< यशैया 14 >

1 परमप्रभुले याकूबलाई दया गर्नुहुनेछ । उहाँले फेरि पनि इस्राएललाई रोज्‍नुहुनेछ र तिनीहरूलाई आफ्नै देशमा पुनर्स्थापना गर्नुहुनेछ । परदेशीहरू पनि तिनीहरूसँगै सहभागी हुनेछन् र आफूलाई याकूबको घरानासँग आवद्ध गराउनेछन् ।
And the Lord will have mercy on Jacob, and will yet choose Israel, and they shall rest on their land: and the stranger shall be added to them, yea, shall be added to the house of Jacob.
2 जातिहरूले तिनीहरूलाई आफ्नै ठाउँमा ल्याउनेछन् । तब इस्राएलको घरानाले तिनीहरूलाई सेवक र सेविकाको रूपमा परमप्रभुको देशमा लानेछन् । तिनीहरूलाई कैदी बनाउनेहरूलाई तिनीहरूले कैदी बनाउनेछन् र तिनीहरूले आफ्‍ना अत्याचारीहरूमाथि राज्‍य गर्नेछन् ।
And the Gentiles shall take them, and bring them into their place: and they shall inherit them, and they shall be multiplied upon the land for servants and handmaidens: and they that took them captives shall become captives [to them]; and they that had lordship over them shall be under [their] rule.
3 त्‍यो दिनमा तिमीहरूका कष्‍ट र पीडाबाट, अनि तिमीहरूले गर्नुपर्ने कडा परिश्रमबाट परमप्रभुले तिमीहरूलाई विश्राम दिनुहुन्‍छ,
And it shall come to pass in that day, [that] the Lord shall give thee rest from thy sorrow and vexation, [and from] thy hard servitude wherein thou didst serve them.
4 तब तिमीहरूले बेबिलोनको राजाको विरुद्ध यो गिल्लाको गीत गाउनेछौ, “अत्याचारीको अन्त्‍य कसरी भएको छ, घमण्डी क्रोधको अन्त्‍य भयो!
And thou shalt take up this lamentation against the king of Babylon, How has the extortioner ceased, and the taskmaster ceased!
5 परमप्रभुले दुष्‍टहरूको लट्ठी र ती शासकहरूको राजदण्ड भाँच्‍नुभएको छ,
The Lord has broken the yoke of sinners, the yoke of princes.
6 जसले मानिसहरूलाई क्रोधमा निरन्‍तर रूपमा प्रहार गर्‍यो, जसले अनियन्त्रित रूपमा आक्रमण गरेर जातिहरूमाथि क्रोधमा राज्‍य गर्‍यो ।
Having smitten a nation in wrath, with an incurable plague, smiting a nation with a wrathful plague, which spared [them] not, he rested in quiet.
7 सम्‍पूर्ण पृथ्वी नै विश्राममा छ र शान्त छ । तिनीहरूले गीत गाउँदै उत्सव मनाउन सुरु गर्छन् ।
All the earth cries aloud with joy:
8 सल्लाका रूखहरू लेबनानको देवदारुहरूसँगै तँलाई देखेर रमाउँछन् । तिनीहरू भन्छन्, 'तँलाई तल खसालिएको हुनाले, हामीलाई काटेर ढाल्न काठ काट्ने कुनै मानिस माथि आउनेछैन ।'
the trees also of Libanus rejoice against thee, and the cedar of Libanus, [saying], From the time that thou hast been laid low, no one has come up to cut us down.
9 तँ चिहानमा जाँदा, तँलाई भेट्न चिहान उत्सुक हुन्छ । पृथ्वीका सबै राजालाई, जातिहरूका सबै राजालाई, आफ्‍ना सिंहासनबाट माथि खडा हुन लगाएर तेरो निम्ति त्‍यसले मृतहरूलाई जगाउँछ । (Sheol h7585)
Hell from beneath is provoked to meet thee: all the great ones that have ruled over the earth have risen up together against thee, they that have raised up from their thrones all the kings of the nations. (Sheol h7585)
10 तिनीहरू सबै बोल्नेछन् र तँलाई यसो भन्‍नेछन्, 'तँ पनि हामीजस्तै कमजोर भएको छस् । तँ पनि हामीजस्तै भएको छस् ।
All shall answer and say to thee, Thou also hast been taken, even as we; and thou art numbered amongst us.
