< 2 Bassekabaka 17 >

1 Mu mwaka ogw’ekkumi n’ebiri ogw’obufuzi bwa Akazi kabaka wa Yuda, Koseya mutabani wa Era n’afuuka kabaka wa Isirayiri mu Samaliya, n’afugira emyaka mwenda.
In the twelfth year of Achaz king of Juda began Osee the son of Ela to reign in Samaria over Israel nine years.
2 N’akola ebibi mu maaso ga Mukama, naye tebyenkana nga bassekabaka ba Isirayiri bye baakola.
And he did evil in the eyes of the Lord, only not as the kings of Israel that were before him.
3 Salumaneseri kabaka w’e Bwasuli n’amulumba, Koseya n’afuuka muddu we era n’amuwanga obusuulu.
Against him came up Salamanassar king of the Assyrians; and Osee became his servant, and rendered him tribute.
4 Naye oluvannyuma kabaka w’e Bwasuli n’akizuula nga Koseya yali amuliddemu olukwe, kubanga yali atumye ababaka ewa So kabaka w’e Misiri, ate nga takyaweereza busuulu ewa kabaka w’e Bwasuli, nga bwe yakolanga buli mwaka. Salumaneseri kyeyava amukwata n’amuteeka mu kkomera.
And the king of the Assyrians found iniquity in Osee, in that he sent messengers to Segor king of Egypt, and brought not a tribute to the king of the Assyrians in that year: and the king of the Assyrians besieged him, and bound him in the prison-house.
5 Awo kabaka w’e Bwasuli n’alumba ensi yonna, n’atuuka e Samaliya, n’akizingiriza emyaka esatu.
And the king of the Assyrians went up against all the land, and went up to Samaria, and besieged it [for] three years.
6 Mu mwaka ogw’omwenda ogwa Koseya, kabaka w’e Bwasuli n’awamba Samaliya, n’atwala Abayisirayiri mu buwaŋŋanguse e Bwasuli, n’abateeka mu Kala, ne mu Kaboli ku mugga ogw’e Gozani, ne mu bibuga eby’Abameedi.
In the ninth year of Osee the king of the Assyrians took Samaria, and carried Israel away to the Assyrians, and settled them in Alae, and in Abor, [near] the rivers of Gozan, and [in] the mountains of the Medes.
7 Bino byonna byabaawo kubanga Abayisirayiri bayonoona mu maaso ga Mukama Katonda waabwe, eyali abaggye mu Misiri okuva mu mukono gwa Falaawo, ye kabaka w’e Misiri. Baasinzanga bakatonda abalala,
For it came to pass that the children of Israel [had] transgressed against the Lord their God, who had brought them up out of the land of Egypt, from under the hand of Pharao king of Egypt, and they feared other gods,
8 ne bagobereranga empisa za baamawanga Mukama ge yali agobye mu maaso gaabwe. Era bagobereranga n’emizizo bassekabaka ba Isirayiri gye baali bataddewo.
and walked in the statutes of the nations which the Lord cast out before the face of the children of Israel, and of the kings of Israel as many as did [such things],
9 Abayisirayiri ne bakolanga mu nkizo ebyo ebitaali birungi mu maaso ga Mukama. Ne bazimba ebifo ebigulumivu mu bibuga byabwe byonna, okuviira ddala ku minaala omwabeeranga abakuumi okutuuka ku kibuga ekiriko bbugwe.
and [in those] of the children of Israel as many as secretly practised customs, not as [they should have done], against the Lord their God:
10 Ne beesimbira empagi ez’amayinja n’eza Baasera, ku buli kasozi akawanvu, ne wansi wa buli muti.
and they built for themselves high places in all their cities, from the tower of the watchmen to the fortified city. And they made for themselves pillars and groves on every high hill, and under every shady tree.
11 Ne bookera obubaane ku buli kifo ekigulumivu ng’amawanga gali Mukama ge yali agobye mu maaso gaabwe bwe gaakolanga. Ne bakola ebintu eby’ekivve ne basunguwaza Mukama.
And burned incense there on all high places, as the nations [did] whom the Lord removed from before them, and dealt with familiar spirits, and they carved [images] to provoke the Lord to anger.
12 Ne basinza ebifaananyi, ate nga Mukama yali abalagidde nti, “Temukolanga ekyo.”
And they served the idols, of which the Lord said to them, Ye shall not do this thing [against] the Lord.
13 Mukama n’alabula Isirayiri ne Yuda ng’akozesa bannabbi n’abalabi nti, “Mukyuke muve mu bibi byammwe, mukuume amateeka gange n’ebiragiro byange, ng’etteeka bwe liri lye nalagira bajjajjammwe, lye nabaweereza nga nkozesa abaddu bange bannabbi.”
And the Lord testified against Israel and against Juda, even by the hand of all his prophets, [and] of every seer, saying, Turn ye from your evil ways, and keep my commandments and my ordinances, and all the law which I commanded your fathers, [and] all that I sent to them by the hand of my servants the prophets.
