< 1 Samuels 27 >

1 Men David sagde med seg sjølv: «Ein dag stupar eg for Sauls hand. Eg veit ingen annan utveg enn å røma til Filistarlandet; då lyt Saul slutta å leita etter meg innanfor Israelslandskilet; og so bergar eg meg undan honom.»
David said in his heart, "I shall now perish one day by the hand of Saul. There is nothing better for me except that I escape into the land of the Philistines; and Saul will despair of me, to seek me any more in all the borders of Israel. So shall I escape out of his hand."
2 So braut David upp og drog med dei seks hundrad kararne sine yver til Akis Maoksson, kongen i Gat.
David arose, and passed over, he and the six hundred men who were with him, to Achish the son of Maoch, king of Gath.
3 Og David heldt seg hjå Akis i Gat, han og kararne hans, alle med huslyden sin, David med dei tvo konorne sine; Ahinoam frå Jizre’el og Abiga’il, kona hans Nabal frå Karmel.
So David lived with Achish, he and his men, along with his men and their families, and David with his two wives, Ahinoam of Jezreel, and Abigail of Carmel, Nabal's widow.
4 Då Saul frette at David hadde rømt til Gat, leita han ikkje meir etter honom.
Now it was told Saul that David had fled to Gath, so he no longer searched for him.
5 David sagde til Akis: «Hev du aldri so liten godvilje for meg, so lat meg få bu i ein av landsbyarne, so eg kann halda meg der. Kvifor skulde tenaren din bu i hovudstaden hjå deg?»
David said to Achish, "If now I have found favor in your eyes, let them give me a place in one of the cities in the country, that I may dwell there. For why should your servant dwell in the royal city with you?"
6 Akis gav honom Siklag same dagen. Difor høyrer Siklag den dag i dag til Juda-kongarne.
So he gave him Ziklag that day. (For that reason Ziklag has belonged to the kings of Judah to this day.)
7 Den tid David budde i Filistarlandet, var i alt eitt år og fire månader.
The number of the days that David lived in the country of the Philistines was a full year and four months.
8 David tok ut med kararne sine og gjorde herjeferder hjå gesuritarne, girzitarne og amalekitarne. For desse folkeætterne budde der i landet frå gamalt, burtimot Sur og heilt til Egyptarland.
Now David and his men went up, and made a raid on the Geshurites, and the Amalekites. And look, the land was inhabited from Telem, until you come to Shur, and on toward Egypt.
9 Og når David herja i landet, sparde han korkje kar eller kvende; han tok bufe og smale og asen og kamelar og klæde. Og dermed snudde han attende til Akis.
David struck the land, and saved neither man nor woman alive, and took away the sheep, and the cattle, and the donkeys, and the camels, and the clothing; and he returned, and came to Achish.
10 Når då Akis spurde: «I dag hev de vel ikkje gjort nokor herjeferd?» so svara David: «Jau, sør i Judalandet, » eller: «Sør i Jerahme’eitlandet», eller: «Sør i Kenitarlandet.»
Achish said, "Against whom have you made a raid today?" David would say, "Against the Negev of Judah," or "Against the Negev of Jerahmeel," or "Against the Negev of the Kenizzites."
11 Ingi livande sjæl sparde David, so dei kunde koma til Gat. For han tenkte: «Dei kunde slarva um oss og segja: «Det og det hev David gjort; soleis hev han fare åt heile tidi han budde i Filistarlandet.»»
And neither man nor woman would he leave alive to be brought to Gath, thinking, "Otherwise they will tell about us, saying, 'This is what David did,'" and this has been his practice all the time he lived in the country of the Philistines.
12 Men Akis trudde David, og tenkte: «Han hev fenge uord på seg hjå Israel, folket sitt, og no vil han tena meg alle dager.»
Achish believed David, saying, "He has made his people Israel utterly to abhor him. Therefore he shall be my servant forever."

< 1 Samuels 27 >