< 2 Petelo 2 >

1 Ndenge kaka basakoli ya lokuta bazalaki kati na bana ya Isalaele na tango ya kala, ndenge wana mpe bateyi ya lokuta bakozala kati na bino; bakokotisa na mayele mabe mateya ya lokuta mpe ya libebi kino ata kowangana Nkolo oyo asikolaki bango, mpe bakomibendela libebi na mbalakata.
False prophets came to the people, and false teachers will also come to you. They will secretly bring with them destructive heresies, and they will deny the master who bought them. They are bringing quick destruction upon themselves.
2 Bato ebele bakolanda bango kati na mobulu na bango, mpe nzela ya bosolo ekofingama likolo na bango.
Many will follow their sensuality, and through them the way of truth will be blasphemed.
3 Kati na lokoso na bango, bakobetela bino masolo ya lokuta mpo na kobenda bino mbongo na nzela ya maloba ya sukali. Nzokande, wuta kala, Nzambe akatela bango etumbu oyo ekoki mpo na bango, mpe libebi ezali penza kozela bango.
In their greed they will exploit you with deceptive words. For a long time their condemnation has not been idle, and their destruction is not asleep.
4 Soki Nzambe azangaki te kopesa na ba-anjelu oyo basalaki masumu etumbu kasi abwakaki bango ya kokangama na minyololo kati na molili makasi ya lifelo epai wapi abombi bango mpo na kozela mokolo ya kosambisama, (Tartaroō g5020)
For God did not spare the angels who sinned. Instead he handed them down to Tartarus to be kept in chains of lower darkness until the judgment. (Tartaroō g5020)
5 soki ayokelaki te mokili ya kala mawa kasi abikisaki bato mwambe oyo kati na bango ezalaki na Noa oyo azalaki kosakola bosembo na tango ya mpela oyo abebisaki na yango mokili elongo na bato oyo batosaki Ye te,
Also, he did not spare the ancient world. Instead, he preserved Noah, who was a herald of righteousness, along with seven others, when he brought a flood on the world of the ungodly.
6 soki Nzambe apesaki na bingumba ya Sodome mpe Gomore etumbu na nzela ya moto oyo ezikisaki yango kino ekomaki putulu mpo na kopesa ndakisa ya etumbu oyo ekokweyela bato ya masumu
God also reduced the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to ashes and condemned them to destruction, as an example of what is to happen to the ungodly.
7 kasi akangolaki Loti, moto ya sembo, oyo atondaki na mawa kati na motema na ye likolo na mobulu ya bato wana ya mabe,
But as for the righteous Lot, he was oppressed by the sensual behavior of lawless people.
8 (pamba te moto oyo ya sembo azalaki kovanda kati na bango mpe, mokolo na mokolo, azalaki komitungisa makasi kati na motema na ye mpo na mabe oyo azalaki komona mpe koyoka),
So that righteous man, who was living among them day after day, was tormented in his righteous soul because of what he saw and heard.
9 elingi koloba ete Nkolo azali na makoki ya kokangola bayengebene kati na komekama mpe ya kopesa, na mokolo ya kosambisama, etumbu epai ya bato mabe.
The Lord knows how to rescue godly men out of trials, and how to hold unrighteous men for punishment at the day of judgment.
10 Akopesa mingi-mingi etumbu epai ya ba-oyo, mpo na lokoso na bango ya makambo ya mbindo, batambolaka kolanda baposa mabe ya nzoto mpe batiolaka bokonzi ya Nkolo. Lokola bateyi yango ya lokuta batondi na lolendo mpe bamimonaka lokola bakoka na nyonso, babangaka te kofinga bikelamu ya nkembo;
This is especially true for those who continue in the corrupt desires of the flesh and who despise authority. Bold and self-willed, they are not afraid to blaspheme the glorious ones.
11 nzokande ba-anjelu, ba-oyo baleki kutu bango na makasi mpe na nguya, bamekaka kutu te kobimisa, liboso ya Nkolo, maloba ya kofinga bikelamu wana ya nkembo.
Angels have greater strength and power, but they do not bring insulting judgments against them to the Lord.
