< Apustuļu Darbi 5 >

1 Un viens vīrs, ar vārdu Ananija, ar savu sievu Sapfiru pārdeva savu mantību,
There was, however, a man named Ananias, who, with his wife Sapphira, sold some property,
2 Un atrāva ko no tās maksas ar sievas ziņu; un kādu daļu atnesis, to nolika pie apustuļu kājām.
and, with her connivance, kept back some of the proceeds. He brought only a part and laid it at the apostles’ feet.
3 Bet Pēteris sacīja: “Ananija, kāpēc sātans tavu sirdi ir piepildījis, tam Svētam Garam melot un no tā tīruma maksas ko atraut?
‘Ananias,’ Peter exclaimed, ‘how is it that Satan has so taken possession of your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit, and kept back a part of the money paid for the land?
4 Vai tas tavs būdams nevarēja tavs palikt? Arī pārdots tas bija tavā vaļā; kāpēc tad tu tādu lietu savā sirdī esi iedomājies? Tu neesi cilvēkiem melojis, bet Dievam.”
While it was unsold, was not it your own? And after it was sold, was not the money at your own disposal? How did you come to think of such a thing? You have lied, not to people, but to God!’
5 Un šos vārdus dzirdējis, Ananija krita pie zemes un nomira; un lielas bailes uzgāja visiem, kas to dzirdēja.
As Ananias heard these words, he fell down and expired; and everyone who heard of it was appalled.
6 Un tie jaunekļi cēlušies to apkopa un iznesa un apraka.
The young men got up, and, winding the body in a sheet, carried it out and buried it.
7 Un notikās pēc kādām trim stundām, tad viņa sieva arīdzan iegāja, nezinādama, kas bija noticis.
After an interval of about three hours his wife came in, not knowing what had happened.
8 Bet Pēteris tai atbildēja: “Saki man, vai jūs to tīrumu tik dārgi esat pārdevuši?” Un tā sacīja: “Tiešām, tik dārgi.”
‘Is it true,’ Peter asked, addressing her, ‘that you sold your land for such a sum?’ ‘Yes,’ she answered, ‘we did.’
9 Un Pēteris uz to sacīja: “Kāpēc tad jūs savā starpā esat norunājuši Tā Kunga Garu kārdināt? Redzi, to kājas, kas tavu vīru aprakuši, ir priekš durvīm un tevi iznesīs.”
Then Peter said, ‘How did you come to agree to provoke the Spirit of the Lord? Listen! The footsteps of those who have buried your husband are at the door; and they will carry you out too.’
10 Un tūdaļ tā nokrita pie viņa kājām un nomira. Un tie jaunekļi iekšā nākuši to atrada mirušu un to iznesa un apraka pie viņas vīra.
Instantly Sapphira fell down at Peter’s feet and expired. On coming in, the young men found her dead; so they carried her out and buried her by her husband’s side.
11 Un lielas bailes uzgāja visai draudzei un visiem, kas to dzirdēja.
The whole church and all who heard of these events were appalled.
12 Un caur apustuļu rokām daudz zīmes un brīnumi notika starp tiem ļaudīm, un visi bija vienprātīgi Salamana priekšnamā.
Many signs and wonders continued to occur among the people, through the instrumentality of the apostles, whose custom it was to meet all together in the Colonnade of Solomon;
13 Bet no tiem citiem neviens nedrīkstēja viņiem pieķerties, bet tie ļaudis tos augsti cienīja.
but of the rest no one ventured to join them. On the other hand, the people were full of their praise,
14 Un vēl vairāk tapa pielikti, kas Tam Kungam ticēja, pulks vīru un sievu,
and still larger numbers, both of men and women, as they became believers in the Lord, were added to their number.
15 Tā ka arī tie neveselie tapa izvesti uz ielām un gultās un nestuvēm likti, lai, Pēterim nākot, jel viņa ēna kādus no tiem apēnotu.
