55 Faasiikaan Yihuudootaa waan dhiʼaatee tureef, namoonni hedduun utuu Faasiikaan hin gaʼin of qulqulleessuuf jedhanii baadiyyaadhaa Yerusaalemitti ol baʼan.
But the Jewish Festival of the Passover was near; and many people had gone up from the country to Jerusalem, for their purification, before the Festival began.
56 Isaanis Yesuusin barbaadaa turan; mana qulqullummaa keessas dhaabatanii, “Isin maal seetu? Inni gara Ayyaana kanaa hin dhufuu laata?” waliin jedhan.
So they looked for Jesus there, and said to one another, as they stood in the Temple Courts, ‘What do you think? Do you think he will come to the Festival?’
57 Luboonni hangafoonnii fi Fariisonni garuu Yesuusin qabuuf jedhanii namni iddoo inni jiru beeku yoo jiraate akka isaanitti himuuf ajaja kennanii turan.
The chief priests and the Pharisees had already issued orders that, if anyone learned where Jesus was, he should give information, so that they might arrest him.

< Yohannis 11 >