< Ebandeli 31 >

1 Jakobi ayokaki bana mibali ya Labani koloba: « Jakobi azwi biloko nyonso ya tata na biso mpe ezali na nzela ya biloko yango nde akomi na bozwi oyo nyonso. »
And he heareth the words of Laban's sons, saying, 'Jacob hath taken all that our father hath; yea, from that which our father hath, he hath made all this honour;'
2 Jakobi amonaki lisusu ete ezaleli ya Labani epai na ye etikalaki lisusu te ndenge ezalaki liboso.
and Jacob seeth the face of Laban, and lo, it is not with him as heretofore.
3 Yawe ayebisaki Jakobi: « Zonga na mboka ya batata na yo, epai ya bandeko na yo, mpe nakozala na yo elongo. »
And Jehovah saith unto Jacob, 'Turn back unto the land of thy fathers, and to thy kindred, and I am with thee.'
4 Boye Jakobi abengisaki Rasheli mpe Lea na bilanga epai wapi azalaki elongo na bibwele.
And Jacob sendeth and calleth for Rachel and for Leah to the field unto his flock;
5 Alobaki na bango: — Namoni ete ezaleli ya tata na bino epai na ngai etikali lisusu te ndenge ezalaki liboso; kasi Nzambe ya tata na ngai azalaki elongo na ngai.
and saith to them, 'I am beholding your father's face — that it is not towards me as heretofore, and the God of my father hath been with me,
6 Boyebi bino moko ete nasalelaki tata na bino na makasi na ngai nyonso.
and ye — ye have known that with all my power I have served your father,
7 Kasi ye asakanaki na ngai na kobongola lifuti na ngai mbala zomi. Atako bongo, Nzambe apesaki ye nzela te ya kosala ngai mabe.
and your father hath played upon me, and hath changed my hire ten times; and God hath not suffered him to do evil with me.
8 Tango azalaki koloba: « Bibwele ya nzela-nzela ekozala lifuti na yo, » bibwele nyonso ezalaki kobota bana ya nzela-nzela. Mpe tango azalaki koloba: « Bibwele ya madodo-madodo nde lifuti na yo, » bibwele nyonso ezalaki kobota bana ya madodo-madodo.
'If he say thus: The speckled are thy hire, then bare all the flock speckled ones; and if he say thus: The ring-streaked are thy hire, then bare all the flock ring-streaked;
9 Ezalaki bongo nde Nzambe azalaki kobotola bibwele ya tata na bino mpe kopesa ngai yango.
and God taketh away the substance of your father, and doth give to me.
10 Bongo, na tango oyo bibwele esengelaki kosangisa nzoto, namonaki na ndoto ete bantaba ya mibali, oyo ezalaki kosangisa nzoto na bantaba ya basi, ezalaki ya madodo-madodo, ya banzela-nzela ya mwindo mpe ya banzela-nzela ya pembe.
'And it cometh to pass at the time of the flock conceiving, that I lift up mine eyes and see in a dream, and lo, the he-goats, which are going up on the flock, [are] ring-streaked, speckled, and grisled;
11 Anjelu na Nzambe alobaki na ngai kati na ndoto: « Jakobi! » Mpe ngai nazongisaki: « Ngai oyo, nazali awa. »
and the messenger of God saith unto me in the dream, Jacob, and I say, Here [am] I.
12 Alobaki na ngai: « Tombola miso mpe tala: bantaba nyonso ya mibali, oyo ezali kosangisa nzoto na bantaba ya basi, ezali na madodo-madodo, na banzela-nzela ya mwindo mpe na banzela-nzela ya pembe; pamba te namoni makambo nyonso oyo Labani asali yo.
'And He saith, Lift up, I pray thee, thine eyes, and see — all the he-goats which are going up on the flock [are] ring-streaked, speckled, and grisled, for I have seen all that Laban is doing to thee;
13 Nazali Nzambe ya Beteli epai wapi osopaki mafuta na likolo ya libanga oyo otelemisaki lokola elembo mpe olapaki ndayi liboso na Ngai. Sik’oyo, telema, wuta na mokili oyo, mpe zonga na mokili na yo epai wapi obotama. »
I [am] the God of Bethel where thou hast anointed a standing pillar, where thou hast vowed a vow to me; now, arise, go out from this land, and turn back unto the land of thy birth.'
14 Rasheli mpe Lea bazongisaki: — Boni, tozali lisusu na eloko to na libula kati na ndako ya tata na biso?
And Rachel answereth — Leah also — and saith to him, 'Have we yet a portion and inheritance in the house of our father?