The consequence was that people would bring out their sick even into the streets, and lay them on mattresses and mats, in the hope that, as Peter came by, at least his shadow might fall on someone of them.
16 Un arī no apkārtējām pilsētām pulks ļaužu nāca uz Jeruzālemi, nesdami neveselus un nešķīstu garu apsēstus, kas visi tapa dziedināti.
Besides this, the inhabitants of the towns round Jerusalem flocked into the city, bringing with them their sick and those who were troubled by foul spirits; and they were cured everyone.
17 Bet tas augstais priesteris cēlās un visi, kas pie tā bija (tā saduceju biedrība), un tapa bardzības pilni,
At this the high priest was roused to action, and he and all his supporters (who formed the party of the Sadducees), moved by jealousy,
18 Un pielika tiem apustuļiem rokas un tos iemeta pilsētas cietumā.
arrested the apostles, and had them placed in custody.
19 Bet Tā Kunga eņģelis naktī atvēra cietuma durvis un tos izveda un sacīja:
An angel of the Lord, however, opened the prison doors at night and led them out.
20 “Ejat, un Dieva namā stāvēdami, runājiet uz tiem ļaudīm visus šās dzīvības vārdus.”
‘Go,’ he said, ‘and stand in the Temple Courts, and tell the people the whole message of this new life.’
21 Bet to dzirdējuši, tie iegāja it agri Dieva namā un mācīja. Bet tas augstais priesteris un tie, kas līdz ar viņu, nāca un sasauca to augsto tiesu un visus Israēla bērnu vecajus un sūtīja uz cietumu, tos atvest.
When they heard this, they went at daybreak into the Temple Courts, and began to teach. The high priest and his party, on their arrival, summoned the High Council, including all the leaders of the people among the Israelites, and sent to the jail to fetch the apostles.
22 Bet tie sulaiņi tur nogājuši tos neatrada cietumā un atnākuši to pasludināja
But, when the officers got there, they did not find them in the prison; so they returned and reported that,
23 Sacīdami: “Mēs to cietumu gan atradām it cieti aizslēgtu un tos sargus ārā stāvošus priekš durvīm, bet atvēruši mēs iekšā neatradām neviena.”
while they had found the goal barred securely and the guards posted at the doors, yet, on opening them, they had not found anyone inside.
24 Kad nu tas priesteris un tas Dieva nama virsnieks un tie augstie priesteri šos vārdus dzirdēja, tad tie par to iztrūcinājās, kas tas esot.
When the officer in charge at the Temple and the chief priests heard their story, they were perplexed about the apostles and as to what all this would lead to.
25 Un tur viens nāca un tiem pasludināja sacīdams: “Redzi, tie vīri, ko jūs esat likuši cietumā, stāv Dieva namā un māca tos ļaudis.”
Presently, however, someone came and told them, that the men whom they had put in prison were actually standing in the Temple Courts, teaching the people.
26 Tad tas virsnieks ar tiem sulaiņiem nogāja un tos atveda, bet ne ar varu, (jo tie bijās no tiem ļaudīm, ka ar akmeņiem netaptu nomētāti).
Then, the officer went with his men and fetched the apostles – without using violence, for they were afraid of being stoned by the people –
27 Un tos atveduši, tie tos stādīja augstās tiesas priekšā, un tas augstais priesteris tiem vaicāja
and then brought them before the Council. The high priest demanded an explanation from them.
28 Sacīdams: “Vai mēs pavēlēdami jums neesam pavēlējuši, nemācīt iekš šī Vārda? Un redzi, jūs ar savu mācību esat piepildījuši Jeruzālemi un gribat pār mums vest šī Cilvēka asinis.”
‘We gave you strict orders,’ he said, ‘not to teach in this name. Yet you have actually flooded Jerusalem with your teaching, and you want to make us responsible for the death of this man.’
29 Bet Pēteris un tie apustuļi atbildēja un sacīja: “Dievam būs vairāk klausīt nekā cilvēkiem.
To this Peter and the apostles replied, ‘We must obey God rather than people.
