< Ezekieli 33 >

1 Yawe alobaki na ngai:
Then the word of Yahweh came to me, saying,
2 « Mwana na moto, loba na bandeko na yo mpe yebisa bango: ‹ Soki nabimisi bitumba na mokili moko, bongo bato ya mokili yango baponi moko kati na bango lokola mokengeli na bango;
“Son of man, declare this to your people; say to them, 'When I bring a sword against any land, then the people of that land take one man from among themselves and make him a watchman for them.
3 soki mokengeli yango amoni banguna koya kobundisa mokili na bango mpe abeti kelelo mpo na kokebisa bato.
He looks for the sword as it comes on the land, and he blows his horn to warn the people!
4 Soki moto moko ayoki lolaka ya kelelo, kasi azwi yango na pamba mpe mopanga ebomi ye, makila na ye ekotangama na moto na ye moko.
If the people hear the sound of the horn but do not pay attention, and if the sword comes and kills them, then each one's blood is on his own head.
5 Lokola ayokaki lolaka ya kelelo, kasi azwaki likebisi wana na pamba, makila na ye ekotangama na moto na ye moko. Kasi soki azwaki likebisi wana na pamba te, alingaki solo kobikisa bomoi na ye.
If someone hears the sound of the horn and pays no attention, his blood is on him; but if he pays attention, he will save his own life.
6 Nzokande, soki mokengeli amoni banguna koya mpe abeti kelelo te mpo na kokebisa bato, bongo mopanga ebomi moko kati na bandeko na ye, ndeko wana akokufa solo mpo na masumu na ye, kasi nakotanga makila na ye na moto ya mokengeli. ›
However, if the watchman sees the sword as it is coming, but if he does not blow the horn, with the result that the people are not warned, and if the sword comes and takes anyone's life, then that person dies in his own sin, but I will require his blood from the watchman.'
7 Mwana na moto, nakomisi yo mokengeli mpo na libota ya Isalaele. Boye, yokaka maloba oyo nakobanda koloba mpo na kokebisa bango na Kombo na Ngai.
Now you yourself, son of man! I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; you will hear the words from my mouth and warn them on my behalf.
8 Soki nalobi na moto mabe: ‹ Oh moto mabe, okokufa solo! › Mpe yo, olobi na ye eloko moko te mpo ete abongola bizaleli na ye, moto mabe wana akokufa solo mpo na masumu na ye; kasi nakotanga makila na ye na moto na yo.
If I say to a wicked person, 'Wicked one, you will surely die!' but if you do not announce this so as to warn the wicked about his way, then he who is wicked will die in his sin, but I will require his blood from your hand!
9 Kasi soki okebisi moto mabe ete abongola bizaleli na ye, bongo asaleli yango te, akokufa solo mpo na masumu na ye; mpe yo, okobikisa bomoi na yo.
But you, if you warn the wicked about his way, so that he might turn back from it, and if he does not turn back from his way, then he will die in his sin, but you yourself will have saved your own life.
10 Mwana na moto, loba na libota ya Isalaele: ‹ Tala maloba oyo bozali koloba: ‘Ndenge nini penza tokoki lisusu kobika mpo ete mabe mpe masumu na biso ekomi kilo makasi mpo na biso, mpe yango ekomi kobebisa biso?’ ›
So you, son of man, say to the house of Israel, 'You are saying this, “Our transgressions and our sins are on us, and we are decaying in them! How can we live?”'
11 Loba na bango: ‹ Na Kombo na Ngai, elobi Nkolo Yawe, nasepelaka na kufa ya moto mabe te; nalingaka nde ete abongola bizaleli na ye mpo ete abika! Bobongwana, bobongwana, oh libota ya Isalaele! Mpo na nini bolingi kaka nzela ya kufa? ›
Say to them, 'As I live—this is the Lord Yahweh's declaration—I do not delight in the death of the wicked, for if the wicked repents from his way, then he will live! Repent! Repent from your wicked ways! For why should you die, house of Israel?'
