< UHezekheli 46 >

1 Itsho njalo iNkosi uJehova: Isango leguma elingaphakathi elikhangele ngasempumalanga lizavaleka insuku eziyisithupha zokusebenza. Kodwa ngosuku lwesabatha lizavulwa, langosuku lokuthwasa kwenyanga lizavulwa.
The Lord Yahweh says this: The gate of the inner courtyard, facing east, will be shut for the six days of work, but on the Sabbath it will be opened, and on the day of the new moon it will be opened.
2 Njalo isiphathamandla sizangena ngendlela yekhulusi lalelosango sivela phandle, sime emgubazini wesango. Abapristi balungise umnikelo waso wokutshiswa leminikelo yaso yokuthula, sona sizakhonza sisembundwini wesango, siphume; kodwa isango kaliyikuvalwa kuze kube kusihlwa.
The prince will enter the outer courtyard by the way of the gate and its portico from outside, and he will stand before the doorposts of the inner gate while the priests perform his burnt offering and peace offering. Then he will worship at the threshold of the inner gate and go out, but the gate will not be shut until evening.
3 Ngokunjalo abantu belizwe bazakhonza emnyango walelisango ngamasabatha langokuthwasa kwezinyanga phambi kweNkosi.
The people of the land will also worship before Yahweh at the entrance to this gate on the Sabbaths and new moons.
4 Lomnikelo wokutshiswa isiphathamandla esizawunikela eNkosini ngosuku lwesabatha uzakuba ngamawundlu ayisithupha angelasici, lenqama engelasici.
The burnt offering that the prince offers to Yahweh on the Sabbath day will be six unblemished lambs and an unblemished ram.
5 Lomnikelo wokudla uzakuba yi-efa ngenqama, lomnikelo wokudla ngamawundlu uzakuba yisipho sesandla saso, kanye lehini yamafutha nge-efa.
The grain offering with the ram will be an ephah, and the grain offering with the lambs will be what he wishes to give, and a hin of oil with each ephah of grain.
6 Langosuku lokuthwasa kwenyanga kuzakuba lijongosi ithole lenkomo elingelasici, lamawundlu ayisithupha, lenqama; kungabi lasici.
On the day of the new moon he must offer an unblemished bull from a herd, six lambs, and an unblemished ram.
7 Njalo sizalungisa umnikelo wokudla, i-efa ngejongosi, le-efa ngenqama, langamawundlu njengalokho isandla saso singafinyelela kukho, lehini lamafutha nge-efa.
He must make a grain offering of an ephah for the bull and an ephah for the ram, and what he wishes to give for the lambs, and a hin of oil for every ephah of grain.
8 Lalapho isiphathamandla singena, sizangena ngendlela yekhulusi lalelosango, siphume ngendlela yalo.
When the prince enters by the way of the gate and its portico, he must leave by the same way.
9 Kodwa lapho abantu belizwe besiza phambi kweNkosi emikhosini emisiweyo, lowo ongena ngendlela yesango elingenyakatho ukuzakhonza uzaphuma ngendlela yesango elingeningizimu, longena ngendlela yesango elingeningizimu uzaphuma ngendlela yesango elingenyakatho. Kayikubuyela ngendlela yesango angene ngalo, kodwa uzaphuma maqondana lalo.
But when the people of the land come before Yahweh at the appointed festivals, anyone entering through the north gate to worship must leave through the south gate; and anyone entering through the south gate must leave through the north gate. No one may turn back to the gate through which he entered, for he must go out straight ahead.
10 Lesiphathamandla sizangena siphakathi kwabo lapho bengena; lalapho bephuma sizaphuma.
The prince must be in their midst; when they go in, he must go in, and when they leave, he must leave.
11 Lemadilini lemikhosini emisiweyo umnikelo wokudla uzakuba li-efa ngejongosi, le-efa ngenqama, lesipho sesandla sakhe ngamawundlu, lehini lamafutha nge-efa.
At the festivals, the grain offering must be an ephah of grain for the bull and an ephah for the ram, and whatever he wishes to give with the lambs, and a hin of oil for every ephah.
12 Lalapho isiphathamandla silungisa umnikelo wesihle, umnikelo wokutshiswa, loba iminikelo yokuthula, umnikelo wesihle eNkosini, omunye uzasivulela isango elikhangele ngasempumalanga, silungise umnikelo waso wokutshiswa, leminikelo yaso yokuthula, njengokwenza kwaso ngosuku lwesabatha; siphume, njalo omunye uzavala isango emva kokuphuma kwaso.