15 Azalaki komona biso lokola bapaya, pamba te atekaki biso mpe aliaki mbongo na mito na biso.
have we not been reckoned strangers to him? for he hath sold us, and he also utterly consumeth our money;
16 Yango wana, bozwi nyonso oyo Nzambe abotolaki tata na biso ekomi ya biso na bana na biso. Sik’oyo, sala makambo nyonso oyo Nzambe ayebisaki yo.
for all the wealth which God hath taken away from our father, it [is] ours, and our children's; and now, all that God hath said unto thee — do.'
17 Boye Jakobi amatisaki bana na ye mpe basi na ye likolo ya bashamo.
And Jacob riseth, and lifteth up his sons and his wives on the camels,
18 Amemaki bibwele na ye nyonso mpe biloko nyonso oyo azwaki, bibwele oyo azwaki tango avandaki na Padani-Arami, mpo na kozonga epai ya Izaki, tata na ye, na mokili ya Kanana.
and leadeth all his cattle, and all his substance which he hath acquired, the cattle of his getting, which he hath acquired in Padan-Aram, to go unto Isaac his father, to the land of Canaan.
19 Nzokande tango Labani akendeki kolongola bapwale ya bameme na ye, Rasheli ayibaki banzambe ya bikeko ya tata na ye.
And Laban hath gone to shear his flock, and Rachel stealeth the teraphim which her father hath;
20 Boye Jakobi akosaki Labani, moto ya Arami, pamba te atikalaki koyebisa ye te ete akokende.
and Jacob deceiveth the heart of Laban the Aramaean, because he hath not declared to him that he is fleeing;
21 Akimaki elongo na nyonso oyo ezalaki ya ye, akatisaki ebale mpe akendeki na mokili ya bangomba ya Galadi.
and he fleeth, he and all that he hath, and riseth, and passeth over the River, and setteth his face [toward] the mount of Gilead.
22 Sima na mikolo misato, bayebisaki Labani ete Jakobi asili kokima.
And it is told to Laban on the third day that Jacob hath fled,
23 Boye Labani azwaki elongo na ye bandeko na ye ya mibali, alandaki Jakobi mikolo sambo mpe akangaki ye na mokili ya bangomba ya Galadi.
and he taketh his brethren with him, and pursueth after him a journey of seven days, and overtaketh him in the mount of Gilead.
24 Na butu, Nzambe ayaki epai ya Labani, moto ya Arami, kati na ndoto; alobaki na ye: « Keba! Komeka koloba ata likambo moko te ya malamu to ya mabe epai ya Jakobi. »
And God cometh in unto Laban the Aramaean in a dream of the night, and saith to him, 'Take heed to thyself lest thou speak with Jacob from good unto evil.'
25 Labani akangaki Jakobi, sima na Jakobi kotonga ndako na ye ya kapo kati na mokili ya bangomba ya Galadi. Boye Labani elongo na bandeko na ye ya mibali bavandaki mpe wana.
And Laban overtaketh Jacob; and Jacob hath fixed his tent in the mount; and Laban with his brethren have fixed [theirs] in the mount of Gilead.
26 Labani alobaki na Jakobi: — Makambo nini osali ngai? Okosi ngai mpe omemi bana na ngai ya basi lokola bakangami ya bitumba!
And Laban saith to Jacob, 'What hast thou done that thou dost deceive my heart, and lead away my daughters as captives of the sword?
27 Mpo na nini okimi na nkuku mpe okosi ngai? Mpo na nini oyebisaki ngai te? Nalingaki kutu kotika yo kokende na esengo elongo na banzembo, na makelele ya bambunda mpe ya lindanda.
Why hast thou hidden thyself to flee, and deceivest me, and hast not declared to me, and I send thee away with joy and with songs, with tabret and with harp,
28 Otikeli ngai ata tango te ya kopesa beze na bakoko na ngai mpe na bana na ngai ya basi! Osali penza lokola moto ya liboma!
and hast not suffered me to kiss my sons and my daughters? — now thou hast acted foolishly in doing [so];
29 Tala, nazali na makoki ya kosala yo mabe, kasi na butu oyo eleki, Nzambe ya tata na yo alobaki na ngai: « Keba! Komeka koloba ata likambo moko te ya malamu to ya mabe epai ya Jakobi. »
my hand is to God to do evil with you, but the God of your father yesternight hath spoken unto me, saying, Take heed to thyself from speaking with Jacob from good unto evil.
30 Sik’oyo, lokola okeyi mpo ete ozalaki na posa ya ndako ya tata na yo, mpo na nini oyibi banzambe na ngai?
'And now, thou hast certainly gone, because thou hast been very desirous for the house of thy father; why hast thou stolen my gods?'
