< Masese 14 >

1 Mwasi ya bwanya atongaka ndako na ye, kasi mwasi oyo azangi mayele abukaka yango na maboko na ye moko.
The wise woman builds her house, but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands.
2 Moto oyo atambolaka alima atosaka Yawe, kasi moto oyo nzela na ye etengama-tengama atiolaka Ye.
The one who walks uprightly fears Yahweh, but the one who is dishonest in his ways despises him.
3 Kati na monoko ya moto oyo azangi mayele, ezalaka na nzete ya lolendo, kasi bibebu ya moto ya bwanya ebatelaka ye.
From the mouth of a fool comes an offshoot of his pride, but the lips of the wise will preserve them.
4 Esika oyo ezalaka na ngombe te, elielo mpe ezalaka na eloko te, pamba te ezali makasi ya bangombe nde epesaka bomengo.
Where there are no cattle the feeding trough is clean, but an abundant crop can come by the strength of an ox.
5 Motatoli ya sembo akosaka te, kasi motatoli ya mabe alobaka lokuta.
A faithful witness does not lie, but a false witness breathes out lies.
6 Motioli alukaka bwanya mpe azwaka yango te, kasi boyebi eyaka na pete epai na moto ya mayele.
A mocker seeks wisdom and there is none, but knowledge comes easy to the one who is discerning.
7 Zala mosika ya zoba, pamba te okotikala kozwa boyebi te na bibebu na ye.
Walk away from a foolish person, for you will not find knowledge on his lips.
8 Bwanya ya moto ya mayele esosolisaka ye nzela na ye, kasi bozoba ya bato oyo bazangi mayele: lokuta.
The wisdom of the prudent person is to understand his own way, but the folly of fools is deception.
9 Bazoba balingaka te kosenga bolimbisi, kasi ngolu na Nzambe ezalaka kati na bato ya sembo.
Fools mock when the guilt offering is sacrificed, but among the upright favor is shared.
10 Motema eyebaka pasi na yango moko, moko te akoki kokabola na yango esengo.
The heart knows its own bitterness and no stranger shares its joy.
11 Ndako ya moto mabe ekobukana, kasi ndako ya kapo ya bayengebene ekofuluka.
The house of wicked people will be destroyed, but the tent of upright people will flourish.
12 Nzela mosusu emonanaka sembo na miso ya bato, nzokande, na suka, ememaka na kufa.
There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end only leads to death.
13 Ezala kati na koseka, motema ekoki kozala na mawa, mpe esengo ekoki kosuka na mawa.
A heart can laugh but still be in pain and joy may end up being grief.
14 Bato oyo batambolaka na boyengebene te bakozwa lifuti kolanda misala na bango, kasi moto ya sembo mpe akozwa lifuti kolanda misala na ye.
The one who is not faithful will get what his ways deserve, but a good person will get what is his.
15 Moto oyo azangi mayele andimaka makambo nyonso oyo balobaka, kasi moto ya mayele atambolaka na bokebi.
The one who is naive believes everything, but the prudent man thinks about his steps.
16 Moto ya bwanya abangaka mabe mpe akimaka yango, kasi zoba atombokaka, na elikya nyonso.
A wise man fears and turns away from evil, but the fool confidently dismisses a warning.
17 Moto oyo asilikaka noki asalaka makambo ya bozoba, mpe bayinaka moto ya mayele mabe.
One who is quick to become angry does foolish things, and a person who makes evil schemes is hated.
18 Bato oyo bazangi mayele bazwaka bozoba lokola libula, kasi bato ya mayele bazwaka boyebi lokola motole.
The naive inherit foolishness, but prudent people are crowned with knowledge.
19 Bato mabe bakofukama liboso ya bato ya malamu, bato ya mitema mabe bakofukama na ekuke ya bato ya sembo.
Evil people will bow down before those who are good and those who are wicked will bow down at the gates of the righteous person.
20 Mobola ayinamaka ata epai na moninga na ye moko, kasi mozwi azalaka na baninga ebele.
The poor person is hated even by his own companions, but the rich people have many friends.
21 Moto oyo atiolaka moninga na ye asalaka lisumu, kasi esengo na moto oyo asalaka bato bakelela bolamu.
The one who shows contempt for his neighbor is sinning, but the one who shows favor to the poor is blessed.
22 Boni, bato oyo babongisaka kosala mabe bazali na libunga te? Kasi boboto mpe solo ezali epai ya bato oyo babongisaka kosala bolamu.
Do not those who plot evil go astray? But those who plan to do good will receive covenant faithfulness and trustworthiness.
23 Mosala nyonso epesaka litomba, kasi maloba ya pamba ememaka na bobola.
With all hard work comes a profit, but when there is only talk, it leads to poverty.
24 Bozwi ya bato ya bwanya ezalaka lokola motole na bango, kasi bozoba ya bato oyo bazangi mayele ezalaka lokola liboma.
The crown of wise people is their wealth, but the folly of fools brings them only more folly.
25 Motatoli oyo alobaka solo abikisaka bato ebele, kasi motatoli ya mabe alobaka lokuta.
A truthful witness saves lives, but a false witness breathes out lies.
26 Moto oyo atosaka Yawe akomaka na kondima makasi, mpe bana na ye bakozwa ekimelo.
When someone fears Yahweh, he also has much confidence in him; these things will be like a strong place of protection for this man's children.
27 Kotosa Yawe ezali etima ya bomoi, ekangolaka na mitambo ya kufa.
The fear of Yahweh is a fountain of life, so that a person may turn away from the snares of death.
28 Kozala na bato ebele epesaka mokonzi lokumu, kasi mokonzi akweyaka soki azali na bato te.
The glory of a king is found in the great number of his people, but without people the prince is ruined.
29 Moto oyo asilikaka noki te azalaka mayele, kasi moto oyo akangaka motema te abimisaka bozoba na ye.
A patient person has great understanding, but the quick-tempered person exalts folly.
30 Motema oyo ezali na kimia epesaka bomoi na nzoto, kasi bilulela epolisaka mikuwa.
A tranquil heart is life for the body, but envy rots the bones.
31 Moto oyo anyokolaka mobola atiolaka Mokeli ya mobola yango, kasi moto oyo asalelaka moto akelela bolamu apesaka Ye lokumu.
The one who oppresses the poor curses his Maker, but the one who shows favor to the needy honors him.
32 Babenganaka moto mabe mpo na mabe na ye, kasi moto ya sembo awumelaka na elikya kino ata na kufa.
The wicked person is brought down by his evil actions, but the righteous person has a refuge even in death.
33 Bwanya ewumelaka kati na motema ya moto oyo azali na bososoli; kasi boni, ekoyebana solo kati na bazoba?
Wisdom rests in the heart of the discerning, but even among fools she lets herself be known.
34 Bosembo etombolaka ekolo, kasi lisumu ememelaka bato soni.
Doing what is right exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.
35 Mokonzi asepelaka na mosali ya bwanya, kasi mosali oyo ayokisaka ye soni apelisaka kanda na ye.
The favor of the king is with the servant who acts prudently, but his anger is for the one who acts shamefully.

< Masese 14 >