< Isaayyaas 54 >

1 “Yaa dubartii dhabduu, kan takkumaa hin daʼin, amma faarfadhu; ati kan takkumaa ciniinsifattee hin beekin iyyii faarfadhu; guddisiitii ililchi. Ijoollee dubartii dhirsa qabduu caalaa ijoolleen dubartii gatamtee ni baayʼatu” jedha Waaqayyo.
Rejoice, you barren that bear not; break forth and cry, you that do not travail: for more are the children of the desolate than of her that has a husband: for the Lord has said,
2 “Iddoo dunkaana keetii balʼifadhu; golgaa dunkaana keetii balʼisii diriirsi; walitti hin dachaasin; funyoo kee dheereffadhu; qofoo kees jabeeffadhu.
Enlarge the place of your tent, and of your curtains: fix [the pins], spare not, lengthen your cords, and strengthen your pins;
3 Ati gara mirgaattii fi gara bitaatti ni babalʼattaatii; sanyiiwwan kee saboota ni dhaalu; magaalaawwan isaanii kanneen duwwaa hafan keessas ni qubatu.
spread forth [your tent] yet to the right and the left: for your seed shall inherit the Gentiles, and you shall make the desolate cities to be inhabited.
4 “Hin sodaatin; ati hin qaanoftuutii. Hin yaaddaʼin; ati hin salphattuutii; Qaanii ijoollummaa keetii ni dagatta; tuffii dhirsi kee sirraa duunaan sirra gaʼes siʼachi hin yaadattu.
Fear not, because you has been put to shame, neither be confounded, because you was reproached: for you shall forget your former shame, and shall no more at all remember the reproach of your widowhood.
5 Uumaan kee dhirsa keeti; maqaan isaas Waaqayyoo Waan Hunda Dandaʼuu dha; Qulqullichi Israaʼel Furii kee ti; innis Waaqa guutummaa lafaa jedhama.
For [it is] the Lord that made you; the Lord of hosts is his name: and he that delivered you, he is the God of Israel, [and] shall be called [so] by the whole earth.
6 Waaqayyo akka waan ati akkuma niitii gatamtee garaan ishee gaddee, akka niitii dargaggeessaa kan jibbamteetti deebisee ofitti si waama” jedha Waaqni kee.
The Lord has not called you as a deserted and faint-hearted woman, nor as a woman hated from [her] youth, says your God.
7 “Ani yeroo muraasaafan si dhiise; garuu gara laafina guddaadhaan deebisee sin fida.
For a little while I left you: but with great mercy will I have compassion upon you.
8 Ani dheekkamsa guddaadhaan yeroo muraasaaf fuula koo si dhokfadheen ture; garuu jaalala bara baraatiin, garaa siifin laafa” jedha Waaqayyo Furiin kee.
In a little wrath I turned away my face from you; but with everlasting mercy will I have compassion upon you, says the Lord that delivers you.
9 “Wanni kun anaaf akkuma bara Nohi, yeroo ani itti bishaan Nohi deebiʼee lafa irra hin garagalu jedhee kakadhe sanaa ti. Kanaafuu ani akkan sitti hin aarre, gonkumaas lammata akkan si hin ifanne kakadheera.
From the time of the water of Noe this is my [purpose]: as I sware to him at that time, [saying] of the earth, I will no more be angry with you, neither when you are threatened,
10 Tulluuwwan raafamanii, gaarran buqqifaman iyyuu, jaalalli hin geeddaramne kan ani siif qabu garuu hin raafamu; yookaan kakuun koo kan nagaa hin diigamu” jedha Waaqayyo inni garaa siif laafu sun.
shall the mountains depart, nor shall your hills be removed: so neither shall my mercy fail you, nor shall the covenant of your peace be at all removed: for the Lord [who is] gracious to you has spoken [it].
11 “Yaa magaalaa miidhamte kan dambaliidhaan garagalfamtee nama si jajjabeessu dhabde, ani dhagaa gatii guddaatiin si ijaaree sanpeeriidhaanis si hundeessa.
Afflicted and outcast you has not been comforted: behold, I [will] prepare carbuncle [for] your stones, and sapphire for your foundations;
12 Ani fiixee kee lula diimaadhaan, karrawwan kee dooqa calaqqisuun, dallaa kee hunda immoo dhagaawwan gati jabeeyyiidhaan nan ijaara.
and I will make your buttresses jasper, and your gates crystal, and your border precious stones.
13 Waaqayyo ilmaan kee hunda ni barsiisa; nagaan ijoollee keetiis guddaa taʼa.
And [I will cause] all your sons [to be] taught of God, and your children [to be] in great peace.
14 Ati qajeelummaadhaan hundeeffamta; cunqurfamuun sirraa fagaata; wanni si sodaachisu tokko iyyuu hin jiru. Gooliin sirraa fageeffama; sitti iyyuu hin dhiʼaatu.
And you shall be built in righteousness: abstain from injustice, and you shall not fear; and trembling shall not come near you.
15 Yoo namni tokko iyyuu lola sitti kaase ani keessaa hin qabu; namni lola sitti kaasu kam iyyuu harka sitti kennata.
Behold, strangers shall come to you by me, and shall sojourn with you, and shall run to you for refuge.
16 “Kunoo, kan tumtuu sibiilaa kan cilee buufee ibidda bobeessee miʼa waraanaa tumee hojii isaatiif mijeessu sana uume anuma. Kan nama waa balleessu tokko akka inni balaa buusuuf uumes anuma;
Behold, I have created you, not as the coppersmith blowing coals, and bringing out a vessel [fit] for work; but I have created you, not for ruin, that [I] should destroy [you].
17 meeshaan si miidhuuf tolfame kam iyyuu hin milkaaʼu; atis arraba si himatu hunda of irraa deebifta. Kun dhaala tajaajiltoota Waaqayyoo ti; innis qajeelummaa isaan narraa argatanii dha” jedha Waaqayyo.
I will not suffer any weapon formed against you to prosper; and every voice that shall rise up against you for judgment, you shall vanquish them all; and your adversaries shall be [condemned] thereby. There is an inheritance to them that serve the Lord, and you shall be righteous before me, says the Lord.

< Isaayyaas 54 >

A Dove is Sent Forth from the Ark
A Dove is Sent Forth from the Ark