< Mateja Evaņg̒elijs 9 >

1 Un laivā kāpis Viņš cēlās pāri un nāca Savā pilsētā.
Afterwards Jesus got into a boat, and, crossing over, came to his own city.
2 Un lūk, pie Viņa atnesa melmeņu sērdzīgu, tas gulēja gultā. Kad nu Jēzus redzēja viņu ticību, tad Viņš sacīja uz to melmeņu sērdzīgo: “Ņemies drošu sirdi, Mans dēls, tavi grēki tev piedoti.”
There some people brought to him a paralysed man on a bed. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the man, ‘Courage, child! Your sins are forgiven.’
3 Un lūk, kādi no tiem rakstu mācītājiem runāja paši pie sevis: “Šis zaimo Dievu.”
Then some of the teachers of the Law said to themselves, ‘This man is blaspheming!’
4 Un Jēzus redzēja viņu domas un sacīja: “Kāpēc jūs domājiet ļaunu savās sirdīs?
Knowing their thoughts, Jesus exclaimed, ‘Why do your cherish such wicked thoughts?
5 Kas ir vieglāki? Vai sacīt: “Tev tavi grēki top piedoti,” Vai sacīt: “Celies un staigā?”
Which, I ask, is the easier? – to say “Your sins are forgiven”? Or to say “Get up, and walk”?
6 Bet lai jūs zināt, Tam Cilvēka Dēlam varu esam virs zemes grēkus piedot,” (tad Viņš uz to melmeņu sērdzīgo sacīja: ) “Celies, ņem savu gultu un ej uz mājām.”
But to show you that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins’ – then he said to the paralysed man – ‘Get up, take up your bed, and return to your home.’
7 Un viņš cēlās un gāja mājās.
The man got up and went to his home.
8 Kad tie ļaudis to redzēja, tad tie brīnījās un teica Dievu, kas tādu varu cilvēkiem devis.
When the crowd saw this, they were awe-struck, and praised God for giving such power to human beings.
9 Un kad Jēzus no turienes aizgāja, tad Viņš redzēja vienu cilvēku pie muitas būdas sēžam, vārdā Mateju (jeb: Levi), un uz to sacīja: “Nāc Man pakaļ.” Un tas cēlās un gāja Viņam pakaļ.
As Jesus went along, he saw a man, called Matthew, sitting in the tax office, and said to him, ‘Follow me.’ Matthew got up and followed him.
10 Un notikās, Tam pie galda sēžot viņa namā, redzi, daudz muitnieku un grēcinieku nāca un sēdēja līdz ar Jēzu un Viņa mācekļiem pie galda.
And, later on, when he was having dinner in the house, a number of tax collectors and outcasts came in and took their places at the table with Jesus and his disciples.
11 Kad tie farizeji to redzēja, tad tie sacīja uz Viņa mācekļiem: “Kāpēc jūsu mācītājs ēd ar muitniekiem un grēciniekiem?”
When the Pharisees saw this, they said to his disciples, ‘Why does your teacher eat in the company of tax collectors and outcasts?’
12 Bet to dzirdējis Jēzus uz tiem sacīja: ‘Veseliem ārsta nevajag, bet neveseliem.
On hearing this, Jesus said, ‘It is not those who are healthy who need a doctor, but those who are ill.
13 Tad ejat nu un mācaties, kas tas ir: “Man patīk žēlastība un ne upuris!” Jo Es neesmu nācis, taisnus aicināt pie atgriešanās no grēkiem, bet grēciniekus.”
Go and learn what this means – “I desire mercy, and not sacrifice”; for I did not come to call the religious, but the outcast.’
14 Tad Jāņa mācekļi pie Viņa nāca un sacīja: “Kāpēc mēs un tie farizeji tik daudz gavējam, un Tavi mācekļi negavē?”
Then John’s disciples came to Jesus, and asked, ‘Why do we and the Pharisees fast while your disciples do not?’
15 Un Jēzus uz tiem sacīja: “Vai kāzu ļaudis var bēdāties, kamēr brūtgāns pie viņiem? Bet nāks dienas, kad tas brūtgāns viņiem būs atņemts, un tad tie gavēs.
Jesus answered, ‘Can the groom’s friends mourn as long as the groom is with them? But the days will come, when the groom will be taken away from them, and they will fast then.
16 Un neviens nelāpa vecas drēbes ar jaunas vadmalas ielāpu, jo tas ielāps noplīst no tām drēbēm un plīsums paliek lielāks.
Nobody ever puts a piece of unshrunk cloth on an old garment; for such a patch tears away from the garment, and a worse tear is made.
17 Un jaunu vīnu nelej vecos ādas traukos, citādi tie trauki plīst, un vīns izgāžas, un tie trauki iet bojā. Bet jaunu vīnu lej jaunos traukos, tad abi kopā paliek veseli.”
Nor do people put new wine into old wine-skins; for, if they do, the skins burst, and the wine runs out, and the skins are lost; but they put new wine into fresh skins, and so both are preserved.’
18 Un Viņam ar tiem tā runājot, redzi, viens virsnieks nāca un Viņa priekšā metās zemē un sacīja: “Mana meita nupat nomirusi, bet nāc un liec Savu roku uz viņu, tad tā taps dzīva.”
