< Hisqiʼeel 27 >

1 Ergasii dubbiin Waaqayyoo akkana jedhee gara koo dhufe:
Again the word of Yahweh came to me, saying,
2 “Yaa ilma namaa, waaʼee Xiiroos faarsii booʼi.
“Now you, son of man, begin a lamentation concerning Tyre,
3 Xiiroos ishee balbala galaanaa irra jiraattu, kan uummata qarqara galaanaa hundaaf daldaltuu taate sanaan akkana jedhi; ‘Waaqayyo Gooftaan akkana jedha: “‘Yaa Xiiroos, ati, “Ani bareedinaan hirʼina hin qabu” jetta.
and say to Tyre, who lives within the gates of the sea, merchants of peoples to many islands, the Lord Yahweh says this to you: Tyre, you have said, 'I am perfect in beauty.'
4 Daangaan kee garaa galaanaa keessa; warri si ijaaran bareedduu hirʼina hin qabne si taasisaniiru.
Your borders are in the heart of the seas; your builders have perfected your beauty.
5 Isaan laaxaa doonii keetii birbirsa Seniirii dhufeen hojjetan; utubaa doonii siif tolchuufis Libaanoonii birbirsa fidan.
They have made all your planks with cypress from Mount Hermon; they took cedar from Lebanon to make a mast for you.
6 Qilxuu Baashaanii dhufeen batoo kee hojjetan; muka birbirsaa kan qarqara Qophiroosiitii dhufeen lafa doonii keessaa ilka arbaatiin miidhagsanii siif hojjetan.
They made your oars from the oaks of Bashan; they made your decks out of cypress wood from Cyprus, and they overlaid them with ivory.
7 Sharaan doonii keetii quncee talbaa kan miidhagfamee biyya Gibxii dhufe ture; innis akka faajjiitti si fayyade; haguuggiin kees bifa cuquliisaa fi diimaa dhiilgee kan qarqara Eliishaatii dhufe ture.
Your sails were made from colorful linen from Egypt that served as your banner; the colors of blue and purple from the coasts of Elishah are used for the awning on your boat.
8 Mooqxonni kee namoota Siidoonaa fi Arwaadii dhufan turan; yaa Xiiroos hayyoonni kee ooftota doonii keetii turan.
Those who were living in Sidon and Arvad were your rowers; the sages of Tyre were within you; they were your pilots.
9 Ogeeyyiin Gebaal kanneen muuxannoo guddaa qaban, qaawwa doonii keetii duuchuuf si gidduu turan. Dooniiwwan galaanaatii fi ooftonni isaanii hundi, si wajjin daldaluuf gara kee dhufu turan.
Highly experienced craftsmen from Byblos filled your seams; all the ships of the sea and their sailors among you were carrying your merchandise for trade.
10 “‘Namoonni Faaresi, kan Luudii fi kan Fuuxii, loltummaadhaan loltoota kee gidduu tajaajilan. Isaanis si miidhagsuuf gaachanawwan isaanii fi gonfoo isaanii si keessatti fannisan.
Persia, Lydia, and Libya were in your army, your men of war. they hung shield and helmet within you; they showed your splendor.
11 Namoonni Arwaadii fi Heeleekii dallaa kee qixa hundaan eegan; namoonni Gamaadii gamoowwan kee keessa turan. Gaachana isaaniis naannessanii dallaa keetti fannisan; isaan bareedduu hanqina hin qabne si taasisan.
The men of Arvad and Helek in your army were on your walls surrounding you, and the people of Gammad were in your towers. They hung up their shields on your walls all around you! They completed your beauty.
12 “‘Sababii guddina qabeenya keetiitiif Tarshiish si wajjin daldalaa turte; isaan meetii, sibiila, qorqorroo fi dilaalii fidanii si wajjin wal geeddaraa daldalaa turan.
Tarshish was a trading partner with you because of your abundant wealth of goods to sell: Silver, iron, tin, and lead. They bought and sold your wares!