When the prince gives a freewill offering, either a burnt offering or a peace offering to Yahweh, the gate facing east will be opened for him. He will offer his burnt offering offering or his peace offering as he does it on the Sabbath day. Then he must go out, and after he has gone out the gate will be shut.
13 Njalo uzalungisa iwundlu elilomnyaka munye elingelasici libe ngumnikelo wokutshiswa eNkosini insuku zonke. Uzalilungisa ngaleyo laleyo ikuseni.
In addition, you will give an unblemished lamb one year old as a burnt offering to Yahweh daily; you will do this morning after morning.
14 Futhi uzalilungisela umnikelo wokudla ngaleyo laleyo ikuseni, ingxenye yesithupha ye-efa, lengxenye yesithathu yehini yamafutha, ukuthambisa impuphu ecolekileyo, kube ngumnikelo wokudla eNkosini, ngezimiso eziphakade njalonjalo.
You will give a grain offering with it morning after morning, a sixth of an ephah and a third of a hin of oil to moisten the flour of the grain offering for Yahweh, according to a permanent statute.
15 Ngokunjalo bazalungisa iwundlu lomnikelo wokudla lamafutha ngaleyo laleyo ikuseni kube ngumnikelo wokutshiswa njalonjalo.
They will prepare the lamb, the grain offering, and the oil morning after morning, a permanent burnt offering.
16 Itsho njalo iNkosi uJehova: Uba isiphathamandla sinika isipho kuloba yiyiphi yamadodana aso, ilifa laso, amadodana aso azakuba lalo, lizakuba yimpahla yawo ngokwelifa.
The Lord Yahweh says this: If the prince gives a gift to any of his sons, it is his inheritance. It will be the property of his sons, it is an inheritance.
17 Kodwa uba sinika isipho selifa laso kwenye yezinceku zaso, sizakuba ngesayo kuze kube ngumnyaka wenkululeko; khona sizabuyela kusiphathamandla; kodwa siyilifa laso, amadodana aso azakuba laso.
But if he gives a gift from his inheritance to one of his servants, then it will be that servant's until the year of liberty, and then it will return to the prince. His inheritance will certainly be for his sons.
18 Futhi isiphathamandla kasiyikuthatha ulutho elifeni labantu ukubacindezela basuke emfuyweni yabo; sizanika ilifa emadodaneni aso emfuyweni yaso; ukuze abantu bami bangahlakazwa ngulowo asuke emfuyweni yakhe.
The prince will not take the people's inheritance away from their own property; he must provide for his sons from his own property so that my people will not be scattered, each man from his own property.'”
19 Wasengingenisa ekungeneni, okwakuseceleni kwesango, kusiya emakamelweni angcwele abapristi, akhangele ngasenyakatho; khangela-ke kwakulendawo kunhlangothi zombili ngasentshonalanga.
Next the man brought me through the entrance at the gate to the holy rooms for the priests, which faced north and behold! There was a place toward the west.
20 Wasesithi kimi: Yiyo le indawo lapho abapristi abazaphekela khona umnikelo wecala lomnikelo wesono, lapho abazabhakela khona umnikelo wokudla, ukuze bangakukhupheli egumeni elingaphandle, ukungcwelisa abantu.
He said to me, “This is the place where the priests must boil the guilt offering and the sin offering and where they must bake the grain offering. They must not bring the offerings into the outer courtyard, for then the people would be consecrated.”
21 Wasengikhuphela egumeni elingaphandle, wangidlulisa engonsini zozine zeguma; khangela-ke, kuleyo laleyongonsi yeguma kwakulelinye iguma.
Then he brought me to the outer courtyard and he led me past the four corners of that courtyard, and I saw that in at every corner of the courtyard there was a another court.
22 Ezingonsini zozine zeguma kwakulamaguma ahlanganisiweyo; ubude babuzingalo ezingamatshumi amane, lobubanzi babuzingalo ezingamatshumi amathathu; lezizingonsi zozine zazilesilinganiso sinye.
In the four corners of the outer courtyard there were four small courtyards, forty cubits in length and thirty in width. There the same dimensions for all four of the courtyards.
23 Njalo kwakulomzila wesakhiwo inhlangothi zonke kuzo, inhlangothi zonke zozine, njalo kwenziwe amaziko okubilisa ngaphansi kwemizila yesakhiwo inhlangothi zonke.
There was a row made of stone all around the four of them, and cooking hearths were under the stone row.
24 Wasesithi kimi: Lezi yizindlu zokuphekela, lapho abakhonzi bendlu abazaphekela khona umhlatshelo wabantu.
The man said to me, “These are the places where the temple servants will boil the people's sacrifices.”

< UHezekheli 46 >