30 Mūsu tēvu Dievs ir uzmodinājis Jēzu, ko jūs esat nokāvuši, To piekārdami pie koka.
The God of our ancestors raised Jesus, whom you put to death by hanging him on a cross.
31 Šo Dievs caur Savu labo roku ir paaugstinājis par Lielkungu un Pestītāju, Israēlim dot atgriešanos un grēku piedošanu.
It is this Jesus whom God has exalted to his right hand, to be a guide and a Saviour, to give Israel repentance and forgiveness of sins.
32 Un mēs esam Viņa liecinieki šinīs lietās, un arī Tas Svētais Gars, ko Dievs tiem devis, kas Viņam paklausa.”
And we are witness to the truth of this, and so is the Holy Spirit – the gift of God to those who obey him.’
33 Bet kad viņi to dzirdēja, tad tas tiem iedūra sirdī, un tie viņus meklēja nokaut.
The members of the Council became frantic with rage on hearing this, and were for putting the apostles to death.
34 Bet viens no tās augstās tiesas, farizejs, ar vārdu Gamaliēls, bauslības mācītājs, no visiem ļaudīm godā turēts, pacēlās un pavēlēja, tos apustuļus maķenīt izvest,
But Gamaliel, a Pharisee, who was a Doctor of the Law and who was held in universal respect, rose in the Council, and directed that the men should be taken out of court for a little while.
35 Un sacīja uz viņiem: “Jūs Israēla vīri, apdomājaties labi par šiem cilvēkiem, ko jūs gribat darīt.
He then said, ‘People of Israel, take care as to what you intend to do with these men.
36 Jo priekš šīm dienām Teudas cēlās sacīdams, ka viņš kas esot; tam cilvēku pulks pie četrsimt pieķērās. Tas ir nokauts, un visi, kas tam paklausīja, ir izklīdināti un iznīcināti.
For not long ago Theudas appeared, professing to be somebody, and was joined by a body of some four hundred men. But he was killed; and all his followers scattered and dwindled away.
37 Pēc šā cēlās Jūda, tas Galilejs, tai rakstīšanas laikā un novērsa daudz ļaužu sev pakaļ; šis arīdzan ir nomaitāts, un visi, cik viņam paklausīja, izklīdināti.
After him, Judas the Galilean appeared at the time of the census, and induced people to follow him; yet he, too, perished and all his followers were dispersed.
38 Tādēļ es jums tagad saku: atstājaties no šiem cilvēkiem un liekat tos mierā. Jo ja šis padoms jeb šis darbs ir no cilvēkiem, tad tas iznīks;
And, in this present case, my advice to you is not to interfere with these men, but to leave them alone, for, if their designs and their work are merely of human origin, they will come to an end;
39 Bet ja tas ir no Dieva, tad jūs to nevarēsiet iznīcināt; un ka vēl jūs netopat atrasti karotāji pret Dievu.”
but, if they are of divine origin, you will be powerless to put an end to them – or else you may find yourselves fighting against God!’
40 Un viņi tam paklausīja un tos apustuļus iesauca, tos šauta un tiem pavēlēja, nerunāt iekš Jēzus Vārda, un tos atlaida.
The Council followed his advice, and, calling the apostles in, had them flogged, and then, after cautioning them not to speak in the name of Jesus, set them free.
41 Tad nu tie līksmodamies aizgāja no tās augstās tiesas, ka tie bija cienīgi turēti, Viņa Vārda dēļ kaunu ciest;
But the apostles left the Council, rejoicing that they had been thought worthy to suffer disgrace for that name;
42 Un nemitējās ikdienas Dieva namā un mājās mācīt un Jēzu Kristu priecīgi pasludināt.
and never for a single day, either in the Temple Courts or in private houses, did they cease to teach, or to tell the good news of Jesus, the Christ.

< Apustuļu Darbi 5 >