< Yoswa 1 >

1 Awo Musa omuweereza wa Mukama bwe yamala okufa, Mukama n’agamba Yoswa mutabani wa Nuuni, eyali omubeezi wa Musa nti,
And it was doon aftir the deeth of Moyses, seruaunt of the Lord, that the Lord spak to Josue, sone of Nun, the mynystre of Moyses, and seide to hym, Moises, my seruaunt, is deed;
2 “Musa omuweereza wange afudde, kale kaakano weeteeketeeke osomoke omugga guno Yoludaani ggwe awamu n’abantu bano bonna mulyoke muyingire mu nsi eno gye mbawa mmwe abaana ba Isirayiri.
rise thou, and passe this Jordan, thou, and al the puple with thee, in to the lond which Y schal yyue to the sones of Israel.
3 Nga bwe nasuubiza Musa, buli we munaalinnyanga ekigere, mbawaddewo.
Y schal yyue to you ech place which the step of youre foot schal trede, as Y spak to Moyses,
4 Mbawadde ekitundu ekyo kyonna okuviira ddala ku ddungu ne ku Lebanooni, okutuuka ku mugga omunene, Fulaati, n’ensi ey’Abakiiti n’okutuukira ddala ku Nnyanja Ennene ebugwanjuba.
fro the deseert and Liban til to the greet flood Eufrates; al the lond of Etheis, `til to the greet see ayens the goyng doun of the sunne, schal be youre terme.
5 Tewali n’omu alisobola kubaziyiza ennaku zonna ez’obulamu bwo; nga bwe nabeeranga ne Musa era bwe ntyo bwe nnaabeeranga naawe, sirikuleka wadde okukwabuulira.
Noon schal mow ayenstonde you in alle the daies of thi lijf; as Y was with Moises, so Y schal be with thee; Y schal not leeue, nether Y schal forsake thee.
6 “Ddamu amaanyi, guma omwoyo; kubanga ggwe oligabira abantu bano ensi gye nasuubiza edda bajjajjaabwe.
Be thou coumfortid, and be thou strong; for thou schalt departe bi lot to this puple the lond, for which Y swoor to thi fadris, that Y schulde yyue it to hem.
7 Ddamu amaanyi era beera muzira, byonna by’okola obyesigamye ku mateeka omuweereza wange Musa ge yakulagira; togaviirangako ddala, oleme okukyama ku mukono ogwa ddyo oba ogwa kkono olyoke obenga omuwanguzi buli gy’onoogendanga.
Therfor be thou coumfortid, and be thou ful strong, that thou kepe and do al the lawe, which Moyses, my seruaunt, comaundide to thee; bowe thou not fro it to the riyt side, ether to the left side, that thou vndirstonde alle thingis whiche thou doist.
8 Ekitabo kino eky’amateeka tekikuvanga mu kamwa, okifumiitirizangako emisana n’ekiro olyoke oteekenga mu nkola ebyo bye kikulagira era bw’otyo bw’oneefunira obuwanguzi n’okukulaakulana.
The book of this lawe departe not fro thi mouth, but thou schalt thenke therynne in daies and nyytis, that thou kepe and do alle thingis that ben writun therynne; thanne thou schalt dresse thi weie, and schalt vndirstonde it.
9 Si nze nkulagidde? Noolwekyo ddamu amaanyi, guma omwoyo, totya era toterebuka kubanga Mukama Katonda wo anaabanga naawe buli gy’onoogendanga.”
Lo! Y comaunde to thee; be thou coumfortid, and be thou strong; nyle thou drede `withoutforth, and nyle thou drede withynne; for thi Lord God is with thee in alle thingis, to whiche thou goost.
10 Bw’atyo ne Yoswa n’alagira abakulembeze b’Abayisirayiri nti,
And Josue comaundide to the princis of the puple, and seide, Passe ye thoruy the myddis of the castels; and comaunde `ye to the puple, and seie ye, Make ye redi metis to you,
11 “Muyite mu lusiisira lwonna nga mutegeeza abantu bonna nti, ‘Mwesibire entanda kubanga mu nnaku ssatu mulisomoka omugga guno Yoludaani mulyoke mugabane ensi Mukama Katonda wammwe gy’abawa.’”
for after the thridde dai ye schulen passe Jordan, and ye schulen entre to welde the lond, which youre Lord God schal yyue to you.
12 Yoswa n’agamba ab’ekika kya Lewubeeni, n’ab’ekika kya Gaadi n’ekitundu ky’ekika kya Manase nti,
Also he seide to men of Ruben, and `to men of Gad, and to the half lynage of Manasses, Haue ye mynde of the word which Moises,
13 “Mujjukire omuweereza wa Mukama Musa kye yabalagira ng’agamba nti, ‘Mukama Katonda wammwe abawa ekifo eky’okuwummuliramu era alibawa ensi eno.’
the `seruaunt of the Lord, comaundide to you, and seide, Youre Lord God hath youe to you reste and al the lond;
14 Bakazi bammwe, n’abaana bammwe abato balisigala wano awamu n’amagana gammwe mu kitundu kino Musa kye yabawa edda ebuvanjuba w’omugga Yoludaani. Naye abasajja bammwe enkwatangabo nga bambalidde ebyokulwanyisa, bateekwa okubakulemberamu n’okubalwanirira,
youre wyues and youre sones and beestis schulen dwelle in the lond which Moises yaf to you biyende Jordan; but passe ye armed, `alle strong in hond, bifor youre britheren; and fiyte ye for hem,
15 okutuusa baganda bammwe abo nabo Mukama lw’alibawa ensi eyo n’abatebenkeza. N’oluvannyuma mulikomawo mu kitundu kino Musa omuweereza wa Mukama kye yabawa emitala wa Yoludaani okwolekera ebuvanjuba.”
til the Lord yyue reste to youre britheren, as `he yaf also to you, and `til also thei welden the lond which youre Lord God schal yyue to hem; and so turne ye ayen in to the lond of youre possessioun, and ye schulen dwelle in that lond which Moises, `seruaunt of the Lord, yaf to you ouer Jordan, ayens the `rysyng of the sunne.
16 Awo ne baanukula Yoswa nti, “Byonna by’otukalaatidde tunaabikola era tunaagenda yonna gy’onootusindika.
And thei answeriden to Josue, and seiden, We schulen do alle thingis whiche thou comaundidist to vs, and we schulen go, whidir euer thou sendist vs;
17 Nga bwe twagonderanga Musa mu byonna naawe bwe tunaakugonderanga tutyo; Mukama Katonda wo abeerenga naawe nga bwe yabeeranga ne Musa.
as we obeieden in alle thingis to Moises, so we schulen obeie also to thee; oneli thi Lord God be with thee, as he was with Moyses.
18 Buli anaajeemeranga ebigambo byo n’atabiwuliriza anattibwanga. Ddamu amaanyi, guma omwoyo.”
Die he that ayenseith thi mouth, and obeieth not to alle thi wordis, whiche thou comaundist to hym; oneli be thou coumfortid, and do thou manli.

< Yoswa 1 >