12 Kasi bango, bateyi ya lokuta, lokola banyama oyo ezanga mayele, oyo etambolaka na bonyama, oyo ebongisama mpo ete bato bakanga yango na mitambo mpe baboma yango, bafingaka oyo bayebi te. Mpo na yango, bakokufa lokola banyama,
But these unreasoning animals are naturally made for capture and destruction. They do not know what they insult. They will be destroyed.
13 bakozwa lifuti oyo ebongi na mabe na bango. Basepelaka kosala makambo ya soni na moyi makasi. Na lokuta na bango, basepelaka kosambwisa mpe kobebisa lokumu na bino tango basanganaka elongo na bino mpo na mayangani.
They will receive the reward of their wrongdoing. They think that luxury during the day is a pleasure. They are stains and blemishes. They enjoy their deceitful actions while they are feasting with you.
14 Miso na bango elembaka te kolula basi mpo na koluka kosala na bango ekobo, balembaka te kosala masumu, bakosaka bato oyo balendisama malamu te na kondima; bazali na mitema etonda na lokoso: bazali na se ya bilakeli mabe ya Nzambe.
They have eyes full of adultery, they are never satisfied with sin. They entice unstable souls into wrongdoing, and they have their hearts trained in covetousness. They are cursed children!
15 Sima na bango kotika nzela ya solo, bapengwaki mbala moko na kolanda nzela ya Balami, mwana mobali ya Beori, oyo alingaki lifuti ya mabe;
They have abandoned the right way and have wandered off to follow the way of Balaam son of Beor, who loved to receive payment for unrighteousness.
16 kasi Nzambe apamelaki ye mpo na bozangi botosi na ye, atiaki maloba ya bomoto kati na monoko ya ane ya mwasi, mpe nyama yango oyo elobaka te esukisaki bozoba ya mosakoli.
But he obtained a rebuke for his own transgression—a mute donkey speaking in a human voice stopped the prophet's insanity.
17 Bateyi yango ya lokuta bazali lokola bitima oyo ebimisaka lisusu mayi te to lokola mapata oyo mopepe makasi etindikaka. Nzambe abombela bango esika kati na molili makasi.
These men are springs without water and mists driven by a storm. The gloom of thick darkness is reserved for them.
18 Pamba te, mpo na kosepelisa baposa mabe ya banzoto na bango, basalelaka maloba ya sukali mpe ezanga tina mpo na kopengwisa bato oyo bawuti kobongola mitema sika wana bawuti kokabwana na bato oyo babikaka kati na libunga.
They speak with vain arrogance. They entice people through the lusts of the flesh. They entice people who try to escape from those who live in error.
19 Balakaka bango bonsomi, nzokande bango moko bazali bawumbu ya baposa mabe ya nzoto, oyo ememaka bango na libebi; pamba te moto nyonso azali mowumbu ya oyo ekonzaka ye.
They promise freedom to them, but they themselves are slaves of corruption. For a man is a slave to whatever overcomes him.
20 Soki, sima na bango kokabwana na mbindo ya mokili, mpo ete bayebi Yesu-Klisto, Nkolo mpe Mobikisi na biso, bamizongisi lisusu na bowumbu ya mbindo yango, bomoi na bango ekokoma mabe koleka ndenge ezalaki liboso.
If they have escaped the corruption of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and are again entangled in them and overcome, the last state has become worse for them than the first.
21 Elingaki kozala malamu mingi mpo na bango koyeba te nzela ya bosembo, na esika ete, sima na bango koyeba nzela ya bosembo, basundola mibeko ya bule oyo epesamelaki bango.
It would have been better for them not to know the way of righteousness than to know it and turn away from the holy commandment delivered to them.
22 Ezaleli na bango elongisi bosolo ya masese oyo: « Mbwa ezongelaka biloko oyo yango moko esanzi » mpe « Ngulu oyo basukoli ezongelaka kotambola kati na potopoto. »
This proverb is true for them: “A dog returns to its own vomit, and a washed pig returns to the mud.”

< 2 Petelo 2 >