While Jesus was saying this, a synagogue leader came up and bowed to the ground before him. ‘My daughter,’ he said, ‘has just died; but come and place your hand on her, and she will be restored to life.’
19 Un Jēzus piecēlies gāja tam pakaļ ar Saviem mācekļiem.
So Jesus rose and followed him, and his disciples went also.
20 (Un redzi, viena sieva, kas divpadsmit gadus bijusi asins sērdzīga, nāca no aizmugures un aizskāra Viņa drēbju vīli.
But meanwhile a woman, who had been suffering from haemorrhage for twelve years, came up behind and touched the tassel of his cloak.
21 Jo tā sacīja pati pie sevis: “Kaut vien Viņa drēbes varētu aizskart, tad es paliktu vesela.”
‘If I only touch his cloak,’ she said to herself, ‘I will get well.’
22 Tad Jēzus atgriezās un to ieraudzījis sacīja: “Ņemies drošu sirdi, Mana meita! Tava ticība tev palīdzējusi.” Un tā sieva palika vesela tanī pašā stundā.)
Turning and seeing her, Jesus said, ‘Courage, daughter! Your faith has delivered you.’ And at that very moment she became well.
23 Kad nu Jēzus tā virsnieka namā nāca un redzēja tos stabulniekus un to ļaužu troksni,
When Jesus reached the leader’s house, seeing the flute players, and a number of people all in confusion,
24 Tad Viņš uz tiem sacīja: “Atkāpjaties! Jo tā meitene nav mirusi, bet guļ.” Bet tie par Viņu smējās.
he said, ‘Go away, the little girl is not dead; she is asleep.’ They began to laugh at him;
25 Bet kad tas ļaužu pulks bija izdzīts, tad Viņš gāja iekšā un to satvēra pie rokas. Tad tā meitiņa cēlās augšām.
but, when the people had been sent out, Jesus went in, and took the little girl’s hand, and she rose.
26 Un šī slava tapa daudzināta pa visu to zemi.
The report of this spread through all that part of the country.
27 Un kad Jēzus no turienes aizgāja, tad divi akli Viņam nāca pakaļ brēkdami un sacīdami: “Tu Dāvida dēls, apžēlojies par mums!”
As Jesus was passing on from there, he was followed by two blind men, who kept calling out, ‘Take pity on us, Son of David!’
28 Un Viņam namā ieejot tie aklie piestājās, un Jēzus uz tiem sacīja: “Vai jūs ticat, ka Es spēju to darīt?” Tie uz Viņu sacīja: “Ticam gan, Kungs.”
When he had gone indoors, the blind men came up to him; and Jesus asked them, ‘Do you believe that I am able to do this?’ ‘Yes, Master!’ they answered.
29 Tad Tas aizskāra viņu acis sacīdams: “Lai jums notiek pēc jūsu ticības.”
Then he touched their eyes, and said, ‘It will be according to your faith.’
30 Un viņu acis tapa atvērtas. Un Jēzus tiem stipri aizliedza un sacīja: “Pielūkojiet, ka neviens to nedabū zināt.”
Then their eyes were opened. Jesus sternly cautioned them. ‘See that no one knows of it,’ he said.
31 Bet tie aizgājuši Viņu izslavēja pa visu to zemi.
But the men went out, and spread the news about him through all that part of the country.
32 Kad nu tie bija aizgājuši, redzi, tad pie Viņa atnesa cilvēku, kas bija mēms un velna apsēsts.
Just as they were going out, some people brought up to Jesus a dumb man who was possessed by a demon;
33 Un kad velns bija izdzīts, tad tas mēmais runāja. Un tie ļaudis brīnījās un sacīja: “Tas vēl nekad iekš Israēla nav redzēts.”
and, as soon as the demon had been driven out, the dumb man spoke. The people were astonished at this, and exclaimed, ‘Nothing like this has ever been seen in Israel!’
34 Bet tie farizeji sacīja: “Viņš izdzen velnus caur velnu virsnieku.”
But the Pharisees said, ‘He drives out the demons by the help of the chief of the demons.’
35 Un Jēzus gāja apkārt pa visām pilsētām un miestiem, mācīdams viņu baznīcās un sludinādams to priecas mācību no Tās Valstības un dziedinādams tiem ļaudīm visas sērgas un visas vājības.
Jesus went round all the towns and the villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and curing every kind of disease and every kind of sickness.
36 Un kad Viņš tos ļaužu pulkus redzēja, tad Viņam sirds par tiem iežēlojās, jo tie bija izklīduši un pamesti, kā avis, kam nav gana.
But, when he saw the crowds, his heart was moved with compassion for them, because they were distressed and harassed, like sheep without a shepherd;
37 Tad Viņš uz Saviem mācekļiem sacīja: “Pļaujama gan daudz, bet maz pļāvēju.
and he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is abundant, but the labourers are few.
38 Tāpēc lūdziet tā pļaujamā Kungu, lai izdzen strādniekus Savā pļaujamā.”
Therefore pray to the owner of the harvest to send labourers to gather in his harvest.’

< Mateja Evaņg̒elijs 9 >