11 तेरो तडकभडकलाई तेरो वीणाहरूको आवाजसँगै चिहनामा ल्याइएको छ । तँमुनि औंसाहरू फैलिएका छन् र तँलाई किराहरूले ढाकेको छ,' (Sheol h7585)
Thy glory has come down to Hades, and thy great mirth: under thee they shall spread corruption, and the worm shall be thy covering. (Sheol h7585)
12 ए दिनको तारा, बिहानको पुत्र, तँ कसरी स्‍वर्गबाट तल झरेको छस्! जातिहरूमाथि विजय पाएको, तँलाई कसरी भूइँमा ढालिएको छ!
How has Lucifer, that rose in the morning, fallen from heaven! He that sent [orders] to all the nations is crushed to the earth.
13 तैंले आफ्नो हृदयमा भनेको थिइस्, 'म स्वर्गमा चढ्‍नेछु, परमेश्‍वरका ताराहरूभन्दा माथि म आफ्‍नो सिंहासनलाई उचाल्नेछु, र सभाको पहाडमाथि सूदूर उत्तरमा म विराजमान हुनेछु ।
But thou saidst in thine heart, I will go up to heaven, I will set my throne above the stars of heaven: I will sit on a lofty mount, on the lofty mountains toward the north:
14 बादलहरूको उचाइभन्दा माथि म चड्‍नेछु । म आफैलाई सर्वोच्‍च परमेश्‍वरजस्तै बनाउनेछु ।'
I will go up above the clouds: I will be like the Most High.
15 तापनि तँलाई अब चिहानमा, खडालको गहिराइमा तल खसालिएको छ । (Sheol h7585)
But now thou shalt go down to hell, even to the foundations of the earth. (Sheol h7585)
16 तँलाई देख्‍नेहरूले तँलाई टुलुटुलु हेर्नेछन् र तिनीहरूले तँलाई ध्यान दिनेछन् । तिनीहरूले सोध्‍नेछन्, 'के यो त्‍यही मानिस हो, जसले पृथ्वीलाई थर्कमान पार्‍यो, जसले राज्यहरूलाई हल्‍लायो,
They that see thee shall wonder at thee, and say, This is the man that troubled the earth, that made kings to shake;
17 जसले संसारलाई उजाड-स्‍थानजस्‍तो बनायो, जसले सहरहरूलाई नष्‍ट पार्‍यो र आफ्‍ना कैदीहरूलाई घर जान दिएन?'
that made the whole world desolate, and destroyed its cities; he loosed not those who were in captivity.
18 जातिहरूका सबै राजा, तीमध्‍ये सबै जना, हरेक व्‍यक्‍ति आ-आफ्ना चिहानमा आदरसाथ सुत्‍छन् ।
All the kings of the nations lie in honour, [every] man in his house.
19 तर एउटा हाँगालाई फालेझैं, तेरो चिहानबाट तँलाई बाहिर फालिएको छ । तरवारले छेडेर मारिएका खाल्डोका ढुङ्गाहरूतिर जाने मृतकहरूले तँलाई कपडाले झैं ढाक्‍छन् ।
But thou shalt be cast forth on the mountains, as a loathed carcase, with many dead who have been pierced with swords, going down to the grave.
20 तैंले आफ्नो देशलाई नाश पारेको र आफ्ना मानिसहरूलाई मारेको हुनाले तिनीहरूसँगै तेरो दफन हुनेछैन । दुष्‍ट काम गर्नेहरूका सन्तानलाई फेरि कहिल्यै याद गरिनेछैन ।”
As a garment defiled with blood shall not be pure, so neither shalt thou be pure; because thou hast destroyed my land, and hast slain my people: thou shalt not endure for ever, —[thou] an evil seed.
21 त्यसका सन्‍तानलाई, तिनीहरूका पुर्खाहरूका अपराधको निम्ति मार्ने ठाउँ तयार पार्, यसरी तिनीहरू उठ्नेछैनन् र पृथ्वी अधीन गर्नेछैनन् र सारा संसारलाई सहरहरूले भर्नेछैनन् ।
Prepare thy children to be slain for the sins of their father; that they arise not, and inherit the earth, nor fill the earth with wars.
