< Ceturtā Mozus 16 >

1 Bet Korahs, Jeceara dēls, (šis bija Kehāta, Levja dēla, dēls), ņēma pie sevis Datanu un Abiramu, Eliaba dēlus, un Onnu, Peleta dēlu, Rūbena dēlus,
Now Korah, the son of Izhar, the son of Kohath, the son of Levi, with Dathan and Abiram, the sons of Eliab, and On, the son of Pallu, the son of Reuben, made themselves ready,
2 Un sacēlās pret Mozu līdz ar divsimt un piecdesmit Israēla bērnu vīriem, kas bija draudzes virsnieki un sapulces runas vīri un no lielas slavas.
And came before Moses, with certain of the children of Israel, two hundred and fifty chiefs of the people, men of good name who had a place in the meeting of the people.
3 Un tie sapulcējās pret Mozu un pret Āronu un sacīja uz tiem: jums nu diezgan! Jo visa draudze ir svēta, un Tas Kungs ir viņu vidū; kāpēc jūs paaugstinājaties pār Tā Kunga draudzi?
They came together against Moses and against Aaron, and said to them, You take overmuch on yourselves, seeing that all the people are holy, every one of them, and the Lord is among them; why then have you put yourselves in authority over the people of the Lord?
4 Kad Mozus to dzirdēja, tad viņš krita uz savu vaigu.
And Moses, hearing this, went down on his face;
5 Un viņš runāja uz Korahu un uz visu viņa pulku un sacīja: rītā agri, tad Tas Kungs darīs zināmu, kas Viņam pieder, un kas ir svēts, un kas var iet pie Viņa, un kuru Viņš izvēlēs, tas varēs iet pie Viņa.
And he said to Korah and his band, In the morning the Lord will make clear who are his, and who is holy, and who may come near him: the man of his selection will be caused to come near him.
6 Dariet tā, ņemat sev kvēpināmus traukus, Korahs un viss viņa pulks.
So do this: let Korah and all his band take vessels for burning perfumes;
7 Un rītā ieliekat tanīs uguni un liekat kvēpināmās zāles tur virsū priekš Tā Kunga, un kuru Tas Kungs izvēlēs, tas lai ir svēts; nu jums diezgan! Jūs Levja bērni!
And put spices on the fire in them before the Lord tomorrow; then the man marked out by the Lord will be holy: you take overmuch on yourselves, you sons of Levi.
8 Un Mozus sacīja uz Korahu: klausāties jel, jūs Levja bērni!
And Moses said to Korah, Give ear now, you sons of Levi:
9 Vai jums par maz, ka Israēla Dievs jūs izraudzījis no Israēla draudzes, Viņam nākt tuvu, kalpot pie Tā Kunga dzīvokļa kalpošanas un stāvēt draudzes priekšā un tai kalpot.
Does it seem only a small thing to you that the God of Israel has made you separate from the rest of Israel, letting you come near himself to do the work of the House of the Lord, and to take your place before the people to do what has to be done for them;
10 Viņš tev līdz ar visiem taviem brāļiem, tiem Levja bērniem, licis tuvu nākt; un nu jūs meklējat arī priestera amatu!
Letting you, and all your brothers the sons of Levi, come near to him? and would you now be priests?
11 Tādēļ tu un viss tavs pulks esiet sametušies kopā pret To Kungu; jo kas ir Ārons, ka jūs pret viņu kurnat.
So you and all your band have come together against the Lord; and Aaron, who is he, that you are crying out against him?
12 Un Mozus nosūtīja, aicināt Datanu un Abiramu, Eliaba dēlus, bet tie sacīja: mēs nenāksim.
Then Moses sent for Dathan and Abiram, the sons of Eliab: and they said, We will not come up:
13 Vai vēl nav gan, ka tu mūs izvedis no tās zemes, kur piens un medus tek, mūs nokaut tuksnesī, ka tu arī vēl pats uzmeties mums par virsnieku?
Is it not enough that you have taken us from a land flowing with milk and honey, to put us to death in the waste land, but now you are desiring to make yourself a chief over us?
14 Tu mūs tiešām neesi vedis zemē, kur piens un medus tek, nedz mums devis iemantot tīrumus vai vīna dārzus, - vai tu tiem vīriem acis gribi izraut? Mēs nenāksim.
And more than this, you have not taken us into a land flowing with milk and honey, or given us a heritage of fields and vine-gardens: will you put out the eyes of these men? We will not come up.
15 Tad Mozus ļoti apskaitās un sacīja uz To Kungu: neuzlūko viņu upuri. Pat ne ēzeli es no tiem neesmu ņēmis un nevienam ļauna neesmu darījis.
Then Moses was very angry, and said to the Lord, Give no attention to their offering: not one of their asses have I taken, or done wrong to any of them.