31 Jakobi azongiselaki Labani: — Nabangaki, pamba te nakanisaki ete okobotola ngai bana na yo ya basi na makasi.
And Jacob answereth and saith to Laban, 'Because I was afraid, for I said, Lest thou take violently away thy daughters from me;
32 Kasi tika ete moto oyo okokuta awa na banzambe na yo akufa. Na miso ya bandeko na biso ya mibali, luka epai na ngai nyonso oyo ezali ya yo mpe zwa yango. Nzokande, Jakobi ayebaki te ete ezalaki Rasheli nde moto ayibaki banzambe yango.
with whomsoever thou findest thy gods — he doth not live; before our brethren discern for thyself what [is] with me, and take to thyself:' and Jacob hath not known that Rachel hath stolen them.
33 Labani akotaki na ndako ya kapo ya Jakobi, na ndako ya kapo ya Lea, mpe na ndako ya kapo ya basi bawumbu mibale; kasi amonaki eloko te. Sima na ye kobima na ndako ya kapo ya Lea, akotaki na oyo ya Rasheli.
And Laban goeth into the tent of Jacob, and into the tent of Leah, and into the tent of the two handmaidens, and hath not found; and he goeth out from the tent of Leah, and goeth into the tent of Rachel.
34 Nzokande Rasheli azwaki banzambe ya Labani, abombaki yango likolo ya shamo mpe avandaki na likolo na yango. Labani alukaki kati na ndako mobimba ya kapo, kasi amonaki eloko moko te.
And Rachel hath taken the teraphim, and putteth them in the furniture of the camel, and sitteth upon them; and Laban feeleth all the tent, and hath not found;
35 Rasheli alobaki na tata na ye: — Tika ete nkolo na ngai asilika te soki nakoki kotelema te na miso na yo, pamba te nazali na mikolo ya sanza oyo ekomelaka basi nyonso. Labani alukaki, kasi amonaki banzambe yango te.
and she saith unto her father, 'Let it not be displeasing in the eyes of my lord that I am not able to rise at thy presence, for the way of women [is] on me;' and he searcheth, and hath not found the teraphim.
36 Bongo Jakobi asilikaki mpe aswanisaki Labani. Alobaki na ye: — Mbeba nini nasalaki? Lisumu nini nasalaki mpo ete olanda ngai na kanda boye?
And it is displeasing to Jacob, and he striveth with Laban; and Jacob answereth and saith to Laban, 'What [is] my transgression? what my sin, that thou hast burned after me?
37 Tango oluki kati na biloko na ngai nyonso, eloko nini ya ndako na yo omoni? Tia yango awa liboso ya bandeko na yo ya mibali mpe ya ngai mpo bakatela biso mibale likambo.
for thou hast felt all my vessels: what hast thou found of all the vessels of thy house? set here before my brethren, and thy brethren, and they decide between us both.
38 Nasalaki epai na yo mibu tuku mibale; bameme na yo mpe bantaba na yo elongwaki zemi te, mpe natikalaki te kolia bameme ya mibali kati na bibwele na yo.
'These twenty years I [am] with thee: thy ewes and thy she-goats have not miscarried, and the rams of thy flock I have not eaten;
39 Namemelaki yo nyama moko te oyo banyama ya zamba ebomaki. Ngai moko nazalaki kofuta yango. Ozalaki kofutisa ngai oyo bazalaki koyiba ngai na moyi to na butu.
the torn I have not brought in unto thee — I, I repay it — from my hand thou dost seek it; I have been deceived by day, and I have been deceived by night;
40 Moyi ezalaki kobeta ngai na mokolo, malili ezalaki kokanga ngai na butu, mpe pongi ezalaki kokima ngai na miso.
I have been [thus]: in the day consumed me hath drought, and frost by night, and wander doth my sleep from mine eyes.
41 Navandi na ndako na yo mibu tuku mibale: nasalelaki yo mibu zomi na minei mpo na bana na yo mibale ya basi, mpe mibu motoba mpo na bibwele na yo; mbala zomi obongolaki lifuti na ngai.
'This [is] to me twenty years in thy house: I have served thee fourteen years for thy two daughters, and six years for thy flock; and thou changest my hire ten times;
42 Soki Nzambe ya tata na ngai, Nzambe ya Abrayami mpe oyo Izaki abangaka, azalaki elongo na ngai te, ya solo, olingaki kozongisa ngai lelo maboko pamba. Kasi Nzambe amonaki minyoko na ngai mpe pasi ya mosala ya maboko na ngai, yango wana apamelaki yo na butu oyo eleki.
unless the God of my father, the God of Abraham, and the Fear of Isaac, had been for me, surely now empty thou hadst sent me away; mine affliction and the labour of my hands hath God seen, and reproveth yesternight.'
