< U-Eksodusi 37 >

1 UBhezaleli wabaza umtshokotsho ngezigodo zesihlahla somʼakhakhiya ubude bawo kuzingalo ezimbili ezilengxenye, ububanzi kuyingalo elengxenye njalo ukuyaphezulu kwawo kuyingalo elengxenye.
And Bezaleel maketh the ark of shittim wood, two cubits and a half its length, and a cubit and a half its breadth, and a cubit and a half its height;
2 Walihuqa ngegolide elicolekileyo, ngaphakathi langaphandle, wabuye walizingelezela ngomqolo wegolide.
and he overlayeth it with pure gold within and without, and maketh for it a wreath of gold round about;
3 Wawubumbela amasongo amane egolide wawanamathisela ezinyaweni zalo zozine, kwathi amasongo amabili kwelinye icele lamabili kwelinye njalo.
and he casteth for it four rings of gold, on its four feet, even two rings on its one side, and two rings on its second side;
4 Wasebaza imijabo ngesihlahla somʼakhakhiya wayihuqa ngegolide.
and he maketh staves of shittim wood, and overlayeth them with gold,
5 Wasehloma imijabo leyo emasongweni ayesemaceleni komtshokotsho wesivumelwano ukuze uthwalwe ngayo.
and he bringeth in the staves into the rings, by the sides of the ark, to bear the ark.
6 Wenza isihlalo somusa ngegolide elicolekileyo, ubude baso buzingalo ezimbili ezilengxenye lengxenye, ububanzi saba yingalo elengxenye.
And he maketh a mercy-seat of pure gold, two cubits and a half its length, and a cubit and a half its breadth;
7 Njalo wenza amakherubhi amabili ngegolide elikhandiweyo ekucineni kwesihlalo somusa emaceleni womabili.
and he maketh two cherubs of gold, of beaten work he hath made them, at the two ends of the mercy-seat;
8 Wenza ikherubhi elilodwa nganxanye kwathi kwelinye icele wenza elinye aba yinto yinye lesisibekelo.
one cherub at the end on this [side], and one cherub at the end on that, out of the mercy-seat he hath made the cherubs, at its two ends;
9 Amakherubhi ayelulele amaphiko awo phezulu, embese isisibekelo ngawo. Amakherubhi ayekhangelene, ubuso bawo bukhangele isisibekelo.
and the cherubs are spreading out wings on high, covering over the mercy-seat with their wings, and their faces [are] one towards another; towards the mercy-seat have the faces of the cherubs been.
10 Babaza itafula ngezigodo zesihlahla somʼakhakhiya, ubude bayo babuzingalo ezimbili, ububanzi buyingalo eyodwa, ukuphakama kwayo kuyingalo elengxenye.
And he maketh the table of shittim wood; two cubits its length, and a cubit its breadth, and a cubit and a half its height,
11 Basebelihuqa ngegolide elicolekileyo njalo balizingelezela ngomthando wegolide.
and overlayeth it with pure gold, and maketh for it a wreath of gold round about.
12 Babuya benza ibhanti eliyizingelezileyo, elalingangesandla somuntu ububanzi, basebefaka umthando wegolide phezu kwebhanti.
And he maketh for it a border of a handbreadth round about, and maketh a wreath of gold for its border round about;
13 Benza amasongo amane egolide bawafaka emagumbini womane enyaweni zetafula.
and he casteth for it four rings of gold, and putteth the rings on the four corners which [are] to its four feet;
14 Amasongo afakwa eduze lebhanti ukuze abambe imijabo eyayisetshenziswa ukuthwala itafula.
over-against the border have the rings been, places for staves to bear the table.
15 Imijabo yokuthwalisa itafula yayenziwe ngezigodo zesihlahla somʼakhakhiya njalo ihuqwe ngegolide.
And he maketh the staves of shittim wood, and overlayeth them with gold, to bear the table;
16 Njalo benza ngegolide elicolekileyo izitsha zetafula ezibalisa imiganu, izinditshi, imiganu eyingubhe kanye lezitsha zokuthululela iminikelo enathwayo.
and he maketh the vessels which [are] upon the table, its dishes, and its bowls, and its cups, and the cups by which they pour out, of pure gold.