14 Naye ne batawuliriza, ne baba bakakanyavu nga bajjajjaabwe bwe baali, abateesiga Mukama Katonda waabwe.
But they hearkened not, and made their neck harder than the neck of their fathers.
15 Ne banyooma ebiragiro n’endagaano gye yali akoze ne bajjajjaabwe, n’okulabula kwe yali abawadde. Ne bagoberera bakatonda abataliimu, ate nabo ne bafuuka ebitagasa. Ne bakola ng’amawanga agaali gabeetoolodde bwe gaakolanga, newaakubadde nga Mukama yali abalabudde nti, “Temukolanga ebyo bye bakola.” Ne bakola byonna Mukama bye yali abagaanye okukola.
And they kept not any of his testimonies which he charged them; and they walked after vanities, and became vain, and after the nations round about them, concerning which the Lord had charged them not to do accordingly.
16 Ne bava ku mateeka ga Mukama Katonda waabwe gonna, ne baweesa ebifaananyi by’ennyana bibiri, n’empagi ey’Asera, ne basinza n’eggye lyonna ery’omu ggulu era ne basinzanga ne Baali.
They forsook the commandments of the Lord their God, and made themselves graven images, [even] two heifers, and they made groves, and worshipped all the host of heaven, and served Baal.
17 Ne bawaayo abaana baabwe aboobulenzi n’aboobuwala ng’ebiweebwayo mu muliro, ne bakola eby’obufumu n’eby’obulogo, ne beetunda okukola ebibi mu maaso ga Mukama, okumusunguwaza.
And they caused their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire, and used divinations and auspices, and sold themselves to work wickedness in the sight of the Lord, to provoke him.
18 Mukama kyeyava asunguwalira ennyo Isirayiri, n’abagoba mu maaso ge, n’alekawo ekika kya Yuda kyokka.
And the Lord was very angry with Israel, and removed them out of his sight; and there was only left the tribe of Juda quite alone.
19 Kyokka ne Yuda ne batakuuma mateeka ga Mukama Katonda waabwe, naye ne bagoberera empisa za Isirayiri.
Nay even Juda kept not the commandments of the Lord their God, but they walked according to the customs of Israel which they practised, and rejected the Lord.
20 Mukama kyeyava aleka ezzadde lyonna erya Isirayiri, n’ababonereza, n’abawaayo mu mikono gy’abanyazi, n’okubagoba n’abagobera ddala okuva mu maaso ge.
And the Lord was angry with the whole seed of Israel, and troubled them, and gave them into the hand of them that spoiled them, until he cast them out of his presence.
21 Bwe yayawula Isirayiri ku nnyumba ya Dawudi, ne bafuula Yerobowaamu mutabani wa Nebati kabaka waabwe. Yerobowaamu n’aleetera Isirayiri okuviira ddala ku mukama, n’abayonoonyesa n’okusingawo.
Forasmuch as Israel revolted from the house of David, and they made Jeroboam the son of Nabat king: and Jeroboam drew off Israel from following the Lord, and led them to sin a great sin.
22 Abaana ba Isirayiri ne batambulira mu bibi byonna Yerobowaamu bye yakola, ne batabirekaayo,
And the children of Israel walked in all the sin of Jeroboam which he committed; they departed not from it,
23 okutuusa Mukama lwe yabaggyira ddala okuva mu maaso ge, nga bwe yali abalabudde ng’ayita mu baddu be bannabbi. Awo Abayisirayiri ne batwalibwa mu buwaŋŋanguse mu nsi eya Bwasuli, gye bali ne kaakano.
until the Lord removed Israel from his presence, as the Lord spoke by all his servants the prophets; and Israel was removed from off their land to the Assyrians until this day.
24 Awo kabaka w’e Bwasuli n’akuŋŋaanya abantu okuva e Babulooni, Kusa, Ava, Kamasi ne Sefavayimu, n’abaleeta mu bibuga bya Samaliya, Abayisirayiri mwe baabeeranga, Samaliya ne bakitwalira ddala era ne babeera mu bibuga byakyo.
And the king of Assyria brought from Babylon the men of Chutha, [and men] from Aia, and from Aemath, and Seppharvaim, and they were settled in the cities of Samaria in the place of the children of Israel: and they inherited Samaria, and were settled in its cities.
25 Ku ntandikwa bwe babeeramu ne batasinza Mukama, kyeyava abasindikira empologoma ne zitta abamu ku bo.
And it was so at the beginning of their establishment there [that] they feared not the Lord, and the Lord sent lions among them, and they slew some of them.
26 Kabaka w’e Bwasuli n’ategeezebwa nti, “Amawanga ge watwala n’obateeka mu bibuga bya Samaliya tebamanyi tteeka lya Katonda w’ensi eyo, kyeyavudde abasindikira empologoma okubatta, kubanga tebamanyi Katonda w’ensi kye yeetaaga.”
And they spoke to the king of the Assyrians, saying, The nations whom thou hast removed and substituted in the cities of Samaria [for the Israelites], know not the manner of the God of the land: and he has sent the lions against them, and, behold, they are slaying them, because they know not the manner of the God of the land.
