< Okuva 6 >

1 Awo Mukama n’addamu Musa nti, “Kaakano ojja kulaba kye nnaakola Falaawo. Kubanga alibaleka ne bagenda olw’amaanyi, era olw’amaanyi alibagoba mu nsi ye.”
And the Lord seide to Moises, Now thou schalt se, what thingis Y schal do to Farao; for bi strong hond he schal delyuere hem, and in myyti hond he schal caste hem out of his lond.
2 Katonda n’agamba Musa nti, “Nze Mukama.
And the Lord spak to Moises,
3 Nalabikira Ibulayimu, ne Isaaka ne Yakobo nga Katonda Ayinzabyonna; kyokka saabategeeza linnya lyange nti Nze Mukama.
and seide, Y am the Lord, that apperide to Abraham, and to Isaac, and to Jacob in Almyyti God; and Y schewide not to hem my greet name Adonai;
4 Era nabasuubiza mu ndagaano yange okubawa ensi ya Kanani, gye baabeerangamu ng’abagwira abatambuze.
and Y made couenaunt with hem, that Y schulde yyue to hem the lond of Canaan, the lond of her pilgrymage, in which thei weren comelyngis.
5 Kaakano mpulidde okusinda kw’abaana ba Isirayiri abatuntuzibwa Abamisiri mu buddu, ne nzijukira endagaano yange.
Y herde the weilyng of the sones of Israel, in which the Egipcians oppresseden hem, and Y hadde mynde of my couenaunt.
6 “Noolwekyo tegeeza abaana ba Isirayiri nti, ‘Nze Mukama. Ndibatikkulako emigugu gy’Abamisiri, era ndibawonya obuddu, ne mbanunula n’omukono gwange ogw’amaanyi nga nsalira Abamisiri omusango.
Therfor seie thou to the sones of Israel, Y am the Lord, that schal lede out you of the prisoun of Egipcians; and Y schal delyuere fro seruage; and Y schal ayen bie in `an hiy arm, and in grete domes;
7 Ndibafuula abantu bange, era nnaabeeranga Katonda wammwe, era mulitegeera nga nze Mukama Katonda wammwe abawonyezza ebizibu by’Abamisiri.
and Y schal take you to me in to a puple, and Y schal be youre God; and ye schulen wite, for Y am youre Lord God, `which haue led you out of the prisoun of Egipcians,
8 Ndibaleeta mu nsi gye nalayira okuwa Ibulayimu ne Isaaka ne Yakobo; ndigibawa n’efuuka yammwe. Nze Mukama.’”
and haue led you in to the lond, on which Y reiside myn hond, that Y schulde yyue it to Abraham, and to Ysaac, and to Jacob; and Y schal yyue to you that lond to be weldid; I the Lord.
9 Musa n’ategeeza abaana ba Isirayiri ebigambo ebyo. Naye tebaamuwuliriza, kubanga emitima gyali gibennyise, nga n’okutuntuzibwa kubayitiridde.
Therfor Moises telde alle thingis to the sones of Irael, whiche assentide not to hym for the angwisch of spirit, and for the hardest werk.
10 Awo Mukama n’agamba Musa nti,
And the Lord spak to Moises,
11 “Genda otegeeze Falaawo kabaka w’e Misiri aleke abaana ba Isirayiri bave mu nsi ye.”
and seide, Entre thou, and speke to Farao, kyng of Egipt, that he delyuere the children of Israel fro his lond.
12 Naye Musa n’addamu Mukama nti, “Laba, abaana ba Isirayiri bagaanyi okumpuliriza, kale Falaawo anampuliriza atya nze atayogera bulungi?”
Moises answeride bifore the Lord, Lo! the children of Israel here not me, and hou schal Farao here, moost sithen Y am vncircumcidid in lippis?
13 Naye Mukama n’ayogera ne Musa ne Alooni, n’abalagira bategeeze abaana ba Isirayiri ne Falaawo nti, Mukama abalagidde okuggya abaana ba Isirayiri mu nsi y’e Misiri.
And the Lord spak to Moises and to Aaron, and yaf comaundementis to the sones of Israel, and to Farao, kyng of Egipt, that thei schulden lede out the sones of Israel fro the lond of Egipt.
14 Gano ge mannya aga bajjajjaabwe ab’omu bika byabwe: Batabani ba Lewubeeni, mutabani wa Isirayiri omubereberye, be bano: Kanoki ne Palu, Kezulooni ne Kalumi.
These ben the princis of housis bi her meynees. The sones of Ruben, the firste gendrid of Israel, Enoch, and Fallu, Esrom, and Charmy; these ben the kynredis of Ruben.