13 “‘Giriik, Tuubaalii fi Meshek si wajjin daldalan; isaanis miʼoota gurguraa keetiin garbootaa fi miʼoota naasii geeddaru turan.
Javan, Tubal, and Meshech—they traded slaves and in items made of bronze. They handled your merchandise.
14 “‘Namoonni Beet Toogarmaa immoo fardeen feʼiisaa, fardeen lolaatii fi gaangoliidhaan miʼa kee kan daldalaa geeddaratu ture.
Beth Togarmah provided horses, stallions, and mules as your merchandise.
15 “‘Namoonni Dedaanii si wajjin daldalan; biyyoonni qarqara galaanaa baayʼeenis maamiloota kee turan; isaanis ilka arbaatii fi muka harsammeessaa siif baasan.
The men of Rhodes were your traders on many coasts. Merchandise was in your hand; they sent back horn, ivory, and ebony as tribute!
16 “‘Sababii ati oomisha guddaa qabduuf Sooriyaan si wajjin daldalti ture; isaanis maragdiin, uffata diimaa dhiilgeen, wayyaa faayeffameen, uffata quncee talbaa irraa hojjetame haphii isaatiin, elellaanii fi lula diimaadhaan miʼoota kee daldalaa geeddaratan.
Aram was a dealer in your many products; they provided emeralds, purple, colored cloth, fine fabric, pearls, and rubies as your merchandise.
17 “‘Yihuudaa fi Israaʼelis si wajjin daldalan; isaanis qamadii biyya Miiniiti, Maxinoo miʼaawaa, damma, zayitii fi baalmiin miʼa daldalaa kee geeddaratan.
Judah and the land of Israel were trading with you. They provided wheat from Minnith, cakes, honey, oil, and balsam as your merchandise.
18 “‘Sababii oomisha kee hedduutii fi qabeenya miʼa kee guddaa sanaatiif Damaasqoon daadhii wayinii Helbooniitii fi rifeensa hoolaa Zaahariitiin si wajjin daldalteerti.
Damascus was a trader of all your products, of all your enormous wealth, and of the wine of Helbon and the wool of Zahar.
19 Warri Daanii fi Yaawaan kanneen Oseelii dhufan miʼa daldalaa kee bitatan; isaanis sibiila baqfamee hojjetameen burgudii fi qarafaadhaan miʼoota daldalaa kee ni geeddarratu ture.
Dan and Javan from Izal provided you with merchandise of wrought iron, cinnamon, and calamus. This became merchandise for you.
20 “‘Dedaan immoo uffata kooraa si wajjin daldalte.
Dedan was your dealer in fine saddle blankets.
21 “‘Biyyi Arabaatii fi ilmaan mootota Qeedaar hundi maamiloota kee turan. Isaanis xobbaallaa hoolaa, korbeeyyii hoolaatii fi reʼoota si wajjin daldalu turan.
Arabia and all the chiefs of Kedar were traders with you; they provided you with lambs, rams and goats.
22 “‘Daldaltoonni Shebaatii fi Raʼimaa si wajjin daldalaniiru; urgooftuuwwan gosa hundaa, dhagaawwan gati jabeeyyii fi warqeedhaan miʼoota daldalaa kee geeddarataniiru.
The traders of Sheba and Raamah came to sell you the best of every spice and in all kinds of precious gems; they traded gold for your merchandise.
23 “‘Kaaraan, Kaneen, Eden, daldaltoonni Shebaa, Ashuurii fi Kilmaad si wajjin daldalaa turan.
Haran, Kanneh, and Eden were traders with you, along with Sheba, Ashur, and Kilmad.
24 Isaan iddoo gabaa keetii keessatti uffata mimmiidhagaa, uffata bifa cuquliisaa, uffata faayeffamee fi afaa halluu garaa garaa kan kirrii micciiramee jabeeffamee dhaʼameen daldalan.
