< Ezekiela 1 >

1 Ary tamin’ ny andro fahadimy tamin’ ny volana fahefatra tamin’ ny taona fahatelo-polo, raha teo amin’ ny babo teo amoron’ ny ony Kebara aho, dia nisokatra ny lanitra, ka nahita fahitana avy tamin’ Andriamanitra aho.
Now it came to pass in the thirtieth year, in the fourth month, on the fifth day of the month, that I was in the midst of the captivity by the river of Chobar; and the heavens were opened, and I saw visions of God.
2 Tamin’ ny andro fahadimy tamin’ ny volana (taona fahadimy taorian’ ny namaboana an’ i Joiakina mpanjaka izany)
On the fifth day of the month; this was the fifth year of the captivity of king Joakim.
3 dia tonga tamin’ i Ezekiela mpisorona, zanak’ i Bozy, ny tenin’ i Jehovah tany amin’ ny tanin’ ny Kaldeana, teo amoron’ ny ony Kebara; ary ny tànan’ i Jehovah dia taminy teo.
And the word of the Lord came to Jezekiel the priest, the son of Buzi, in the land of the Chaldeans, by the river of Chobar; and the hand of the Lord was upon me.
4 Ary hitako fa, indro, nisy tafio-drivotra avy tany avaratra, dia rahona lehibe sy afo mifandrambondrambona, sady nisy namirapiratra manodidina azy; ary avy teo amin’ ny afo dia nisy toy ny volon’ ny metaly mamirapiratra.
And I looked, and, behold, a sweeping wind came from the north, and a great cloud on it, and [there was] brightness round about it, and gleaming fire, and in the midst of it as it were the appearance of amber in the midst of the fire, and brightness in it.
5 Ary teo aminy koa nisy toa endriky ny zava-manan’ aina efatra. Ary ny fikery azy dia hoatra ny endrik’ olona.
And in the midst as it were the likeness of four living creatures. And this was their appearance; the likeness of a man was upon them.
6 Ary samy nanana tarehy efatra sy elatra efatra avy izy.
And each one [had] four faces, and each one [had] four wings.
7 Ary mahitsy ny tongony; ary ny faladiany dia tahaka ny faladian’ ny ombilahy kely; ary mamirapiratra toy ny volon’ ny varahina manganohano izy.
And their legs were straight; and their feet were winged, and [there were] sparks, like gleaming brass, and their wings were light.
8 Ary nisy tanan’ olona teo ambanin’ ny elany teo amin’ ny lafiny efatra, ary samy nanana ny tarehiny sy ny elany avy izy efatra.
And the hand of a man was under their wings on their four sides.
9 Nifanendry ny elany; tsy niherika izy raha nandeha, fa samy nizotra tamin’ izay hitsiny avy izy rehetra.
And the faces of them four turned not when they went; they went everyone straight forward.
10 Ary ny toetry ny tarehiny dia tahaka ny tarehin’ olona; ary tamin’ ny ankavanany dia samy nanana ny tarehin’ ny liona izy efatra, ary tamin’ ny ankaviany dia samy nanana ny tarehin’ omby, ary samy nanana ny tarehin’ ny voromahery koa izy efatra.
And the likeness of their faces was the face of a man, and the face of a lion on the right of the four; and the face of a calf on the left of the four; and the face of an eagle to the four.
11 Ary ny tarehiny sy ny elany dia nisaraka hatreo ambony: samy nisy roa nifanendry tamin’ ny an’ ny namany, ary ny roa nanarona ny tenany.
And the four had their wings spread out above; each one [had] two joined to one another, and two covered their bodies.
12 Dia samy nizotra tamin’ izay hitsiny avy izy, ka na aiza na aiza no tian’ ny fanahy ho nalehany dia nalehany: tsy niherika izy raha nandeha.
And each one went straight forward: wherever the spirit was going they went, and turned not back.
13 Ary tahaka ny vainafo mirehitra ny fijery ny zava-manan’ aina, dia tahaka ny fijery ny fanilo; nivoivoy teny anelanelan’ ny zava-manan’ aina ny afo; ary namirapiratra ny afo, sady nisy helatra nivoaka avy tao aminy.
And in the midst of the living creatures [there was] an appearance as of burning coals of fire, as an appearance of lamps turning among the living creatures; and the brightness of fire, and out of the fire came forth lightning.
14 Ary ny zava-manan’ aina nifanaresaka nankary nankatsy toy ny helatra mifelopeloka.
15 Ary hitako ny zava-manan’ aina, fa, indro, nisy kodia iray avy teo ambonin’ ny tany, teo anilan’ ny zava-manan’ aina teo anoloan’ ny tarehiny efatra.