17 Benza uluthi lwesibane ngegolide elicolekileyo, bakhanda isidindi salo lomqwayi walo kwaba ngumsebenzi okhandiweyo, imbizana zalo, amahlumela alo kanye lamaluba alo kwenziwa kwaba yinto yinye.
And he maketh the candlestick of pure gold; of beaten work he hath made the candlestick, its base, and its branch, its calyxes, its knops, and its flowers, have been of the same;
18 Ingatsha eziyisithupha zaxhunywa emaceleni oluthi lwesibane, ingatsha ezintathu nganxanye kwathi ezintathu kwelinye icele.
and six branches are coming out of its sides, three branches of the candlestick out of its one side, and three branches of the candlestick out of its second side;
19 Inkezo ezintathu ezibunjwe okwamaluba e-alimondi, amahlumela lamaluba kwakusogatsheni lunye, ezinye ezintathu ogatsheni olulandelayo, kwabanjalo kuwo wonke ayisithupha exhunywe oluthini lwesibane.
three calyxes, made like almonds, in the one branch, a knop and a flower; and three calyxes, made like almonds, in another branch, a knop and a flower; so to the six branches which are coming out of the candlestick.
20 Njalo oluthini lwesibane kwakulembizana ezine ezibunjwe okwamaluba e-alimondi elamahlumela kanye lamaluba.
And in the candlestick [are] four calyxes, made like almonds, its knops, and its flowers,
21 Ihlumela elilodwa lalingaphansi kwengatsha ezimbili, ihlumela lesibili lingaphansi kwezinye ezimbili lehlumela lesithathu lalingaphansi kwengatsha ezimbili, ingatsha zonke zaziyisithupha.
and a knop under the two branches of the same, and a knop under the two branches of the same, and a knop under the two branches of the same, [are] to the six branches which are coming out of it;
22 Amahlumela lezingatsha kwakuyinto yinye loluthi lwesibane, kukhandwe ngegolide elicolekileyo.
their knops and their branches have been of the same; all of it one beaten work of pure gold.
23 Balwenzela izibane eziyisikhombisa, incijana lembizana zalo ezenziwe ngegolide elicolekileyo.
And he maketh its seven lamps, and its snuffers, and its snuff-dishes, of pure gold;
24 Uluthi lwesibane kanye lakho konke okuphathelene lalo kwenziwa ngegolide elicolekileyo eliyisisindo sethalenta elilodwa.
of a talent of pure gold he hath made it, and all its vessels.
25 Benza i-alithari lempepha ngezigodo zesihlahla somʼakhakhiya. Lenziwa lalingana inxa zonke, ubude balo buyingalo eyodwa, lobubanzi buyingalo eyodwa, kanti ukudepha kuzingalo ezimbili, impondo zalo zenziwa zaba yinto yinye kanye lalo.
And he maketh the perfume-altar of shittim wood; a cubit its length, and a cubit its breadth (square), and two cubits its height; its horns have been of the same;
26 Balihuqa ngegolide elicolekileyo phezulu, lemaceleni kanye lempondo zalo ngegolide elicolekileyo njalo balibumbela umqolo wegolide inxa zonke.
and he overlayeth it with pure gold, its top and its sides round about, and its horns; and he maketh for it a wreath of gold round about;
27 Benza amasongo amabili kuleli icele lamanye amabili kwelinye njalo ukubambanisa imijabo yokuthwalisa i-alithari lempepha.
and two rings of gold he hath made for it under its wreath, at its two corners, at its two sides, for places for staves to bear it with them.
28 Benza imijabo ngesihlahla somʼakhakhiya bayihuqa ngegolide.
And he maketh the staves of shittim wood, and overlayeth them with gold;
29 Benza njalo lamafutha angcwele okugcoba abakhethiweyo, lempepha elephunga elimnandi, kungumsebenzi womenzi wamakha.
and he maketh the holy anointing oil, and the pure spice-perfume — work of a compounder.

< U-Eksodusi 37 >