12 Mwana na moto, loba na bandeko na yo: ‹ Boyengebene ya moto ya sembo ekobikisa ye te soki asali mabe, mpe mabe ya moto mabe ekokweyisa ye te soki atiki yango; moto ya sembo akobika te likolo ya boyengebene na ye ya kala soki asali masumu. ›
So now you, son of man, say to your people, 'The righteousness of a righteous person will not save him if he sins! The wickedness of a wicked person will not cause him to perish if he repents from his sin! For the righteous person will not be able to live because of his righteousness if he sins.
13 Ata soki nalobi na moto ya sembo ete akowumela solo na bomoi, soki atie elikya na bosembo na ye mpe asali mabe, bosembo na ye nyonso ekotangama lisusu te mpe akokufa mpo na mabe oyo asali.
If I say to the righteous, “He will surely live!” and if he trusts in his righteousness and then commits injustice, I will not call to mind any of his righteousness. He will die for the wickedness he committed.
14 Soki nalobi na moto mabe: ‹ Okokufa solo; › kasi atiki masumu na ye mpe akomi kosala makambo ya sembo mpe ya alima,
So if I say to the wicked, “You will surely die,” but if he then repents from his sins and does what is just and right—
15 soki azongisi ndanga oyo asimbaki na niongo mpe biloko oyo ayibaki, soki atosi mitindo oyo epesaka bomoi mpe atiki kosala mabe, akobika penza, akokufa te.
if he restores the loan guarantee that he wickedly demanded, or if he makes restitution for what he has stolen, and if he walks in the statutes that give life and no longer commits sin—then he will surely live. He will not die.
16 Mabe nyonso oyo asalaki ekotangama lisusu te, akobika solo; pamba te asali oyo ezali alima mpe sembo.
None of the sins that he has committed will be called to mind for him. He has acted justly and rightly, and so, he will surely live!
17 Bandeko na yo bazali koloba: ‹ Nkolo akataka makambo na bosembo te. › Nzokande, nzela na bango moko nde ezalaka mabe.
But your people say, “The way of the Lord is not fair!” but it is your ways that are not fair!
18 Soki moto ya sembo atiki boyengebene na ye mpe akomi kosala mabe, akokufa mpo na mabe yango.
When the righteous person turns away from his righteousness and commits sin, then he will die in it!
19 Soki moto mabe akomi kosala makambo ya sembo mpe ya alima, akobika solo mpo ete asali bongo.
When the wicked turns away from his wickedness and does what is just and righteous, he will live because of those things!
20 Oh bino, libota ya Isalaele, ndenge nini bokoki penza koloba: ‹ Nkolo akataka makambo na bosembo te! › Solo, nakosambisa moko na moko kati na bino kolanda etamboli na ye! »
But you people say, “The way of the Lord is not fair!” I will judge each of you according to his way, house of Israel!'”
21 Na mokolo ya mitano ya sanza ya zomi, na mobu ya zomi na mibale ya bowumbu na biso, moko kati na bato oyo babikaki na Yelusalemi ayaki epai na ngai mpe alobaki: « Babebisi engumba! »
It happened in the twelfth year, on the fifth day of the tenth month of our captivity, that a fugitive came to me from Jerusalem and said, “The city has been captured!”
22 Nzokande, na pokwa, liboso ete moto yango aya epai na ngai, loboko ya Yawe ezalaki likolo na ngai mpe afungolaki monoko na ngai liboso ete moto yango akoma epai na ngai na tongo. Monoko na ngai efungwamaki mpe nakomaki koloba.
The hand of Yahweh had been on me in the evening before the fugitive came, and my mouth was opened by the time that he came to me in the dawn. So my mouth was open; I was no longer mute!
23 Bongo Yawe alobaki na ngai:
Then the word of Yahweh came to me, saying,
24 « Mwana na moto, bavandi ya bisika oyo ebeba kati na mokili ya Isalaele bazali koloba: ‹ Abrayami azalaki kaka ye moko tango azwaki mokili lokola libula; nzokande biso, tozali ebele; boye, solo, mokili epesameli biso lokola libula! ›
“Son of man, the ones inhabiting those ruins in the land of Israel are talking and say, 'Abraham was only one person, and he inherited the land, but we are many! The land has been given to us as a possession.'
