< Banzembo 36 >

1 Nzembo ya Davidi, mowumbu ya Yawe. Wuta na buku ya mokambi ya bayembi. Kati na motema na ngai, nazali na sango kowuta na Nzambe na tina na bato mabe oyo batondi na masumu: Kotosa Nzambe ezali na tina ata moke te na miso na bango.
For the chief musician. A psalm of David the servant of Yahweh. An evil man speaks of his transgression from deep in his heart, there is no fear of God in his eyes.
2 Bamipesaka lokumu makasi, bandimaka te mpe bayinaka masumu na bango te.
For he comforts himself, thinking that his sin will not be discovered and be hated.
3 Minoko na bango ebimisaka maloba mabe mpe lokuta, baboyaka kosala na bokebi mpe kosala bolamu.
His words are sinful and deceitful; he does not want to be wise and do good.
4 Ezala na bambeto na bango, basalaka kaka mabongisi ya kosala mabe, batambolaka te mpo na kosala bolamu mpe baboyaka mabe te.
While he lies in bed, he plans ways to sin; he sets out on an evil way; he does not reject evil.
5 Yawe, bolingo na Yo ekenda kino na likolo, boyengebene na Yo kino na mapata.
Your covenant faithfulness, Yahweh, reaches to the heavens; your loyalty reaches to the clouds.
6 Bosembo na Yo ezali lokola bangomba ya Nzambe, mikano na Yo ezali mozindo lokola lubwaku ya molayi. Yawe, obikisaka bato mpe banyama.
Your righteousness is like the mountains of God; your judgments are like the great deep. Yahweh, you preserve both mankind and the animals.
7 Oh Nzambe, tala ndenge nini bolingo na Yo ezali motuya! Bato bazwaka ebombamelo na elili ya mapapu na Yo.
How precious is your covenant faithfulness, God! Humanity takes refuge under the shadow of your wings.
8 Baliaka mpe batondaka bilei ya Ndako na Yo, mpe omelisaka bango mayi kowuta na bolingo monene na Yo.
They feast upon the abundance of your house; you let them drink from the river of your delights.
9 Pamba te etima ya bomoi ezali elongo na Yo; kati na pole na Yo nde tomonaka pole.
For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we will see light.
10 Koba kotalisa bolingo na Yo epai ya bato oyo bayebi Yo, mpe bosembo na Yo epai ya bato ya mitema alima.
Extend your covenant faithfulness fully to those who know you, your defense to the upright of heart.
11 Tika ete bato ya lolendo bakoma te kino epai na ngai, mpe tika ete bato mabe babengana ngai te.
Do not let the foot of the arrogant man come near to me. Do not let the hand of the wicked drive me away.
12 Tala ndenge nini bato ya misala mabe bakweyi, balali na mabele, bazangi makoki ya kotelema.
Over there the evildoers have fallen; they are knocked down and are not able to get up.

< Banzembo 36 >