16 Un Mozus sacīja uz Korahu: tu un viss tavs pulks, nāciet rītu priekš Tā Kunga vaiga, tu un viņi un Ārons.
And Moses said to Korah, You and all your band are to come before the Lord tomorrow, you and they and Aaron:
17 Un ņemiet ikviens savu kvēpināmo trauku un liekat iekšā kvēpināmās zāles, un nesiet Tā Kunga priekšā ikviens savu trauku, divsimt un piecdesmit traukus, un arī tu un Ārons, ikviens savu trauku.
And let every man take a vessel for burning perfumes, and put sweet spices in them; let every man take his vessel before the Lord, two hundred and fifty vessels; you and Aaron and everyone with his vessel.
18 Tad tie ņēma ikviens savu trauku un ielika uguni un uzlika virsū kvēpināmās zāles, un stāvēja priekš saiešanas telts durvīm, un tāpat Mozus un Ārons.
So every man took his vessel and they put fire in them, with spices, and came to the door of the Tent of meeting with Moses and Aaron.
19 Un Korahs sapulcēja visu draudzi pret viņiem priekš saiešanas telts durvīm. Tad Tā Kunga godība parādījās visai draudzei.
And Korah made all the people come together against them to the door of the Tent of meeting: and the glory of the Lord was seen by all the people.
20 Un Tas Kungs runāja uz Mozu un uz Āronu sacīdams:
And the Lord said to Moses and Aaron,
21 Atšķiraties no šīs draudzes, ka Es tos acumirklī apriju.
Come out from among this people, so that I may send sudden destruction on them.
22 Bet tie krita uz savu vaigu un sacīja: Ak Dievs! Tu Dievs pār visas miesas gariem, - ja viens cilvēks apgrēkojies, vai Tu tāpēc dusmosies par visu draudzi?
Then falling down on their faces they said, O God, the God of the spirits of all flesh, because of one man's sin will your wrath be moved against all the people?
23 Un Tas Kungs runāja uz Mozu un sacīja:
And the Lord said to Moses,
24 Runā uz draudzi un saki: atkāpjaties visapkārt no Koraha, Datana un Abirama dzīvokļa nost.
Say to the people, Come away from the tent of Korah Dathan, and Abiram.
25 Tad Mozus cēlās un gāja pie Datana un Abirama, un viņam gāja pakaļ Israēla vecaji.
So Moses got up and went to Dathan and Abiram, and the responsible men of Israel went with him.
26 Un viņš runāja uz draudzi un sacīja: atkāpjaties nost no šo bezdievīgo cilvēku dzīvokļiem un neaizskarat nekā no tā, kas viņiem pieder, ka jūs neejat bojā visu viņu grēku dēļ.
And he said to the people, Come away now from the tents of these evil men, without touching anything of theirs, or you may be taken in the punishment of their sins.
27 Tad tie visapkārt gāja nost no Koraha, Datana un Abirama dzīvokļa, bet Datans un Abirams iznāca ārā un stāvēja savas telts durvīs līdz ar savām sievām un dēliem un bērniem.
So on every side they went away from the tent of Korah Dathan, and Abiram: and Dathan and Abiram came out to the door of their tents, with their wives and their sons and their little ones.
28 Un Mozus sacīja: pie tam jūs atzīsiet, ka Tas Kungs mani sūtījis, visus šos darbus darīt, ne no mana paša prāta:
And Moses said, Now you will see that the Lord has sent me to do all these works, and I have not done them of myself.
29 Ja šie nomirs, itin kā visi citi cilvēki mirst, un taps piemeklēti, itin kā visi cilvēki top piemeklēti, tad Tas Kungs mani nav sūtījis.
If these men have the common death of men, or if the natural fate of all men overtakes them, then the Lord has not sent me.
30 Bet ja Tas Kungs ko jauna darīs un zeme atvērs savu muti un tos norīs līdz ar visu, kas tiem pieder, ka tie dzīvi nogrimst ellē, tad jūs atzīsiet, ka šie cilvēki To Kungu ir nicinājuši. (Sheol h7585)
But if the Lord does something new, opening the earth to take them in, with everything which is theirs, and they go down living into the underworld, then it will be clear to you that the Lord has not been honoured by these men. (Sheol h7585)
31 Un notikās, kad viņš visus šos vārdus bija pabeidzis runāt, tad zeme apakš viņiem pāršķēlās,
And while these words were on his lips, the earth under them was parted in two;
32 Un atdarīja savu muti un tos norija līdz ar viņu namiem un ar visiem cilvēkiem, kas bija pie Koraha, un ar visu viņu mantu.
And the earth, opening her mouth, took them in, with their families, and all the men who were joined to Korah, and their goods.
33 Un tie dzīvi nogrima ellē ar visu, kas tiem piederēja, un zeme tos apklāja, un tie gāja bojā no draudzes vidus. (Sheol h7585)
So they and all theirs went down living into the underworld, and the earth was shut over them, and they were cut off from among the meeting of the people. (Sheol h7585)
34 Un viss Israēls, kas viņiem bija visapkārt, bēga viņiem brēcot, jo tie sacīja: ka mūs zeme neaprij!
And all Israel round about them went in flight at their cry, For fear, said they, that we go down into the heart of the earth.