22 “तिनीहरू विरुद्धमा म खडा हुनेछु,”— यो सर्वशक्तिमान् परमप्रभुको घोषणा हो । “म बेबिलोनबाट नाउँ, सन्तान र वंशज नष्‍ट पार्नेछु,”— यो परमप्रभुको घोषणा हो ।
And I will rise up against them, saith the Lord of hosts, and I will destroy their name, and remnant, and seed: thus saith the Lord.
23 “म त्यसलाई लाटोकोसेरोको अधीनमा र पानीको तलाउमा राख्‍नेछु, र विनाशको कुचोले म त्यसलाई बढार्नेछु,”— यो सर्वशक्तिमान् परमप्रभुको घोषणा हो ।
And I will make the region of Babylon desert, so that hedgehogs shall dwell [there], and it shall come to nothing: and I will make it a pit of clay for destruction.
24 सर्वशक्तिमान् परमप्रभुले शपथ खानुभएको छ, “निश्‍चय नै, जस्तो मैले इच्‍छा गरेको छु, त्यस्तै हुनेछ । अनि जे उद्देश्य मैले राखेको छु, त्‍यो पुरा हुनेछ ।
Thus saith the Lord of hosts, As I have said, so it shall be: and as I have purposed, so [the matter] shall remain:
25 अश्शूरलाई म आफ्‍नो देशमा चकनाचूर पार्नेछु र मेरो पर्वतमा म त्‍यसलाई खुट्टामुनि कुल्चिनेछु । तिनीहरूका काँधबाट त्यसको जुवा हटाइनेछ र तिनीहरूका पिठ्यूबाट त्यसको भारी निकालिनेछ ।”
[even] to destroy the Assyrians upon my land, and upon my mountains: and they shall be for trampling; and their yoke shall be taken away from them, and their glory shall be taken away from their shoulders.
26 सम्‍पूर्ण पृथ्वीको निम्ति इच्‍छा गरिएको योजना यही हो र सारा जातिहरूमाथि पसारिएको बहुली यही हो ।
This is the purpose which the Lord has purposed upon the whole earth: and this the hand that is uplifted against all the nations.
27 किनकि सर्वशक्तिमान् परमप्रभुले नै यो योजना गर्नुभएको छ । उहाँलाई कसले रोक्‍न सक्छ र? उहाँको हात उचालिएको छ र त्‍यसलाई कसले फर्काउने छ र?
For what the Holy God has purposed, who shall frustrate? and who shall turn back his uplifted hand?
28 आहाज राजा मरेको वर्षमा यो घोषणा आयोः
In the year in which king Achaz died this word came.
29 ए सारा पलिश्‍तीहरू हो, तिमीहरूलाई प्रहार गर्ने छडी भाँचिएको छ भनेर आनन्दित नहोओ । किनकि साँपको वंशबाट झन् विषलु सर्प बढ्‍नेछ, र त्यसको सन्तान डरलाग्‍दो उड्ने सर्प हुनेछ ।
Rejoice not, all ye Philistines, because the yoke of him that smote you is broken: for out of the seed of the serpent shall come forth the young asps, and their young shall come forth flying serpents,
30 गरीबको जेठा छोरोले मेरो खर्कहरूमा आफ्‍ना भेडाहरू चराउनेछन्, र खाँचामा परेकाहरू सुरक्षासँग पल्टिनेछन् । तेरो वंशलाई म अनिकाले मार्नेछु जसले तेरा बाँचेका सबैलाई मृत्युमा पुर्‍याउनेछ ।
And the poor shall be fed by him, and poor men shall rest in peace: but he shall destroy thy seed with hunger, and shall destroy thy remnant.
31 ए ढोका करा । ए सहर चिच्या । हे पलिश्‍ती, तिमीहरू सबै पग्‍लेर हराउनेछौ । किनकि उत्तरबाट धूँवाको बादल आउँछ र त्यसको पङ्तिमा धरमराउने कोही छैन ।
Howl, ye gates of cities; let the cities be troubled and cry, [even] all the Philistines: for smoke is coming from the north, and there is no [possibility] of living.
32 जातिका दूलहरूलाई तिनीहरूले कसरी जवाफ दिनेछन्? “परमप्रभुले सियोनलाई बसाल्नुभएको छ, त्यसमा कष्‍टमा परेका मानिसहरूले शरण लिनेछन् ।”
And what shall the kings of the nations answer? That the Lord has founded Sion, and by him the poor of the people shall be saved.

< यशैया 14 >