43 Labani azongiselaki Jakobi: — Basi oyo bazali bana na ngai ya basi, bana oyo bazali bana na ngai, bibwele oyo ezali ya ngai mpe nyonso oyo ozali komona ezali ya ngai. Bongo lelo, eloko nini nakoki kosala mpo na bana na ngai ya basi mpe mpo na bana oyo bango baboti?
And Laban answereth and saith unto Jacob, 'The daughters [are] my daughters, and the sons my sons, and the flock my flock, and all that thou art seeing [is] mine; and to my daughters — what do I to these to-day, or to their sons whom they have born?
44 Sik’oyo Jakobi, tosala boyokani kati na yo mpe ngai, mpe tika ete yango ezala litatoli kati na biso.
and now, come, let us make a covenant, I and thou, and it hath been for a witness between me and thee.'
45 Boye Jakobi azwaki libanga mpe atelemisaki yango lokola elembo.
And Jacob taketh a stone, and lifteth it up [for] a standing pillar;
46 Jakobi alobaki na bandeko na ye ya mibali: « Bolokota mabanga! » Balokotaki mabanga, batiaki yango liboke, mpe bango nyonso baliaki wana na likolo ya liboke ya mabanga.
and Jacob saith to his brethren, 'Gather stones,' and they take stones, and make a heap; and they eat there on the heap;
47 Labani abengaki esika yango Yegari-Saduta mpe Jakobi abengaki yango Galedi.
and Laban calleth it Jegar-Sahadutha; and Jacob hath called it Galeed.
48 Labani alobaki: — Lelo, liboke oyo ya mabanga ezali litatoli kati na yo mpe ngai. Yango wana babengaki yango Galedi.
And Laban saith, 'This heap [is] witness between me and thee to-day;' therefore hath he called its name Galeed;
49 Babengaki yango lisusu Mitsipa; pamba te Labani alobaki lisusu: « Tika ete Yawe akengelaka kati na yo mpe ngai tango tokomonana lisusu te.
Mizpah also, for he said, 'Jehovah doth watch between me and thee, for we are hidden one from another;
50 Soki onyokoli bana na ngai ya basi mpe soki ozwi basi mosusu likolo na bana na ngai ya basi, atako moto moko te akozala kati na biso, kasi yeba ete Nzambe nde azali motatoli kati na yo mpe ngai. »
if thou afflict my daughters, or take wives beside my daughters — there is no man with us — see, God [is] witness between me and thee.'
51 Labani alobaki lisusu na Jakobi: — Tala liboke oyo ya mabanga mpe libanga ya elembo oyo natelemisi kati na ngai mpe yo.
And Laban saith to Jacob, 'Lo, this heap, and lo, the standing pillar which I have cast between me and thee;
52 Liboke oyo ya mabanga ezali motatoli, mpe libanga oyo ya elembo ezali motatoli. Nasengeli te kokatisa liboke oyo ya mabanga mpe libanga oyo ya elembo mpo ete naya kosala yo mabe na ngambo na yo; mpe yo osengeli te kokatisa liboke ya mabanga mpe libanga ya elembo mpo na koya kosala ngai mabe na ngambo na ngai.
this heap [is] witness, and the standing pillar [is] witness, that I do not pass over this heap unto thee, and that thou dost not pass over this heap and this standing pillar unto me — for evil;
53 Tika ete Nzambe ya Abrayami mpe Nzambe ya Naori, Nzambe ya tata na bango, azala Mosambisi kati na biso! Bongo Jakobi alapaki ndayi na Kombo ya Nzambe oyo tata na ye, Izaki, azalaki kobanga.
the God of Abraham and the God of Nahor, doth judge between us — the God of their father,' and Jacob sweareth by the Fear of his father Isaac.
54 Jakobi abonzaki mbeka likolo ya ngomba mpe abengisaki bandeko na ye ya mibali mpo na kolia bilei. Tango basilisaki kolia, balekisaki butu na esika wana, likolo ya ngomba.
And Jacob sacrificeth a sacrifice in the mount, and calleth to his brethren to eat bread, and they eat bread, and lodge in the mount;
55 Na tongo-tongo ya mokolo oyo elandaki, Labani apesaki bakoko na ye mpe bana na ye ya basi beze; apambolaki bango mpe azongaki na ndako na ye.
and Laban riseth early in the morning, and kisseth his sons and his daughters, and blesseth them; and Laban goeth on, and turneth back to his place.

< Ebandeli 31 >