35 Un no Tā Kunga izgāja uguns un aprija tos divsimt un piecdesmit vīrus, kas tās kvēpināmās zāles upurēja.
Then fire came out from the Lord, burning up the two hundred and fifty men who were offering the perfume.
36 Un Tas Kungs runāja uz Mozu un sacīja:
And the Lord said to Moses,
37 Saki priesterim Eleazaram, Ārona dēlam, lai tos kvēpināmos traukus paņem no tā deguma un to uguni izkaisa, jo tie trauki ir svēti, -
Say to Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, that he is to take out of the flames the vessels with the perfumes in them, turning the fire out of them, for they are holy;
38 Šo traukus, kas pret savām dvēselēm bija grēkojuši, lai kaļ plakanos gabalos un ar tiem lai apvelk altāri; jo tie ir upurēti priekš Tā Kunga un svētīti, un būs Israēla bērniem par zīmi.
And let the vessels of those men, who with their lives have made payment for their sin, be hammered out into plates as a cover for the altar; for they have been offered before the Lord and are holy; so that they may be a sign to the children of Israel.
39 Tad priesteris Eleazars, ņēma tos kvēpināmos vara traukus, ko tie sadegušie bija pienesuši, un tos izkala plātīs, altārim par pārvelkamo;
So Eleazar the priest took the brass vessels which had been offered by those who were burned up, and they were hammered out to make a cover for the altar:
40 Par piemiņu Israēla bērniem, lai neviens svešs, un kas nav no Ārona dzimuma, nepieietu, kvēpināt ar kvēpināmām zālēm Tā Kunga priekšā, ka tam nenotiktu, kā Koraham un kā viņa pulkam, itin kā Tas Kungs tam bija runājis caur Mozu.
To be a sign, kept in memory for ever by the children of Israel, that no man who is not of the seed of Aaron has the right of burning spices before the Lord, so that he may not be like Korah and his band: as the Lord said to him by the mouth of Moses.
41 Bet otrā dienā visa Israēla bērnu draudze kurnēja pret Mozu un pret Āronu un sacīja: jūs Tā Kunga ļaudis esat nokāvuši.
But on the day after, all the children of Israel made an outcry against Moses and against Aaron, saying, You have put to death the Lord's people.
42 Un kad draudze sapulcējās pret Mozu un pret Āronu, tad tie griezās uz saiešanas telti, un redzi, tas padebesis to apklāja, un Tā Kunga godība parādījās.
Now when the people had come together against Moses and Aaron, looking in the direction of the Tent of meeting, they saw the cloud covering it, and the glory of the Lord came before their eyes.
43 Tad Mozus un Ārons gāja uz saiešanas telti.
Then Moses and Aaron came to the front of the Tent of meeting.
44 Un Tas Kungs runāja uz Mozu un sacīja:
And the Lord said to Moses,
45 Atkāpjaties no šās draudzes, tad Es to aprīšu acumirklī. Tad tie krita uz savu vaigu.
Come out from among this people, so that I may send sudden destruction on them. And they went down on their faces.
46 Un Mozus sacīja uz Āronu: ņem kvēpināmo trauku un ieliec uguni no altāra un uzliec kvēpināmās zāles virsū un ej steigšus draudzes vidū un salīdzini tos, jo bardzība no Tā Kunga ir izgājusi, un mocība ir iesākusies.
And Moses said to Aaron, Take your vessel and put in it fire from the altar, and sweet spices, and take it quickly into the meeting of the people, and make them free from sin: for wrath has gone out from the Lord, and the disease is starting.
47 Un Ārons to ņēma, kā Mozus bija runājis, un skrēja draudzes vidū, un redzi, mocība bija iesākusies pie tiem ļaudīm, un viņš uzlika virsū kvēpināmās zāles un salīdzināja tos ļaudis.
And at the words of Moses, Aaron took his vessel, and went running among the people; and even then the disease had made a start among them; and he put spices in his vessel to take away the sin of the people.
48 Un viņš stāvēja starp mirušiem un dzīviem; tad tā mocība tapa novērsta.
And he took his place between the dead and the living: and the disease was stopped.
49 Un to, kas no tās mocības bija nomiruši, bija četrpadsmit tūkstoši un septiņsimt, bez tiem, kas Koraha dēļ bija miruši.
Now fourteen thousand, seven hundred deaths were caused by that disease, in addition to those who came to their end because of what Korah had done.
50 Un Ārons griezās atpakaļ pie Mozus priekš saiešanas telts durvīm, un tā mocība mitējās.
Then Aaron went back to Moses to the door of the Tent of meeting: and the disease came to a stop.

< Ceturtā Mozus 16 >