These were your dealers in ornate robes of violet cloths with woven colors, and in blankets of multicolored, embroidered, and well-woven cloth in your marketplaces.
25 “‘Dooniiwwan Tarshiish, miʼoota kee kan daldalaa siif feʼan. Ati walakkaa galaanaatti feʼiisa ulfaataadhaan guutamteerta.
The ships of Tarshish were the transporters of your merchandise! So you were filled up, heavily laden with cargo in the heart of the seas!
26 Mooqxonni kee, gara galaana guddaatti si geessan. Bubbeen baʼa biiftuu garuu galaana walakkaatti si caccabsa.
Your rowers have brought you into vast seas; the eastern wind has broken you in the middle of them.
27 Gaafa dooniin kee caccabutti qabeenyi kee, meeshaan keetii fi miʼi daldalaa kee, namoonni kee kanneen dooniidhaan hojjetan, ooftonni dooniitii fi warri doonii haaromsan, daldaltoonni keetii fi loltoonni kee hundi namni doonii irra jiru biraa hundi garaa galaanaa keessatti gad liqimfamu.
Your wealth, merchandise, and trade goods; your sailors and pilots, and ship builders; your traders of merchandise and all the men of war who are in you, and all your crew—they will sink into the depths of the sea on the day of your destruction.
28 Yeroo ooftonni doonii keetii iyyanitti biyyoonni qarqara galaanaa ni raafamu.
Cities at the sea will tremble at the sound of your pilots' cry;
29 Warri batoo qabatan hundi, warri doonii irra hojjetanii fi ooftonni doonii, doonii isaanii irraa buʼanii qarqara galaanaa dhaabatu.
All those who handle oars will come down from their ships; mariners and all the pilots on the sea will stand on the land.
30 Isaanis sagalee isaanii ol fudhatanii hiqqifatanii siif booʼu; mataa isaaniittis awwaara firfirsanii daaraa keessa gangalatu.
Then they will make you listen to their voice and will wail bitterly; they will cast dust up on their heads. They will roll about in ashes.
31 Waaʼee keetiifis mataa haaddatanii wayyaa gaddaa uffatu. Lubbuu isaaniitiin akka malee hiqqifatanii gadda guddaadhaan ni booʼu.
They will shave their heads bald for you and bind themselves with sackcloth, and they will weep bitterly over you and they will cry out.
32 Isaanis yeroo wawwaatanii siif booʼanitti, “Kan akka Xiiroos galaanaan liqimfamee bade eenyu?” jedhanii faaruu booʼichaa siif faarsu.
They will lift up their wails of lamentation for you and sing dirges over you, Who is like Tyre, who has now been brought to silence in the middle of the sea?
33 Yeroo miʼi daldalaa kee galaana irra ergamutti, ati saboota hedduu quufsite; qabeenya kee guddaa fi miʼa keetiin mootota lafaa sooromsite.
When your merchandise went ashore from the sea, it satisfied many peoples; you enriched the kings of the earth with your great wealth and merchandise!
34 Amma immoo ati galaana keessatti, tujuba bishaanii keessatti caccabdeerta; miʼoonni keetii fi miiltonni kee hundi suma wajjin liqimfamaniiru.
But when you were shattered by the seas, by deep waters, your merchandise and all your crew sank!
35 Warri qarqara galaanaa jiraatan hundi waaʼee keetiin rifataniiru; mootonni isaanii sodaadhaan hollatanii fuulli isaaniis naasuudhaan geeddarameera.
All the inhabitants of the coasts were appalled at you, and their kings shuddered in horror! Their faces trembled!
36 Daldaltoonni saboota gidduu jiran sitti siiqsu; dhumni kee suukaneessaa taʼeera; ati siʼachi bara baraan ni dhabamta.’”
The merchants of the people hiss at you; you have become a horror, and you will be no more forever.”

< Hisqiʼeel 27 >