27 Amangwago kabaka w’e Bwasuli n’alagira nti, “Mutumeyo omu ku bakabona be mwawamba okuva mu Samaliya agende abeere eyo, ayigirize abantu amateeka ga Katonda w’ensi eyo.”
And the king of the Assyrians commanded, saying, Bring some [Israelites] thence, and let them go and dwell there, and they shall teach them the manner of the God of the land.
28 Awo omu ku bakabona eyali awaŋŋangusibbwa okuva mu Samaliya n’agenda n’abeera e Beseri, n’abayigiriza bwe kibagwanira okusinza Mukama.
And they brought one of the priests whom they had removed from Samaria, and he settled in Baethel, and taught them how they should fear the Lord.
29 Newaakubadde nga kabona yagendayo, buli ggwanga beekolera bakatonda baabwe, ne babateeka mu masabo Abasamaliya ge baali bazimbye ku bifo ebigulumivu mu bibuga byabwe.
But the nations made each their own gods, and put them in the house of the high places which the Samaritans [had] made, each nation in the cities in which they dwelt.
30 Abasajja ab’e Babulooni ne bakola Sukkosubenosi, abasajja ab’e Kuusi ne bakola Nengali, abasajja ab’e Kamasi ne bakola Asima:
And the men of Babylon made Socchoth Benith, and the men of Chuth made Ergel, and the men of Haemath made Asimath.
31 Abavi ne bakola Nibukazi ne Talutaki, Abasefavayimu ne bookera abaana baabwe mu muliro, nga babawaayo ng’ebiweebwayo eri Adulammereki ne Anammereki, bakatonda ba Sefavayimu.
And the Evites made Eblazer and Tharthac, and the [inhabitant] of Seppharvaim [did evil] when they burnt their sons in the fire to Adramelech and Anemelech, the gods of Seppharvaim.
32 Baasinzanga Mukama, naye ne balonda n’abantu ab’engeri zonna okuva mu bokka ne bokka okuba bakabona, ab’ebifo ebigulumivu, abaabaweerangayo ssaddaaka mu masabo ag’ebifo ebigulumivu.
And they feared the Lord, yet they established their abominations in the houses of the high places which they made in Samaria, each nation in the city in which they dwelt: and they feared the Lord, and they made for themselves priests of the high places, and sacrificed for themselves in the house of the high places.
33 Ne basinzanga Mukama, naye nga bwe baweereza ne bakatonda baabwe, ng’empisa ez’amawanga gye baali bavudde bwe zalinga.
And they feared the Lord, and served their gods according to the manner of the nations, whence [their lords] brought them.
34 Ne leero bakyeyisa mu ngeri y’emu. Tebasinza Mukama so tebagoberera biragiro n’amateeka Mukama bye yalagira bazzukulu ba Yakobo, gwe yatuuma Isirayiri.
Until this day they did according to their manner: they fear [the Lord], and they do according to their customs, and according to their manner, and according to the law, and according to the commandment which the Lord commanded the sons of Jacob, whose name he made Israel.
35 Mukama bwe yakola endagaano n’Abayisirayiri, yabalagira nti, “Temusinzanga bakatonda balala, so temubavuunamiranga so temubaweerezanga, wadde okuwaayo ssaddaaka gye bali.
And the Lord made a covenant with them, and charged them, saying, Ye shall not fear other gods, neither shall ye worship them, nor serve them, nor sacrifice to them:
36 Mwekuumenga okugobereranga ebiragiro n’amateeka, n’etteeka, n’ekiragiro bye yabawandiikira. Temusinzanga bakatonda abalala.
but only to the Lord, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt with great strength and with a high arm: him shall ye fear, and him shall ye worship; to him shall ye sacrifice.
37 Naye musinzanga Mukama eyabaggya mu Misiri n’amaanyi amangi n’omukono gwe, gwe yagolola. Oyo ggwe munavuunamiranga era ne muwaayo ssaddaaka eri ye.
Ye shall observe continually the ordinances, and the judgments, and the law, and the commandments which he wrote for you to do; and ye shall not fear other gods.
38 Temwerabiranga endagaano gye nakola nammwe, era temusinzanga bakatonda abalala.
Neither shall ye forget the covenant which he made with you: and ye shall not fear other gods.
39 Wabula musinzanga Mukama Katonda wammwe, kubanga y’anaabalokolanga mu mukono gw’abalabe bammwe bonna.”
But ye shall fear the Lord your God, and he shall deliver you from all your enemies.
40 Naye ne batawuliriza, ne beeyongeranga mu mpisa zaabwe ez’edda.
Neither shall ye comply with their practice, which they follow.
41 Newaakubadde ng’amawanga ago baasinzanga Mukama, kyokka beeyongeranga okusinza bakatonda baabwe. Ne leero abaana baabwe ne bazzukulu baabwe bakola nga bajjajjaabwe bwe baakolanga.
So these nations feared the Lord, and served their graven images: yea, their sons and their son's sons do until this day even as their fathers did.

< 2 Bassekabaka 17 >