And I looked, and, behold, the four [had each] one wheel on the ground near the living creatures.
16 Ny tarehin’ ny kodia sy ny rafiny dia tahaka ny volon’ ny krysolita, ary nitovy endrika izy efatra, ary ny tarehiny sy ny rafiny dia toy ny kodia anatin’ ny kodia.
And the appearance of the wheels was as the appearance of beryl: and the four had one likeness: and their work was as it were a wheel in a wheel.
17 Raha nandeha izy, dia nandeha tamin’ izay hitsin’ ny lafiny efatra: tsy niherika izy raha nandeha.
They went on their four sides: they turned not as they went;
18 Ary ny boriboriny manodidina azy dia avo sy mahatahotra, sady feno maso manodidina izy efatra.
neither did their backs [turn]: and they were high: and I beheld them, and the backs of them four were full of eyes round about.
19 Ary raha nandeha ny zava-manan’ aina, dia nandeha teo anilany koa ny kodia; ary raha niainga tsy nipaka tamin’ ny tany ireo zava-manan’ aina, dia mba niainga koa ny kodia.
And when the living creatures went, the wheels went by them: and when the living creatures lifted themselves off the earth, the wheels were lifted off.
20 Na aiza na aiza no tian’ ny fanahy ho naleha dia nalehan’ ireo koa; fa any koa no mba tian’ ny fanahy haleha, ary ny kodia dia niainga teo anilany; fa teo amin’ ny kodia ny fanahin’ ny zava-manan’ aina.
Wherever the cloud happened to be, there was the spirit ready to go: the wheels went and were lifted up with them; because the spirit of life was in the wheels.
21 Raha nandeha ireny, dia mba nandeha koa ireto; ary raha nijanona ireny, dia mba nijanona koa ireto; ary raha niainga tsy nipaka tamin’ ny tany ireny, dia mba niainga teo anilany koa ny kodia; fa ny fanahin’ ny zava-manan’ aina dia tao amin’ ny kodia.
When those went, [the wheels] went; and when those stood, [the wheels] stood; and when those lifted themselves off the earth, they were lifted off with them: for the spirit of life was in the wheels.
22 Ary teo ambonin’ ny lohan’ ny zava-manan’ aina dia nisy toa endriky ny eloelo, toy ny volon’ ny krystaly mahatahotra, mivelatra eo ambonin’ ny lohany.
And the likeness over the heads of the living creatures was as a firmament, as the appearance of crystal, spread out over their wings above.
23 Ary nivelatra mahitsy sady nifanendry ny elany teo ambanin’ ny eloelo: samy nanan-droa avy izy rehetra, izay nanaronany ny tenany.
And their wings were spread out under the firmament, reaching one to the other; two [wings] to each, covering their bodies.
24 Ary raha nandeha izy, dia nahare ny fikopakopaky ny elany aho, toy ny firohondrohon’ ny rano be, dia tahaka ny feon’ ny Tsitoha, dia feo toy ny fireondreon’ ny miaramila mitoby;
And I heard the sound of their wings when they went, as the sound of much water: and when they stood, their wings were let down.
25 Ary nisy feo avy teo ambonin’ ny eloelo izay teo ambonin’ ny lohany; nony nijanona izy, dia namihina ny elany.
And lo! a voice from above the firmament
26 Ary teo ambonin’ ny eloelo, izay teo ambonin’ ny lohany, dia nisy endriky ny seza fiandrianana mitovy volo amin’ ny vato safira; ary teo ambonin’ ny endriky ny seza fiandrianana dia nisy hoatra ny endrik’ olona.
that was over their head, [there was] as the appearance of a sapphire stone, [and] the likeness of a throne upon it: and upon the likeness of the throne was the likeness as an appearance of a man above.
27 Ary nahita toy ny volon’ ny metaly mamirapiratra aho, dia hoatra ny tarehin’ ny afo manodidina azy; ary hatramin’ ny valahany no ho miakatra ka hatramin’ ny valahany no ho midìna dia hitako tahaka ny afo, ka nisy namirapiratra manodidina azy.
And I saw as it were the resemblance of amber from the appearance of the loins and upwards, and from the appearance of the loins and under I saw an appearance of fire, and the brightness thereof round about.
28 Toy ny tarehin’ avana amin’ ny rahona amin’ ny andro nisy ranon’ orana no tarehin’ ny namirapiratra manodidina. Izany no fijery ny endriky ny voninahitr’ i Jehovah. Ary nony nahita izany aho, dia nikarapoka nihohoka ka nandre ny feon’ ny anankiray niteny.
As the appearance of the bow when it is in the cloud in days of rain, so was the form of brightness round about.

< Ezekiela 1 >