< Masese 23 >

1 Soki ovandi mpo na kolia mesa moko elongo na mokonzi, tala malamu moto oyo azali liboso na yo.
When thou sittest to eat with a ruler, thou shalt consider well, what is before thee;
2 Tia mbeli na mongongo na yo soki ozalaka lokoso.
And shalt put a knife to thy throat, if, of great appetite, thou art:
3 Kolula te bilei na ye ya kitoko, pamba te, tango mosusu, ezali na yango bololo.
Do not crave his dainties, for, the same, are deceitful food.
4 Koboma nzoto te mpo na koluka kozwa bomengo, kotia mayele na yo te kati na yango.
Do not toil to get wealth, of thine own understanding, forbear:
5 Tango okobwaka miso na ngambo ya bomengo, ekobunga, pamba te ezalaka na mapapu mpe epumbwaka na likolo makasi lokola mpongo.
Wilt thou let thine eye fly thereupon, when it is nothing? for it will, surely make, itself wings, Like an eagle, will it wing its way across the heavens.
6 Kolia te bilei ya moto oyo azali kotala yo na miso mabe mpe kolula te bilei na ye ya kitoko,
Do not eat the food of him that hath a begrudging eye, neither crave thou his dainties;
7 pamba te azalaka ndenge makanisi ya motema na ye ezali. Alobaka: « Lia mpe mela, » kasi motema na ye ezali elongo na yo te.
For, just as he hath thought in his own mind, so, he is: Eat and drink! he may say to thee, but, his heart, is not with thee.
8 Okosanza eteni oyo oliaki, mpe maloba na yo ya kitoko ekokende pamba.
As for thy morsel thou hast eaten, thou shalt vomit it, so shalt thou waste thy things so sweet.
9 Kolobaka na zoba te, pamba te akotiola bwanya ya maloba na yo.
In the ears of a dullard, do not speak, for he will despise the good sense of thy words.
10 Kozongisa te na sima mondelo ya kala mpe kokota te na bilanga ya bana bitike,
Do not move back the ancient boundary, and, into the fields of the fatherless, do not enter;
11 pamba te Molobeli na bango azalaka makasi, akozwa makambo na bango na maboko mpo na kotelemela yo.
For, their near of kin, is strong, he, will plead their cause with thee.
12 Tika ete motema na yo endimaka kotosa mibeko, mpe matoyi na yo eyokaka maloba ya boyebi!
Bring, to correction, thy heart, and thine ears, to the sayings of knowledge.
13 Kozangisa te kopesa mwana etumbu; soki obeti ye fimbu, akokufa te.
Do not withhold, from a child, correction, When thou smitest him with the rod, he shall not die:
14 Na kobeta ye fimbu, okokangola molimo na ye na lifelo. (Sheol h7585)
Thou, with the rod, shalt smite him, and, his soul from hades, shalt thou deliver. (Sheol h7585)
15 Mwana na ngai, soki motema na yo ezali na bwanya, motema na ngai ekozala na esengo.
My son! if thy heart be wise, my heart shall rejoice, even mine.
16 Solo, bomoto na ngai nyonso ekotonda na esengo, soki bibebu na yo elobi makambo ya sembo.
So shall my reins exult, when thy lips speak the things that are right.
17 Tika ete motema na yo elulaka te bato ya masumu, kasi zalaka tango nyonso na posa makasi ya kotosa Yawe;
Let not thy heart be envious of sinners, only of the reverence of Yahweh, all day long;
18 pamba te suka na yo ekozala solo malamu mpe elikya na yo ekozala ya pamba te.
For surely there is a future, and, thine expectation, shall not be cut off.
19 Mwana na ngai, yoka mpe zala na bwanya, batela motema na yo kati na nzela ya sembo.
Hear, thou, my son, and be wise, and lead forward, in duty, thy heart.
20 Kozala esika moko te na balangwi masanga to na bato ya lokoso,
Do not be among them who tipple with wine, —among them who are gluttons;
21 pamba te balangwi masanga mpe bato na lokoso bakomaka babola, mpe bogoyigoyi ekolatisa bango bilamba epasuka.
For, the tippler and the glutton, shall come to poverty, and, rags, shall Slumber put on!
22 Yokela tata oyo aboti yo, mpe kotiola mama na yo te ata soki anuni.
Hearken to thy father here, who begat thee, and despise not, when she is old, thy mother.
23 Luka bosolo, kasi koteka yango te; sala se bongo na bwanya, na mateya mpe na mayele.
Truth, buy thou, but do not sell, wisdom, and correction, and understanding.
24 Tata ya moto ya sembo akozala na esengo mingi, mpe moto oyo abota mwana ya bwanya akosepela kati na ye.
Greatly shall exult, the father of a righteous man, and, he that begetteth a wise son, shall rejoice in him:
25 Tika ete tata na yo mpe mama na yo basepela! Tika ete mama oyo abota yo azala na esengo!
Rejoice shall thy father and thy mother, yea she, shall exult, who bare thee.
26 Mwana na ngai ya mobali, pesa ngai motema na yo, mpe tika ete miso na yo esepela na nzela na ngai!
Oh give, my son, thy mind unto me, and let, thine eyes, observe, my ways;
27 Pamba te mwasi ya ndumba azali lokola libulu ya monene, mpe mwasi ya mopaya azali lokola libulu ya mozindo.
For, a deep chasm, is the unchaste woman, and, a narrow pit, the female unknown;
28 Mwasi ya ndumba atelemaka na ekenge lokola moyibi mpe akomisaka mibali bazoba koleka.
Yea, she, as for prey, lieth in wait, and, the treacherous among mankind, she causeth to abound.
29 Mpo na nani: « Ah ngai, mawa! » Mpo na nani: « Eh! » Mpo na nani koswanaswana? Mpo na nani kolelalela? Mpo na nani kowelana ezanga tina? Mpo na nani kotelisa miso?
Who hath woe? Who hath outcry of pain? Who hath contentions? Who hath complaining? Who hath needless wounds? Who hath dullness of eyes?
30 Mpo na bato oyo bawumelaka liboso ya masanga ya vino, mpo na bato oyo bamelaka masanga ya makasi.
They who tarry over wine, they who go in to search for mixed wine.
31 Kotalaka te masanga ya vino tango ezali motane, tango ezali kongala kati na kopo mpe kokita na pete na mongongo.
Do not look on wine when it becometh red, when it giveth in the cup its sparkle, glideth down smoothly.
32 Na suka na yango, ekoswa yo lokola nyoka mpe ekotia yo minu lokola etupa.
Its after effect, is that, like a serpent, it biteth, and, like a viper, it doth sting.
33 Miso na yo ekomona biloko na ndenge ya kokamwa, mpe motema na yo ekobimisa makambo ya bozoba.
Thine eyes, will see strange women, and, thy heart, will speak perverse things:
34 Boye, okokoma lokola moto oyo alali kati na ebale monene, mpe lokola moto oyo alali na songe ya nzete ya molayi.
So shalt thou become, as one lying down in the heart of the sea, —or as one lying down on the top of the mastgear:
35 Okoloba: « Babeti ngai, kasi nazali koyoka pasi te; babeti ngai fimbu, kasi nazali koyoka eloko te! Tango nini nakolamuka? Nakozongela lisusu komela vino. »
They smote me—I felt no pain, They struck me down—I noticed it not, —When shall I wake up? I will go on, I will seek it, again!

< Masese 23 >