< 2 Bakolinto 9 >

1 Mpo na ngai, ezali na tina te ya kokomela bino na tina na lisungi ya kopesa na basantu,
Concerning the ministry for the believers, it is not necessary for me to write to you.
2 pamba te nayebi molende na bino mpo na kosunga, mpe nazalaki komikumisa na tina na yango epai ya bato ya Masedwane. Nazalaki koloba na bango: « Kati na Akayi, wuta na mobu oyo eleki, bazali ya kobongama mpo na kopesa. » Mpe bolingo na bino etindikaki bato mingi kati na bango na kosunga.
I know about your desire, which I boasted about to the people of Macedonia. I told them that Achaia has been getting ready since last year. Your eagerness has motivated most of them to action.
3 Kasi nazali kotindela bino bandeko mpo ete, na likambo yango, lolendo na biso na tina na bino emonana te lokola ya pamba, kasi mpo ete bozala penza ya kobongama, ndenge kaka nalobaki yango.
Now I have sent the brothers so that our boasting about you may not be futile, and so that you would be ready, as I said you would be.
4 Pamba te soki bato ya Masedwane bayei elongo na ngai mpe bakuti bino bozali ya kobongama te, tokoyoka penza soni, mpo ete tozali penza kotiela bino motema; mpe ekozala soni na biso kaka te, kasi soni na bino mpe lokola.
Otherwise, if any Macedonians come with me and find you unprepared, we would be ashamed—I say nothing about you—for being so confident in you.
5 Yango wana, namonaki ete ezali malamu kosenga na bandeko yango ete bakoma epai na bino liboso na ngai, mpo na kobongisa makabo oyo bolakaki. Boye ekomizalela tango ngai nakokoma, mpe ekolakisa ete bopesaki yango na esengo mpe na bonsomi, kasi na makasi te.
So I thought it was necessary to urge the brothers to come to you and to make arrangements in advance for the gift you have promised. This is so that it might be ready as a blessing, and not as something extorted.
6 Bokanisaka likambo oyo: Moto oyo alonaka moke abukaka mpe moke, mpe moto oyo alonaka ebele abukaka mpe ebele.
The point is this: The one who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the one who sows for the purpose of a blessing will also reap a blessing.
7 Tika ete moko na moko kati na bino apesa oyo akanaki kopesa kati na motema na ye, na mawa te mpe na makasi te, pamba te Nzambe alingaka moto oyo apesaka na esengo.
Let each one give as he has planned in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
8 Nzambe azali mpe na makoki ya kotondisa bino na mapamboli ya ndenge na ndenge mpo ete, na tango nyonso mpe kati na makambo nyonso, bozala na nyonso oyo bozali na yango na bosenga mpe botonda lisusu na oyo bokosala na yango misala ya malamu ya lolenge nyonso,
And God is able to make all grace overflow for you, so that, always, in all things, you may have all you need. This will be so that you may multiply every good deed.
9 kolanda ndenge ekomama: « Akabelaka babola na motema ya esengo, mpe bosembo na Ye ewumelaka libela na libela. » (aiōn g165)
It is as it is written: “He has distributed his riches and given them to the poor. His righteousness lasts forever.” (aiōn g165)
10 Mpe Ye oyo apesaka nkona epai ya moloni mpe lipa lokola bilei akopesa lisusu, akofulukisa nkona na bino mpe akokolisa bambuma ya bosembo na bino.
He who supplies seed to the farmer who sows and bread for food, will also supply and multiply your seed for sowing. He will increase the harvest of your righteousness.
11 Boye bokokoma bazwi ya biloko nyonso mpo ete bokoka kokabaka tango nyonso; bongo bato epai ya banani tokopesa makabo na bino bakozongisa matondi epai ya Nzambe.
You will be enriched in every way so you can be generous. This will bring about thanksgiving to God through us.
12 Pamba te lotomo ya makabo na bino ezali kaka te mpo na kokokisa bosenga ya basantu, kasi ezali mpe mpo ete matondi mingi ezonga epai ya Nzambe.
For carrying out this service not only meets the needs of the saints but is also overflowing into many acts of thanksgiving to God.
13 Mpo ete lotomo yango ekotalisa bosolo ya komipesa na bino, basantu bakokumisa Nzambe mpo na botosi ya kondima na bino kati na Sango Malamu ya Klisto, mpe mpo na esengo oyo mitema na bino ezali na yango mpo na kokabola biloko na bino elongo na bango mpe elongo na bato nyonso.
Because of your being tested and proved by this service, you will also glorify God by obedience to your confession of the gospel of Christ. You will also glorify God by the generosity of your gift to them and to everyone.
14 Mpe bakosambela mpo na bino, mpo na kolakisa bolingo makasi oyo bazali na yango mpo na bino, likolo ya ngolu monene oyo Nzambe apesa bino.
They long for you, and they are praying for you. They do this because of the very great grace of God that is on you.
15 Tika ete matondi epesamela Nzambe mpo na likabo na Ye, oyo bato bakoki kolimbola te!
May thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift!

< 2 Bakolinto 9 >