25 Yango wana, loba na bango: ‹ Tala liloba oyo Nkolo Yawe alobi: Boni, ndenge bozali nanu kolia misuni mpe makila na yango, bongo bozali kotalela banzambe na bino ya bikeko mpe kosopa makila ya bato, bozwa solo mokili lokola libula!
Therefore say to them, 'The Lord Yahweh says this: You eat blood, and you lift up your eyes towards your idols, then you pour out people's blood. Should you really possess the land?
26 Bozali kotia elikya na mopanga na bino, bozali kosala makambo ya mbindo, mpe moko na moko kati na bino azali kokomisa mbindo mwasi ya moninga na ye, mpe bozwa penza mokili lokola libula! ›
You have depended on your swords and have done disgusting things; each man defiles his neighbor's wife. Should you really possess the land?'
27 Loba na bango: ‹ Tala liloba oyo Nkolo Yawe alobi: Na Kombo na Ngai, bato oyo batikali na bisika oyo ebeba bakokufa na mopanga! Ba-oyo bazali na mboka, nakokaba bango epai ya banyama ya zamba mpo ete eboma bango! Mpe ba-oyo babombami kati na bandako batonga makasi mpe kati na madusu ya mabanga bakokufa na bokono oyo ebomaka;
You will say this to them, 'The Lord Yahweh says this: As I live, surely the ones in the ruins will fall by the sword, and I will give those in the fields to the living creatures as food, and those in fortresses and in caves will die of plagues.
28 nakokomisa mokili libebi mpe nakosala ete etikala lisusu na bato te: nakosukisa lolendo na yango, bangomba ya Isalaele ekotikala lisusu na bato te, mpe bato bakotika kolekela wana.
Then I will turn the land into a desolation and a horror, and the pride of its might will end, for the mountains of Israel will be deserted, and there will be no one to pass through them.'
29 Boye, bakoyeba solo ete Ngai, nazali Yawe, tango nakokomisa mokili libebi mpe esobe, likolo ya makambo na bango nyonso ya mbindo oyo bazali kosala. ›
So they will know that I am Yahweh, when I make the land a desolation and a waste because of all the abominations that they have done.
30 Mpo na yo, mwana na moto, bandeko na yo bazali kolobana bango na bango na bamir mpe na bikuke ya bandako na bango na tina na kombo na yo: ‹ Boya koyoka maloba oyo ewuti epai na Yawe! ›
So now you, son of man—your people are saying things about you beside the walls and the gates of the houses, and each says to one another—each man to his brother, 'Let us go and listen to the prophet's word that comes out from Yahweh!'
31 Bongo bato na Ngai bayei epai na yo ndenge kaka bayaka tango nyonso mpe bavandi liboso na yo mpo na koyoka maloba na yo, kasi batiaka yango na misala te, pamba te minoko na bango ebimisaka kaka makambo oyo esepelisaka mitema na bango, mpe mitema na bango elukaka kaka bolamu na bango moko.
So my people will come to you, as they often do, and will sit in front of you and listen to your words, but they will not obey them. Right words are in their mouths, but their hearts are going after unjust profit.
32 Mpo na bango, ozalaka na yo kaka lokola moto oyo ayembaka malamu banzembo ya kitoko, na mongongo ya kitoko, mpe abetaka mindule kitoko; pamba te bayokaka na bango maloba na yo, kasi batiaka yango na misala te.
For you are like a lovely song to them, a beautiful sound that is well played on a stringed instrument, so they will listen to your words, but none of them will obey them.
33 Tango makambo oyo nyonso ekokokisama —mpe ekokokisama solo— bakososola penza ete mosakoli moko azalaki kati na bango. »
So when all of this happens—behold! it will happen!—then they will know that a prophet has been among them.”

< Ezekieli 33 >