15 Batabani ba Simyoni: Yamweri ne Yamini, ne Okadi, Yakini ne Zokali, Sawuli (omwana w’omukyala Omukanani). Abo be b’omu mu bika bya Simyoni.
The sones of Symeon, Jamuel, and Jamyn, and Aod, and Jachym, and Soer, and Saul, the sone of a womman of Canaan; these ben the kynretis of Symeon.
16 Gano ge mannya ga batabani ba Leevi ng’emirembe bwe giri: Gerusoni ne Kokasi ne Merali. Leevi yawangaala emyaka kikumi mu asatu mu musanvu.
And these ben the names of the sones of Leuy by her kynredis, Gerson, and Caath, and Merary. Forsothe the yeeris of lijf of Leuy weren an hundrid and seuene and thretti.
17 Batabani ba Gerusoni be bano mu bika byabwe: Libuni ne Simeeyi.
The sones of Gerson, Lobny and Semei, bi her kynredis.
18 Bano be batabani ba Kokasi: Amulaani ne Izukali, Kebbulooni ne Wuziyeeri. Kokasi yawangaala emyaka kikumi mu asatu mu esatu.
The sones of Caath, Amram, and Isuar, and Hebron, and Oziel; and the yeeris of lijf of Caath weren an hundrid and thre and thretti.
19 Bano be batabani ba Merali: Makuli ne Musi. Abo be b’omu bika bya Leevi ng’emirembe gyabwe bwe gyali.
The sones of Merari weren Mooli and Musi. These weren the kynredis of Leuy bi her meynees.
20 Amulaamu n’awasa senga we Yokebedi; n’amuzaalira: Alooni ne Musa. Amulaamu n’awangaala emyaka kikumi mu asatu mu musanvu.
Forsothe Amram took a wijf, Jocabed, douytir of his fadris brother, and sche childide to hym Aaron, and Moises, and Marie; and the yeeris of lijf of Amram weren an hundred and seuene and thretti.
21 Bano be baana ba Izukali: Koola ne Nefega ne Zikiri.
Also the sones of Isuar weren Chore, and Nafeg, and Zechry.
22 Abaana ba Wuziyeeri be bano: Misayeri ne Erizafani ne Sisiri.
Also the sones of Oziel weren Misael, and Elisaphan, and Sechery.
23 Alooni n’awasa Eriseba, muwala wa Aminadaabu era nga ye mwannyina wa Nakayisoni. Yamuzaalira abaana bano: Nadabu ne Abiku, Eriyazaali ne Isamaali.
Sotheli Aaron took a wijf, Elizabeth, the douytir of Amynadab, the sistir of Naason, and sche childide to hym Nadab, and Abyu, and Eleazar, and Ythamar.
24 Bano be baana ba Koola: Asira ne Erukaana, ne Abiyasaafu. Abo be b’omu kika kya Abakoola.
Also the sones of Chore weren Aser, and Elcana, and Abiasab; thes weren the kinredis of Chore.
25 Eriyazaali, mutabani wa Alooni, yawasa omu ku bawala ba Putiyeeri, n’amuzaalira Finekaasi. Ago ge mannya g’abakulu b’ebika by’Abaleevi, n’ennyumba zaabwe mu bika ebyo.
And sotheli Eleazar, sone of Aaron, took a wijf of the douytris of Phatiel, and sche childide Fynees to hym. These ben the princis of the meynees of Leuy bi her kynredis.
26 Abo ye Alooni ne Musa Mukama be yalagira nti, “Muggyeeyo abaana ba Isirayiri bonna mu nsi y’e Misiri.”
This is Aaron and Moises, to whiche the Lord comaundide, that thei schulden lede out of the lond of Egipt the sones of Israel by her cumpanyes;
27 Be bo abaayogera ne Falaawo, kabaka w’e Misiri, ku by’okuggyayo abaana ba Isirayiri mu Misiri. Ye Musa oyo, ne Alooni oyo.
these it ben, that speken to Pharao king of Egipt, that thei lede the sones of Israel out of Egipt;
28 Ku lunaku olwo Mukama kwe yayogerera ne Musa mu nsi y’e Misiri,
this is Moises and Aaron, in the dai in which the Lord spak to Moises in the lond of Egipt.
29 Mukama yagamba Musa nti, “Nze Mukama. Tegeeza Falaawo, kabaka w’e Misiri, buli kimu kyonna kye nkugamba.”
And the Lord spak to Moises, and seide, Y am the Lord; spek thou to Farao, kyng of Egipt, alle thingis whiche Y speke to thee.
30 Naye Musa n’addamu Mukama nti, “Nze atamanyi kwogera bulungi, Falaawo anampuliriza atya?”
And Moises seide bifore the Lord, Lo! Y am vncircumcidid in lippis; hou schal Farao here me?

< Okuva 6 >